Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Okay... Happy problem... I'm out of headroom.

I just checked in on my ladies and last night after flush and reset on Sunday, they all had gained FOUR FUCKING INCHES!!

I need to figure out a different hanger system than these stupid Yo-Yo's. They take up a good 6"-7" of space above the lights. I've seen good things on the ratcheting rope hangers, and now I'm wondering how much hanger space I can reclaim by switching to these.

Anyone know?

Fuck... I'm literally at the end of my rope here.

That is a quality problem!! Last time I had that problem in my tent I used a couple S hooks from the hardware store and ditched the yo yo. I believe it saved me over 5 inches.
Hang in there buddy! Don't let go of the rope!!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Hey Jandre, I got them in my tent. They came with the light kit. I tied the rope to roof support to get rid of top carabiner and they measure 3.5" but I could cut that in half if I tied the ratchet to light and ditched the bottom carabiner too. I only got a 1000W gull wing fixture so I'm not sure of their weight load, but four will hold twice as much as two will. :peace:

so the actual ratchet is like 1.25"?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

so the actual ratchet is like 1.25"?

I went to ratchet too......don't have the actual measurements....but I can raise my lights at least 6 t0 8 inches higher now. They are much easier to use too!:high-five:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I went to ratchet too......don't have the actual measurements....but I can raise my lights at least 6 t0 8 inches higher now. They are much easier to use too!:high-five:

Just got my first check from the first emergency federal extension. It was late because I guess this was the first one, I was beginning to sweat not getting it. Thank the gawds for Unemployment, or this layoff would have ruined us. I'm looking for a job, but for what I do, there are very few hiring right now, and as you all know, I was just passed over last month for a position... damn... At least I have 40% of my working income, or we'd have lost everything.

I called my hydro shop earlier and they said that they had them in stock and that they were 15 bucks... not bad considering the amount I stand to lose if I burn my plants. I figured it out, and the dollar amount for my medication replaced by the grow, and HER medications replaced by the grow was a big surprise. For mine I would be giving the co-op almost $200/month. Now add HERS, and that amount reaches $500! that savings alone, to me anyway, is worth the 15 bucks to get a crop 8" taller without burning it up with a light. Especially considering that every inch in a 2x4 space can add 1/4 to 3/4 of a ounce. Multiply that by 8 and that's a hefty amount.

You know, guys, and gals, I may just blow that goal of 4oz/month right out the frikkin window. That's cool by me! A defenestrated old goal is better than struggling to make ends meet and ASLO trying to figure out some way to get our meds. And for her... if she doesn't get her meds, they will frikkin fire her because of the anxiety she suffers without it. Full blown panic attacks with her are not pretty. I've seen one... I'd rather see her stoned all the time than see that again. Besides, she's funnier when she's stoned. And creates a lot more art.

I swear if the frikkin FDA could see the "With/without" of her condition, they'd drop cannabis down to at least Schedule 3. That dude that is the head of that bureaucracy needs to retire soon. it should be renamed The FDB, because there's no "Administration" to it anymore with him in charge... Turning a blind eye to COUNTLESS studies, and hundreds of reports from reputable sources is just stupid.

I still say it's a miracle plant, just for my migraines alone. I now get about 21 good days a month just by smoking once, maybe twice a day. The way It works for me is twofold: One as sort of a preventative, and two as a migraine knock-out punch. Hehe, I call it my 1-2 punch followed by a strong uppercut in this fight against migraines.

Wow, this all was supposed to be about me saying I'm going to pick up some silica and some ratcheting hangers tomorrow, and it morphed to that...

Sorry folks, I'm gonna go smoke some GDP and calm down now...
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

High Buddy! :high-five:

So glad your getting a bit of help money wise now. That in it's self is a life saver. Glad your smoke is giving both of you some relief. May the gods smile on you soon with a good job. Needless to say I agree with what else you said about our mindless system about mj use.

By the way, the help you give all of us here on 420 is priceless. You've helped me alone in countless ways. I very much appreciate it. I truly wish the best to you and your wonderful family. :love:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

High Buddy! :high-five:

So glad your getting a bit of help money wise now. That in it's self is a life saver. Glad your smoke is giving both of you some relief. May the gods smile on you soon with a good job. Needless to say I agree with what else you said about our mindless system about mj use.

By the way, the help you give all of us here on 420 is priceless. You've helped me alone in countless ways. I very much appreciate it. I truly wish the best to you and your wonderful family. :love:

Hehe. A lot of time I just feel like my priceless help is a lot of ranting, raving, or just rambling. I'm glad you appreciate the ramblings of a half-mad lunatic, that at this point can only do one thing well, and that's veg a good plant. It seems to me sometimes that while I do well in the cloning department, something always goes wrong in the flower box. I'm hoping that the light I just put in here will take care of at least some of that.

Thinking about that though, it seems that you're right about the help, and I'm right about the flower. Of POTM, NOTM, and MOTM draws to a close, I got 2 votes each for POTM and NOTM, and the only one I've got a hope in hell of winning is the MOTM, lol. I guess I really do help people, as you say. When I answer questions I just give my honest opinion based on my own collected data through both my soil days, long ago, or my recent hydro experience/experiments. What they do with that is on them.

Wait.. when I ask for help, that's all I want given to me... ROFL it seems that I'm not alone!

Look I know you're trying to give a pick me up. Gawds know I need it right now. I just for some reason can't get out of my pit right now and I have 2 bowls of blue diesel in me. I'm just going to go to bed and try not to dream.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Okay so got some 90lbs ratchet hangers from my hydro shop... reclaimed SIX INCHES of head space. Took off the karabiner on the ratcheted pulley, and just tied below the karabiner for the roof attachment. the ratchet is 1" long so with the knots, and the wire attachment through the light, I can raise the light 3" form the ceiling. More if I bend the hanger wire for the hood. That's a 2'6" plant in my little tiny space!! But that's a lot of veg time.
Re: The Challenge: Cardboard Flowering Box

Aww m8 first of I Loved the story and gutted bout you rod but glad you caught him and what a beauty it looked.
Then there was the lake picture with sunset OMG I could literally feel the peace and tranquility and how at one you must of felt with your family and even how you felt after the climb. But most of all Wildlife I bet was Amazing a Deer coming up close. Mother bear teacher cub but most of all watching that Eagle would be Breath taking and Nature at its purest and natural. Thank you for sharing a wonderful story.
Aww ooh yea that Crazy Growth!!!!! What can I say dude.... I'm gob smacked literally man.
Those nearest 1s wasn't looking too good to!!
Ohh my days how they've flourished is Amazing.
Obviously you know what the one thing is that your going to change? As I mean, can it grow any better/more than it has!!!!!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Hi Guys, and Gals!!

Guess what!

Okay, first lemme set the background....

Those of you that have been reading my journals for a while should remember the Wonder Twins. As a twisted humor moment, I named them Thing1 and Thing2. Both were bagseed, and both were started at the same time, so in my mind that made them twins.... of a sort. Anyway, at the time they germed I was wondering what they were, so I decided to call them "Wonder Twins".

Okay, so Thing1 Turned out to be a male, and Thing2 grew into a beautiful female and I took several clones from her, and LST'd her out. The clones were flowered in Test1 and she was flowered in Test2. I identified the strain right off. You all know the flavor of Sour Diesel, if you do not, I suggest you familiarize yourself with it immediately. Those of us that have been fortunate enough to try Blue Dream NEVER forget that tasty sativa diva.

Now, for those of you that have tasted BOTH, try to marry those oddly sour, diesel, sweet blue, nummy-numyy goodness into one flower. That's what I figured out I had... Well, As I said before all the clones were flowered in Test1 and the mother was flowered out in Test2, and I thought I had seen the last of that racy tasty strain...

Until today.............

I was looking through my data and realized that I still have 2 Blue Diesel clones!! They're in the Flower Box Vegging out now, getting ready to be flipped this Sunday. My eyes went wide looking at the screen, and...

Then up in my brain there arose such a clatter.
I jumped up in a start, mad as a hatter!
Away to the Flower Box I flew like a flash,
I tore open the shutters and threw up the sash(light curtain)

The HPS light on the crest of the new growth aglow,
Gave the luster of mid-day to the plants below.
When what to my wandering eyes should appear
Why a clone of Blue Diesel, and another was near.

Okay, sorry, I'll stop... There hiding behind a Purple Widow, and a Lamb's Bread sat the two most hearty Blue Diesel clones vegging and growing and ALIVE!!!

Blue Dream x Sour Diesel = Blue Diesel

Who here can guess what came next?? I'll give you three guesses and your first two don't count.

YUP! I cloned the one that was tallest!! YAY! Here's to saving the strain! I'm hoping she takes root and that I can keep her well enough to be a mother. Wouldn't that just be AWESOME?!

Anyway, while I was in there, I topped 2 of the Jandre Kush that were getting too tall, got 4 clones from those. Since I had only 5 clones, I took another cut from the Purple Mr. Nice, so I would have 6. They sit in neonatal care as we speak. Ohhhhhh, I can't wait for the Blue Diesel to root!!

Happy-Happy, Joy-Joy!!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Second post of the day! Wow.

Since my temps are running in the low 80's now with the HPS light, I have decided to make Lemonade out of the lemons I have been given. I have decided to make a Yeast-Powered CO2 Generator.

2 2Liter Bottles (Label removed and glue cleaned off)
Enough 1/4" Hose to run into the Flower Box and round the lip of the 2 bins.
2 packets of Active Dry Yeast
4 TBSP sugar
1 Cup warm water (Brewer Bottle)
1L of cold water (Treatment Bottle)

I have drilled the hole in the top of the cap for the Brewer Bottle, and inserted the 1/4" hose into the hole. I caulked around the cap and am now waiting for that to dry (24 hours).

Once dry, I will continue the assembly and set-up, and update here with pics, then probably make another DIY How-To.


Who wants a good DIY CO2 Generator How-To by jandre2k3?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

nice find, sounds like you like that strain then mate,

i been thinking, could be dangerous, right now you know when you break a stem on a plant you can patch it back on with some tape and it will grow again if your lucky, but what would happen if you did this with 2 different plants and and swapped the branches over and taped them on, would they grow, and if they did would it be growing 1 branch of bud of the plant the branch was off and the same with the other, or would both branches just die,

is their any connection between the branch and the plant that would change it somehow, or would the branch just grow the same as if it was on its own plant, crazy idea i know, but i just read about fixing a broken branch and wondered what would happen if you swapped the branches over or cut the stem in half and swapped the plants over so you had 50% of one plant and the top half would be 50% of another, would this give you 1 plant that grows 2 different strains of bud or would it it change it in anyway,
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

you know your co2 gen, are you going to be using 2 bottles, one big 2ltr bottle that has the yeast and sugar in, then the hose from that bottle into a smaller bottle with just water in then this vents out to the plants, at the moment im just using a 2ltr bottle with yeast and sugar, im not using a seperate bottle, but im told i need one as it stops the sweet beer smell im getting which will atract some bugs,
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

you know your co2 gen, are you going to be using 2 bottles, one big 2ltr bottle that has the yeast and sugar in, then the hose from that bottle into a smaller bottle with just water in then this vents out to the plants, at the moment im just using a 2ltr bottle with yeast and sugar, im not using a seperate bottle, but im told i need one as it stops the sweet beer smell im getting which will atract some bugs,

YUP! I will have it bubble through a sort of carboy and set it to disperse up top and around the plants.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

i think thats what i need to do, ive got a spare rubber hose that goes in the bottom of my fish tank and it acts like a really long air stone, its a sort of foam type rubber hose and it fits on the end of an air hose like a air pump would but what this does is gives the whole of the fish tank air instead of just where the stone is, it can be cut to size and will give bubbles along the whole length of the hose, so ill make another bottle tomorrow and use that air tube, it should work better as well, and it should stop my grow room smelling of shandy, i got to admit it smell nice and when i got some of the bubbles on my finger i had to taste it, and it tasted like real sweet beer, not sure how drinkable it would be as nothing is measured much, i just poured a load of sugar in and mixed my yeast in warm water and the bottle has been fizzing away for a while now, its slowing down so i think tomorrow ill empty and refill and add this extra bottle,
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

i think thats what i need to do, ive got a spare rubber hose that goes in the bottom of my fish tank and it acts like a really long air stone, its a sort of foam type rubber hose and it fits on the end of an air hose like a air pump would but what this does is gives the whole of the fish tank air instead of just where the stone is, it can be cut to size and will give bubbles along the whole length of the hose, so ill make another bottle tomorrow and use that air tube, it should work better as well, and it should stop my grow room smelling of shandy, i got to admit it smell nice and when i got some of the bubbles on my finger i had to taste it, and it tasted like real sweet beer, not sure how drinkable it would be as nothing is measured much, i just poured a load of sugar in and mixed my yeast in warm water and the bottle has been fizzing away for a while now, its slowing down so i think tomorrow ill empty and refill and add this extra bottle,

You're over thinking it. Just drill two holes into he top of the second pop bottle, and run the tube from the brewer bottle through the cap to the bottom of the treatment bottle. The other hole gets the plant supply inserted just enough so that it goes through. Seal it up, and done. No need to over think about airstones, or bubblers or anything. Just make sure you cut a bias into the tubing from the brewer bottle, going under the water of the treatment bottle in case it gets pushed all the way down, it won't plug the end and stop the CO2 bubbling through.

Also, no need to empty, why would you throw away live yeast? Add sugar, and gently agitate. done.

How do you think grammas have a sourdough starter from their mothers still?? They add 2TBSP flour, 2 TBSP water, 2TBSP sugar every month, and use what they need for the bread they bake... otherwise they just keep feeding the yeast and it will live forever.

No you might not see the over-activity you saw in the first week but it will still put out CO2 and continue to thrive as long as you feed the yeast...

HINT: it's a non photosynthetic ALGAE! A plant... give it water and sugar, and tadaah!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

thanks mate, ill reps you if it lets me, i got to go to my daughters school tomorrow for some school fair she talked me into going, so when i get back my moms having the kids till sat night cuz she taking them out ill have a sort out and make it, i think i need it to stop bugs liking the sweet smell,
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Okay so got some 90lbs ratchet hangers from my hydro shop... reclaimed SIX INCHES of head space. Took off the karabiner on the ratcheted pulley, and just tied below the karabiner for the roof attachment. the ratchet is 1" long so with the knots, and the wire attachment through the light, I can raise the light 3" form the ceiling. More if I bend the hanger wire for the hood. That's a 2'6" plant in my little tiny space!! But that's a lot of veg time.

actually, I saw today that she sold me the 150lbs ratchets, instead of the 90lbs... It seems lady luck has taken up residence in my apartment!
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