Certo to help pass test?

I forgot about this post of mine.:) something I have notice is most business are switching to hair testing out here. But I don't need to worry about being tested anymore.
Ok, Certo.. also known as fruit pectin is used to make jelly/jam's , this is my method never had it fail.
get any type/brand of jello make it as directed add about half a pack of fruit pectin. drink it the night before your test, drink some water or Gatorade , piss a few times, wake up piss again, you dont have to but i do this as well. take 250mg niacin, with 500mg golden seal root. DONT take anything over 500mg of niacin,, it can cause you to have cardiac arrest!!
I have used this method for many years thru probation, and jobs.
I used to smoke pot all the time along with taking opiates and benzos that I was prescribed. I smoked for 7 days straight, all day long, with taking the pills all day long. I I last smoked on a Sunday around noon. I had a drug test on Tuesday morning. On Sunday night I drank one pack of Certo with a half a glass of orange juice to make it taste better and drank about 24 - 32 ounces of water. This made me piss a few times. The fourth time I pissed on Monday morning, it was clear. I went to a lab by my place and paid $20 for a five panel drug screen. I got the results back that afternoon and I was negative for pot, opiates, and benzodiazepines (all were in my system the day before in high levels). I went on Tuesday to take my drug test for probation and still showed negative for everything. I don't personally believe I diluted may sample. Especially when it was Sunday night and Monday that I drank some water and Certo then passed on Tuesday. Someone had a really good post on how it works in your body in terms of physiology. It doesn't mask the drugs I don't believe. My opinion, from trying to think about how it could work, is that Certo attaches itself to your cells in your body, including the ones that are holding the bad toxins or antigens like THC and other drugs. Then when you drink water and piss you are, simply put, pulling the the toxins out of your body through your urine. Its almost like you are completely dehydrating your body but in the meantime also pissing out the left over drugs. That is very simply stated and just a theory. I do know that when I used to get high all the time years ago, this worked for me on numerous occasions. It was actually the only thing that worked. Everything else showed up on my tests as diluted or tampered with or just plain positive. Maybe it is just the use of water during one day of not using but I don't think so. My levels on three different drugs, especially THC, were way too high to piss them out with just water in one day. The best way thought to pass a test for sure though is to not get high. Then you don't have to worry about it at all.
I am a regular smoker on probation, have used Certo several times, worked every time except one, and I think it was because I used cran juice instead of Gatorade. When taken with Gatorade, it has worked everytime :) Good luck! Be sure to drink 2 packets (seperately and each mixed with Gatorade) the day of test, no more than a couple hours ahead of time, drink plenty of water or juice in between packets, and pee at least 3 times before offering the sample, and be sure to use midstream urine!
yea i have passed with this to. but i also use azo standerd to keep my pee yellow. its real simple stop smoking 48 to 72 hours. x drink both packets of certo i two 32 ounce powerade or gator rade. It helps with the taste too.

Drink the first gatorade 3 hours before you go.
then start on the fluids immediatly. drink about a gallon of water or better gatorade in 2 hours. the drink the last certo pack hour before you go. pee several times. its ok too pee you have plenty of fluid for hours. take 2 azo standard before you start this process. follow these directions and you will be fine. remeber stop smoking for at least a few days or your pushing your luck.
I've got to test every month. I usually smoke for the first week and then clean for the next three. Sometimes though I only get a 2-3 day lead. I use Certo and aspirin...and lots of water. So far I've passed when I've done that. So far. I usually drink lots of water or tea the night before. Coffee in the morning because it's a mild diuretic. I take two to four aspirin and sometimes drink Vitaminwater because of the different B- vitamins. I take the first pack two hours before the test and the last an and the second right before I leave for the test. So far I've passed.
hey ally when you stop smoking for like 3 weeks like you said. You dont have to worry about passing. you prpbably dont even need certo when you stop for over 20 days, because your levels are way lower. But its better to be safe than sorry.

but certo is really for chronic smokers who dont have a lot of time before the test. You need at leaset 3 to 4 days for certo to work the right way.

Anybody who smokes up to the day of the test is just fliping a coin. You have to give your body a little time to rid of some toxins. or certo wont help you much.
Why risk your health or even death with certo, niacin, too much water? Best way to beat a urine drug test is to use real human urine. Lots of labs are starting to test gender so unisex synthetic urine like Quick fix is starting to fail too. I decided to not risk my kidneys and even death and bought the Pass Kit from Everythingurine, Everythingurine because it works. You wont die or have to be unsure if it will work because no one fails with the Pass Kit. When you order don't forget to tell them male or female urine but if you do like I did. Just call their customer service and they'll fix it for ya. Best kept secret ever!:cheertwo:
Yo guys I did y'all a favor .. I bought two drug test from Walmart and I pissed in the first one and failed .. I smoked 2 bowls and before I pissed in the second one I mixed 1 packet of certo with Gatorade with b12 vitamins and then drank 64 ounces of water .. Pissed 3 times then took the test and passed ... This shit works .. It's not the dilution cuz I had plenty of water throuout the week before the first test !! Please don't misinform niggaz about how this shit is a myth !! There's nothing wrong with smoking weed and I don't feel its right for people to lose there jobs over it so I hooked y'all up!! Take this method 2 hours before test and come back with a smile .. Don't use detox drinks !! You will shit yo mufuckin pants and it doesn't work like certo .. And the certo only hides the thc for 4 hours . It's worked for me 10 times.. I work at a factory and get tested ever 3 months .. I have 3 kids and a loving wife !! I can't afford to lose my job and beat her can you !! Fuck quitting toke that shit till the day of!!!! Good luck friends don't let people tell you this is false ..
I stopped smoking on 3/13 and I need to take a test on 4/9. I only smoked for a couple weeks every other day. will certo work or should I already be clean
Hello everyone

A good friend of mind told me that he has been using "Certo" to pass his random
drug test. I was wanting to know if anybody has tried this stuff. And if it does work or not.:hmmmm:

I tried it. Took two packs with Gatorade...did everything I was supposed to do. It was sent to the lab and tested positive. The job offer was retracted. Certo does NOT work if being sent to the lab.
Certo only works if you give it time. It only helps you to get clean if you give it a couple weeks. It does this by keeping your bowels moving. 80% of thc metabolites are released through your stool. And if allowed to stay in your colon it can be reabsorbed, making getting clean difficult, This is why high fiber diet helps the process.
yall check this out...im a real 100% 420 smoker 4/life everyday allday....i did five years felony probation pissed every month clean using certo...trust me mix one pack certo to one gallon cranberry juice... drink whole thing.. piss twice.. then go take your piss test and smile when you turn it in...420tx
This mehod sounded really crazy to me, but i was willing to try anything! After spending tons of money on those so called "detox" drinks i began looking for other options. So, i went out to walmart picked up some gatorade and certo along with a test kit. I mixed one pack of certo to one 32 oz gatorade. I drank the certo/gatorade mix then filled the empty bottle with water and drank that as well. I also drank a small can of red bull about an hr and a half later. I pissed 3 times before using my at home test. The specimen i used was taken from the midstream pee....not from the beginning. I passed! I mean actually passed! I couldnt believe this method works, but it does! I'm not sure how long this method will last for one to pass, i am going to test again in the morning to get a better idea about it. Thanks to all who have posted about certo!!
yes, it does work i have used this many times, but i was told from people it doesn't, when i ask them.....sure enough they NEVER do it right. you have to take 3 hours before best..... put entire box (both packets of gel) in a SMALL drink to make it easy to down the whole thing at once (i recommend a kids sized drink at mcdonalds with the orange drink.....not orange juice . then directly after drink 1 12oz. bottle then pee and repeat. After ur 3rd bottle of water ur going to want to pee RIGHT AWAY hold it until you take ur drug test it will be really watery looking and clear it's ok the lab test doesn't show up dirty either with any contaminants or thc great cheap way to pass drug test i did while on felony juvinile probation multiple times so i know it works great

Hello everyone

A good friend of mind told me that he has been using "Certo" to pass his random
drug test. I was wanting to know if anybody has tried this stuff. And if it does work or not.:hmmmm:
yes, it does work i have used this many times, but i was told from people it doesn't, when i ask them.....sure enough they NEVER do it right. you have to take 3 hours before best..... put entire box (both packets of gel) in a SMALL drink to make it easy to down the whole thing at once (i recommend a kids sized drink at mcdonalds with the orange drink.....not orange juice . then directly after drink 1 12oz. bottle then pee and repeat. After ur 3rd bottle of water ur going to want to pee RIGHT AWAY hold it until you take ur drug test it will be really watery looking and clear it's ok the lab test doesn't show up dirty either with any contaminants or thc great cheap way to pass drug test i did while on felony juvinile probation multiple times so i know it works great

Just found out I have a drug test tomorrow. I'm gonna give this a shot since I just smoked last night.
It definately works IF you follow directions. I have passed 3 tests thanks to Certo. The night before the test down 1 packet Certo and drink nothing or eat nothing. In the morning down another packet. Then drink from 1/2 -1 gallon of water. Pee a couple of times until clear, then try to hold it until the test. I am assuming the pee test is in the morning as most are. If not adjust accordingly. DO NOT eat until after the test. Follow these directions and you should be good.

P.S. Don't try to eat another packet or drink more water to be on the safe side-it doesn't help and will only cause you more discomfort, yeah, it can be uncomfortable. Good Luck.

does it have to be water what about gatorade
Yo guys I did y'all a favor .. I bought two drug test from Walmart and I pissed in the first one and failed .. I smoked 2 bowls and before I pissed in the second one I mixed 1 packet of certo with Gatorade with b12 vitamins and then drank 64 ounces of water .. Pissed 3 times then took the test and passed ... This shit works .. It's not the dilution cuz I had plenty of water throuout the week before the first test !! Please don't misinform niggaz about how this shit is a myth !! There's nothing wrong with smoking weed and I don't feel its right for people to lose there jobs over it so I hooked y'all up!! Take this method 2 hours before test and come back with a smile .. Don't use detox drinks !! You will shit yo mufuckin pants and it doesn't work like certo .. And the certo only hides the thc for 4 hours . It's worked for me 10 times.. I work at a factory and get tested ever 3 months .. I have 3 kids and a loving wife !! I can't afford to lose my job and beat her can you !! Fuck quitting toke that shit till the day of!!!! Good luck friends don't let people tell you this is false ..
I think that every stoner who have been smoking for a good while will end up to having a drug test, and the only thing that goes trough a true stoner's mind is '' how can i cheat?'' Well, after expiriencing different things i have come ta a conclusion that there is not any 100% safe way to pass a drug test, w/o of course stop smoking. But lets take the matter in hand.. I got called in for a peetest on a tuesday afternoon and was not clean, at all. I have heard many things about zalo, niacin, detox and more shit.. Those things will not work, it will only hurt your inside.. Certo does work for a short amount of time IF done correctly. It will make you clean for 3-4 hours..

I downed a packet of certo with 1L yellow powerade 12 hours before my test, and didn't eat or drink shit.. i just went to sleep. Then i downed another packet of certo with another 1L of powerade. After that, i immediately started drinking loads of fluids, with a combination of water, orange juice, and some energydrinks. I have consumed about 1 gallon of fluids before the test. This made me a couple of times before the test, like 2-3 times untill it was clear. Afterwards i went to the station, did the midstream method and passed!

Follow these instructions and you should be good! Smoke up, fellas! Legalize it, keep on smoking!
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