Certo to help pass test?

I have in the past in 1995 I didn't smoke that much but did smoke 2 days prior to testing. I bought a Gatorade and mixed in the certo packet shake real good and drink up. Try to pee at least 4 times before taking test and use midstream urin. Good luck and hope you pass. In know its hard to stop smoking
It does work. Believe it or not I have also passed a drug test by eating metamucil fiber wafers 2 days before test and also day of test. I'm not sure but I think the metamucil absorbs all of the THC because I passed the test. U will have to poop a lot but that's how u get rid of THC.....:cheertwo:
Everyone is different, all circumstances are ultimately unknown, and not all, but MOST people who I have read about that have used the method below stated they "passed" their piss tests.

I am a 45 year old male, 5'10" about 200lbs. A couple months ago I started a light, every other day exercise routine consisting of 3 rounds of 10 push ups, and in between each round jogging in place for a few minutes and doing 20 leg ups. Its been a long time since I have exercised so I am taking it slow.

I have smoked pot - maybe four (4) to six (6) hits per day - for many years. I got notice of a new job just this past Tuesday morning. I didn't smoke that whole day. I woke up Wednesday morning, didn't smoke, didn't eat, and used Certo in the known method below prior to pissing for the test just before 4:00pm. I just got notice I "passed". The test was done in a lab.

I don't know for sure if the Certo in itself works, or if any one part of this works for that matter. I actually believe its mostly the exercise and liquids that contribute the most to a successful "pass". Employer discretion may also have something to do with it. But after LOTS of research I have not convinced myself any of this works by itself or in any combination. The only way I would convince myself 99.99% for sure is if I did each of these things individually and in every combination possible. I will never believe anything in this world 100%. Fuck all that. I am sharing this experience because what I do know is I "passed" the piss test and am starting this new job Monday.

When I have to do this again, the one thing I am DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO DO is the four (4) bottles of water. I will change that to MAYBE only one (1) bottle of water or none at all after each bottle of Gatorade/Certo. After the first round of Gatorade/Certo/water, initial symptoms of water poisoning came on quickly. I never puked, but I felt like it all day. I got a headache first, then quickly became nauseous and spacey, and felt like complete shit until just about an hour ago today. Today I am celebrating way more for not being in the hospital or dead, as opposed to getting the job.

4:30am: Woke up and had to piss (unintentional)
8:00am: Woke up, had to piss again, had nothing to eat or drink, just sat around and cleaned up a bit
9:00am: Ran in place for 20 minutes
10:00am: Took four (4) regular Bayer aspirin (325mg each)
10:00am to 10:15am: Drank one (1) 32oz. bottle of Gatorade mixed with one (1) pkg. of Certo
10:15am to 11:00am: Drank four (4) regular pints of bottled water *Drink only one (1) or maybe none at all!!!!
11:00am to 11:15am: Drank one (1) 32oz. bottle of Gatorade mixed with one (1) pkg. of Certo
11:15am to 12:00pm: Drank four (4) regular pints of bottled water *Drink only one (1) or maybe none at all!!!!
12:00pm - Took all my daily vitamins, but made sure to add one (1) crushed, time-released B100 Complex vitamin (overkill, all you need is one (1) B12 or B2 to color your piss).

I didn't leave for the test until about 2:00pm because it took that long for me to piss three times since starting the Gatorade/Certo process at 10:00am. I drank two cups of coffee between 1:00-2:00 because I was getting nervous about not having pissed three times yet. I ended up getting there (safely!) and finally! pissed just before 4:00pm. I caught the piss mid-stream. It was a good light yellow color.

Just found out an hour ago I passed.

I smoked a lot, up until last Wednesday; I have a job interview on Tuesday, and I hear that the company drug tests within 48hrs, at a time of your choosing.

I am taking niacin, drinking lots of water and taking laxatives. I will do the Certo method, too.

I am going to drink one pack(mixed with Gatorade) 12hrs before the test, and the other pack 2hrs before the test, drink water and take some B-Complex vitamins, and give a "mid-stream" sample. I have heard people online swear by that method.

But my only concern is, the fact I have an interview I have to be professional for before the test, and am worried about the Certo etc. giving me cramps and making me have to take a dump so bad that I bomb the interview and act awkward from the discomfort.

I am also gonna be pretty upset if I drink the Certo and the test is not even that day. It sucks, but better to be safe then sorry. If the test is at a later date, I will do the Certo Method again.
Okay. So I am convinced that certo actually works. Here's the thing, I can't find it in any supermarket I've been to but what I did find was "Pomona's universal Pectin" is it the same and will it work? It does not contain any sugar or preservatives. According to the label "Pomona's is pure citrus pectin with no dextrose or preservatives. Its elling power is activated by calcium (included), not by sugar content". Did I waste my money or will this work as well?
Okay. So I am convinced that certo actually works. Here's the thing, I can't find it in any supermarket I've been to but what I did find was "Pomona's universal Pectin" is it the same and will it work? It does not contain any sugar or preservatives. According to the label "Pomona's is pure citrus pectin with no dextrose or preservatives. Its elling power is activated by calcium (included), not by sugar content". Did I waste my money or will this work as well?
Most walmarts have it get the certo in the blue box. It contains 2 packets, but you have about a 2-4 hour window. I even bought self tests to make sure and I passed
I haven't tried the other ones but as long as it says for jams and jellies it should work. I just say get the blue certo box bc I know it works for sure
I can say that my brother uses it. He woke up late on the last probation day and had to drink it straight followed by a bunch of water, but he is a believer. I saw the blunt the morning of and the clean at home test to prove it.

I like it for its laxative effect. They suggest metamucil, but if keeping the bowel moving helps, then CERTo is good for that. I've tried it but with so much other shit, its' hard to tell what actually did the trick. Either way, I'll always incorporate it because after drinking 132 oz of fluids with no B vitamin or supplements in an hour right before a surprise test, my levels were good enough (PH, SG, Creatine) were sufficient to pass a lab test.

I will be using the fluids first, then pack of Certo mixed with
CERTO AND B12 WORK!! This was a urine test for felony probation....... Smoked last night and did just as instructions said to do this morning, 2 hours prior to test. Then nothing but good news!!!

Im no longer a kid and have been mugging (Smoking) since I was 12 and now i'm 42... I finally got the best job offer of my life!!! but,,, mugged 11 days ago.. now remember im old school so when we hit we hit hard... Im not proud of it but that's the way it is. I have a great life and with this new job offer im going to be in the 6 figs..

Ok, I read about Certo and Gatorade, water and all that crap but at this point I had no choice but to try it... I took my test and will repost my results when I receive them...

Wish me luck...
Hey all. Not a pot smoker, but I use opiates occasionally. I used this method to pass an instant 5-panel drug test on Monday. The test was at 3:30PM and I took some opies at about 8am that same morning. Used the Certo method at about 12:30PM. I'm going to try to pass a drug test administered by my PO today using this same method.
I will ACTUALLY post the results. Lol.

One note, make sure you use Gatorade or something other than water with the Certo. The first package I used was just in plain water, and I puked it up. It was bad.
I passed, am I going to testify that certo was the cause, but will tell you this I have failed other drug test before so did certo help well I passed...

Hey all. Not a pot smoker, but I use opiates occasionally. I used this method to pass an instant 5-panel drug test on Monday. The test was at 3:30PM and I took some opies at about 8am that same morning. Used the Certo method at about 12:30PM. I'm going to try to pass a drug test administered by my PO today using this same method.
I will ACTUALLY post the results. Lol.

One note, make sure you use Gatorade or something other than water with the Certo. The first package I used was just in plain water, and I puked it up. It was bad.
I took two puffs from a bubbler at about 11pm two nights ago, it is now 7:20 pm and I have a drug test at 10 am tomorrow morning I have 3 certo packets and two gatorades. should i use a certo tonight? what should I do to have the best results? I also have some B-12 vitamins. I am starting probation. I am concerned about catching my urine midstream because it's probation, should this be an issue with them? Im open for suggestions. Ill post my results tomorrow, or whenever I find out.
yall check this out...im a real 100% 420 smoker 4/life everyday allday....i did five years felony probation pissed every month clean using certo...trust me mix one pack certo to one gallon cranberry juice... drink whole thing.. piss twice.. then go take your piss test and smile when you turn it in...420tx

how much time did you abstain from smoking prior to doing this?
For anyone who still wonders and comes across this thread, Certo is the way to go! Okay let me explain, i had a piss test for a job at labcorp i dont know if anyone will be familiar with that corporation but they are big in Florida, anyways 6 days before my test(partied on the weeknd Friday & saturday , sunday smoked only , monday smoked , and tuesday did absolutely nothing to take my test on wednesday morning) i had taken some ecstasy in the form of molly, smoked heavy, and boi drink dranks were everywhere haha! Good times, but come the night before the test, also take note i smoked two days before but didnt smoke a full day before, anyways i had stayed up all night anxious and worried if i wasnt going to pass, so at 5 am i took 1 certo pack downed it with the mixture of cool blue gatorde all in one motion ( you will get a nasty stomach ache but will go away within 15 minutes) after consuming the mixed beverage i then proceeded to drink 1 gallon of water and i had pissed 9 times, then 7 clock came i drank the final packet of certo mixed with blue cherry gatorade (honestly without gatorade i wouldnt have been able to stomach the fruit pactin) i then pissed two times and the third pissed i held in until it came time for my drug test at 830. Needless to say Certo is a life saver, i am now newly employed at a fine corporation! CERTO AND THIS FORUM CHANGED MY LIFE! THANK YOU ALL AND TO ALL MY STONERS SMOKE UP CERTO IS THE SHIT ! -Philly 9/5/2014 (also am on probation so i will be using certo every time! P.S. I WAS DRINKING A GALLON OF WATER THE ENTIRE DAY BEFORE AND DAY OF / MORNING OF) :slide::slide::slide::slide::slide::slide::adore::adore::adore::adore::blunt::blunt::hippy::hippy::party::party::allgood::allgood::allgood::allgood::amen::amen::goof::goof:
honestly, I took certo (probably did it wrong) and it didn't work for me. what DID work was stopping 4 days prior to my UA, drinking plenty of water, and taking dandelion pills twice a day. (500 mg each, once in the morning, once before bed [they are almost the same as water pills aka directs]). And to make sure my pee was a yellow color, I'd take 1000 mg of vitamin C every time I took the dandelion (all bought from GNC around $15). I don't know if this helped, but I'd also take 1000 mg of green tea extract every time I did this ritual. Then I always pre-test myself with the marijuana drug tests that you can buy from dollar tree.
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