CBD Cream & Cheese

Doctor Trevor

Well-Known Member
I gave a review on this strain at: CBD Cream & Cheese

This sativa-dominate strain is 18% THC and 22% CBD. This strain (used as an edible) took away the pain and left me with a very clear head. And it helps you sleep at night without feeling high or stone.
I'm growing only one plant right now and it's this strain. I want to see how much I can grow with a larger pot and no other plants for 'distraction.' My last crop was one CBD C&C and one CBDutch Treat; I'm done with the CBDT as two of my five photo seeds turned out being autos.
I gave a review on this strain at: CBD Cream & Cheese

This sativa-dominate strain is 18% THC and 22% CBD. This strain (used as an edible) took away the pain and left me with a very clear head. And it helps you sleep at night without feeling high or stone.
@Doctor Trevor
This is an absolutely lovely strain and excellent choice for PTSD, chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia and the like. And, because I don't consume strains with low to zero amounts of CBD, I get plenty High with 2 or 3 tokes using a dry herb vaporizer. CBD competes for the same receptors as THC. Perhaps this is why I still have a low tolerance for THC, thus my getting plenty high on this strain, with daily use, for the last 2.5 years.

Also, is it possible that you have a typo on the THC/CBD ratio? Reason I ask is, my seeds were advertised as 23% THC and 18% CBD. Or perhaps yours is a different cultivar?
I'm growing only one plant right now and it's this strain. I want to see how much I can grow with a larger pot and no other plants for 'distraction.' My last crop was one CBD C&C and one CBDutch Treat; I'm done with the CBDT as two of my five photo seeds turned out being autos.
I have grown both of these outdoors in high heat summers of 113º f with very good results. The Cream & Cheese CBD needed monosilicic acid with every watering during the summer heat. The CBDutch Treat seemed to simply thrive in the same temps without any such additives in the water. My avatar is a pic of my very 1st CBDutch Treat!

I harvested 1.75 lbs of cured buds from my Cream & Cheese CBD girl. I attribute this to growing outdoors, as she grew to a full 8 feet, no topping of the main cola.

Looking forward to updates on your current grow... :smokin:
A couple of us found CBD CnC to need a dryish flowering. We got rot in some of our buds. Lots of moving air and under 50%rh. I got it at 50% on a couple nugs. Otherwise a great cultivar!
@StoneOtter . I grew mine outdoors in rather dry conditions and didn't have any rot until the caterpillars invaded. Even then, I was able to ride her of it with a biological fungicide spray. I always budwash at harvest too.

Love My Girls... :smokin:
@Doctor Trevor
This is an absolutely lovely strain and excellent choice for PTSD, chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia and the like. And, because I don't consume strains with low to zero amounts of CBD, I get plenty High with 2 or 3 tokes using a dry herb vaporizer. CBD competes for the same receptors as THC. Perhaps this is why I still have a low tolerance for THC, thus my getting plenty high on this strain, with daily use, for the last 2.5 years.

Also, is it possible that you have a typo on the THC/CBD ratio? Reason I ask is, my seeds were advertised as 23% THC and 18% CBD. Or perhaps yours is a different cultivar?

I have grown both of these outdoors in high heat summers of 113º f with very good results. The Cream & Cheese CBD needed monosilicic acid with every watering during the summer heat. The CBDutch Treat seemed to simply thrive in the same temps without any such additives in the water. My avatar is a pic of my very 1st CBDutch Treat!

I harvested 1.75 lbs of cured buds from my Cream & Cheese CBD girl. I attribute this to growing outdoors, as she grew to a full 8 feet, no topping of the main cola.

Looking forward to updates on your current grow... :smokin:
I checked the site where I bought the seeds (SeedFair) and I apparently reversed the numbers. My bad!

I grow indoors and usually use a/c to control the temperature. I'll try using it less.

I've grown CBDT. I liked it but of the five seeds I bought, 2 were autos and 3 were photos. And the company didn't respond to my email.

In a day or two, I'll be changing her light schedule to 12/12. It's time.
I checked the site where I bought the seeds (SeedFair) and I apparently reversed the numbers. My bad!
No prob... I was just wondering.
I grow indoors and usually use a/c to control the temperature. I'll try using it less.
Personally, I would advise against raising temps on an indoor grow. Just me.
I've grown CBDT. I liked it but of the five seeds I bought, 2 were autos and 3 were photos. And the company didn't respond to my email.
If it's the same company where I got mine, no, they don't have a great track record for customer followup. But I do like this strain a lot, and I don't know where else to get it. So far, I have not had any autos; luckily.
In a day or two, I'll be changing her light schedule to 12/12. It's time.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
@StoneOtter . I grew mine outdoors in rather dry conditions and didn't have any rot until the caterpillars invaded. Even then, I was able to ride her of it with a biological fungicide spray. I always budwash at harvest too.

Love My Girls... :smokin:
That's an outstanding plant to grow outside! I couldn't get away with it up here! Good work!
That's an outstanding plant to grow outside! I couldn't get away with it up here! Good work!
Thank you @StoneOtter,
Yes, I quite agree on this cultivar being a great choice for an outdoor grow. Fortunately, I'm able to grow such a lovely girl outdoors because of the more relaxed Cannabis Laws here in California. There is a flip-side to this though... as there are many backyard growers who are stubborn and even careless in how they grow, with random hermies and stray males occasionally releasing their pollen into the surrounding area.

And of course, there has always been the gorilla grows in the surrounding foothills, not too far from my house, contributing to the "Pollen Pollution" problem. The local Sherrif's station, however, does do a fairly good job in cutting these down, when they find them, but often only after the plants are quite mature.

I always do whatever I can in educating local backyard growers when I have a "friendly" opportunity to do so, and by working with my local Hydro Shop as well.

I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Thank you @StoneOtter,
Yes, I quite agree on this cultivar being a great choice for an outdoor grow. Fortunately, I'm able to grow such a lovely girl outdoors because of the more relaxed Cannabis Laws here in California. There is a flip-side to this though... as there are many backyard growers who are stubborn and even careless in how they grow, with random hermies and stray males occasionally releasing their pollen into the surrounding area.

And of course, there has always been the gorilla grows in the surrounding foothills, not too far from my house, contributing to the "Pollen Pollution" problem. The local Sherrif's station, however, does do a fairly good job in cutting these down, when they find them, but often only after the plants are quite mature.

I always do whatever I can in educating local backyard growers when I have a "friendly" opportunity to do so, and by working with my local Hydro Shop as well.

I Love My Girls... :smokin:
I haven't been pollinated yet here but I see it happen every year at The Mag. It's a heartbreaker! My service people say they see lots of folks growing all around me so I'm lucky so far!
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