Another Monday with not much to report, but I
do have an
Update on seed progress for my upcoming comparative grow with my good friend, @Trala..
True to form, I killed the first seed- thank goodness I have 2!
Actually I didn't kill it, it had a crack on the "side" of the seed, and for some reason, that seems to have done it in:
I just let it go, thinking it might end up ok- but, then yesterday morning the green part had turned black- dead as an effing doornail...
So, into the water went Blue Gelato 41 #2, apx. 24 hours ago- this morning it's got a little tail, so I think this one's gonna go!:
So #2 will be going into the solo cup in a little while!
The solo cup is part of a little wick-watered SIP-the same one I used for Wookiee #1 on my last grow:
They don't show in the pics, but the solo cup has about 100 1/8" holes drilled in it, to let air in to the soil/roots...
A nice thing about the seedling SIP- I can't over or under water the seedling- the wicks seem to keep the watering "just right"...
One more thing- A couple days ago,
@Grand Daddy Black showcased an item he had just acquired that put a smile on his face (you can see it
here ) so, I'm going to
blatantly copy him
, and show something I bought awhile back that that puts a smile on
my face...
They call it a pollen sifter.
..but I think we all know what it
really is- it's a kief sifter- and it works extremely well- 30 bucks, but worth it's 5" long, 3.25"wide, 2.25" deep.
It's got 3 sections:
You put your ground up weed on on the screen, put the cover on, and shake it around for awhile, and all the kief falls onto the black glass in the bottom section- it works
very well...
I added the coin- it makes it work even better...
I've got a bunch of older weed, that'll probably never get smoked, so I'm harvesting the kief, and tossing the rest...the drier the weed, the better this thing works, and most of my older weed is pretty well dried out- some is leftover from over 3 years ago..
What are you doing with all that kief, you might ask- I use the kief as a source of THCA, which I've added to my twice daily CBD/CBG regimen (100mg cbd/40mg cbg/40mg kief) for the last month or so.
I also use it to boost the octane of the weed I smoke every day, and
it does a really good job of that
And that's about all I've got today!
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your support..
I'll post an update when/if that second seed actually sprouts...
Have a great week, I'll see you next time!