CBD Auto EmmyStack In AziSIPs, GeoFlora, Sweet Candy, Dynomyco, Roots Organic Soil +

I do all my cloning with the heat mat at 80° and always inside. I've never had luck rooting when it's chilly.

And even on the ones that don't root I've never had the stems rot. Did you bleach the perlite?
No, because it was new, and washed.
I bleached all the used perlite.
I hope the heat mat will help.
i never use a heat mat. your stems will rot before they send roots in a heat mat. i don't even own a heat mat anymore.
i never use a heat mat. your stems will rot before they send roots in a heat mat. i don't even own a heat mat anymore.
Ok I moved the perlite ones to a different place, closer to the sink, where they will catch indirect sunlight, and light from the kitchen. It should be easier to work with water there anyway.
I guess we will see how I do.
James of Coffee Shop Seeds responded.
He said they had a problem with emails last week, and he will make things right. 🙏
James of Coffee Shop Seeds wrote with an apology.
He said they had a problem with email last week.
He said he will make it right. 🙏
You must keep the heat on! My house runs about 65º in the fall/winter/spring.

not really. it averages 20 to 24c tops in winter. i have a small heater in the veg space as it isn't really insulated well. i keep all the heat from the light driver bottled up in there as well.
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