Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

today was Harvest day for the little Chocodope auto.
Congrats on making it to harvest on that Choco - sure was a pretty little thing. :high-five:
apx. 5oz dry... not a record by any means,
That would be a record for me!
I’m still pretty old school I guess and still using vegetable spray oil on my hands and scissors.
I find that when I trim directly after washing while the buds are still wet, my scissors never get sticky - even after several hours of trimming. I purposely only wash enough buds to last an hour of trimming. It's also a nice break to get up from trimming to wash another batch of buds.
Good morning C Gull :)

What a fabulous result. The shape of the plant skeleton is so symmetryish.

I‘m not going to lie, I always look at pictures before I read text. I maximised your hand pic and clutched my non existent pearls. My brain screamed “get this man some hand cream STAT, he is turning into a fucking lizard”.

I am so relieved to read they were gloves.

Society has no place for man hands like that.
Congrats on felling another beauty mate.
Thanks, Vet !
Congrats on making it to harvest on that Choco
Thank you, Beez!
The extra 2 weeks I waited, thanks to yours and @InTheShed 's advice, gave her a chance to get a little fatter- I think it'll amount to apx an oz. more in the jars...
I purposely only wash enough buds to last an hour of trimming.
I don't usually wash the buds...but if I start doing it, I'll definitely remember this ^^^
beauty grow. so much plant of the month stuff.
i really like your training anchor as well.
Thanks for the kind words, bluter!
That white background pic really brought out the little bit of color she did have...

This is the second time I've used the pegboard anchor- all those holes make it super easy to tie stuff down beyond the edge of the looks kinda funny, but it does the job pretty well...

I wonder if that is in my constitution..
Budwashing isn't in mine yet, but it probably should be, at least for the outdoor plants...
it's in mine. the magna farta.
m dying laughing at that one!
I am so relieved to read they were gloves.

Society has no place for man hands like that.
My actual hands are soft as a babies butt...I blame retirement for that...;)

And finally, this:
edit: I forgot to tag @West Hippie , he may be interested...
It could be that they're just moving the store to a different location?

Maybe if I tag @Oregon Hemp Flower they'll pop in and answer that question? or not, we'll see....
I contacted Joe Sko, of @Oregon Hemp Flower, because my order is taking a bit longer than usual to get to me- here's what he said:

"We sincerely apologise for this inconvenience,Due to wildfires in our area we need to change our shipping facility, New Shipping Facility is under construction. Due to this, we have been behind schedule on orders. We are doing our utmost to ensure as little as a delay as possible to you."

I forgot about the fires going on up there...
So they're not closing for good, they're just moving to a different location while all the fires are going on.

So I say Good Luck to them, and hopefully the fires don't touch their new facility.

I know I'll keep buying stuff from them- they've been excellent in the past, but they just hit a little bump in the road right now...this too shall pass:goodluck:
Thanks, Vet !

Thank you, Beez!
The extra 2 weeks I waited, thanks to yours and @InTheShed 's advice, gave her a chance to get a little fatter- I think it'll amount to apx an oz. more in the jars...

I don't usually wash the buds...but if I start doing it, I'll definitely remember this ^^^

Thanks for the kind words, bluter!
That white background pic really brought out the little bit of color she did have...

This is the second time I've used the pegboard anchor- all those holes make it super easy to tie stuff down beyond the edge of the looks kinda funny, but it does the job pretty well...

Budwashing isn't in mine yet, but it probably should be, at least for the outdoor plants...



My actual hands are soft as a babies butt...I blame retirement for that...;)

And finally, this:
edit: I forgot to tag @West Hippie , he may be interested...

I contacted Joe Sko, of @Oregon Hemp Flower, because my order is taking a bit longer than usual to get to me- here's what he said:

"We sincerely apologise for this inconvenience,Due to wildfires in our area we need to change our shipping facility, New Shipping Facility is under construction. Due to this, we have been behind schedule on orders. We are doing our utmost to ensure as little as a delay as possible to you."

I forgot about the fires going on up there...
So they're not closing for good, they're just moving to a different location while all the fires are going on.

So I say Good Luck to them, and hopefully the fires don't touch their new facility.

I know I'll keep buying stuff from them- they've been excellent in the past, but they just hit a little bump in the road right now...this too shall pass:goodluck:
Thanks @Carcass i had an order before they sent out the 90% off and received it already . Still saved $95 on what I bought . In Austin it’s ridiculous what we have to pay . Addicted to CGB this stuff keeps me right and its all oregan hemp fault for freebies.
Due to wildfires in our area we need to change our shipping facility, New Shipping Facility is under construction.
I truly hope this is the reasoning of their delayed shipping even if it is a serious disaster as I thought they were out of Woodburn Oregon and that is a couple hundred miles from the fires. I’m not sure where the grow sires are.
Addicted to CBG this stuff keeps me right and its all oregan hemp fault for freebies.
Fortunately, I just got 5g of CBG about a month ago, so I'm good on that for awhile- I am missing the delta8 a little bit, which is what I'm still waiting on....
I thought they were out of Woodburn Oregon and that is a couple hundred miles from the fires.
All I can go by is what they told me...there sure is some reason they're (at least) ten days behind on filling orders.
I'll just keep impatiently waiting....:hmmmm:

Happy Monday! Time for a little Update....
The indoor Gorilla Glue photo is moving right along- she's 46 days old now, close to ready to flip to 12/12-
She's a very healthy little plant- so far, anyway...

First, the SaugaView®:

She got watered and fed 4g of the gray stuff today...She's a little over 8" tall now- I'd like to get her to 10" before the flip.

On to the 2 little autos- this is the FastBuds Blackberry auto from @BooWho2 ( :love: ) she's 9 days old today.
A little droopy right now, but that comes and goes- I'm not worried about it...

And from a little different angle- she's already got those fat indica leaves...
She'll get transplanted in 3 or 4 days- lots of root action below ground.(sorry, didn't get a pic)

And then there's the little @Weed Seeds Express Blueberry auto (from J :love:)- she got transplanted yesterday morning into 3 gal. of ProMix, amended a few weeks ago with 50g Geoflora veg, and a half ounce of EarthAlive soil activator. I also added 1 tsp. of Dynomyco to the hole at transplant time.

She spent the rest of yesterday in the shade to minimize shock- but she's in full sun today (and loving it!)
12 days old today, and ready to top (4 nodes)- probably...there is a chance that I'll let both outdoor autos just grow naturally...I'm still mulling that one over...:hmmmm:

Same plant, different angle...she's another healthy one...

On to the final weight on the 12" tall Chocodope auto, (harvested last Thursday morning) which was also from @BooWho2 ( :love: )
It's been fairly warm here, so 4.5 days hanging is all it took...5.4 oz.,but she'll probably lose that .4oz during the cure, so I'll just call it 5oz. (140 grams)

I did lose 5.8g to bud rot, not enough to be bummed about:

And that's all that's been going on with the plants- no problems to speak of right now.

These 2 autos will be the first time I've used fabric pots- so far, so good- but I just put a plant in there I'll know more about the pots in a few weeks- I think they're going to work out real well.

The plants are healthy,but I woke up with a bad cold yesterday- nothing serious, but very annoying....:straightface:

Thanks for looking, I appreciate the support...:peace:

Please, everyone- be careful out there...wearing a mask is easy, painless, and it could will save lives!
Good morning C Shore

Your garden is looking as beautiful as always. That’s a great haul too btw. I think my average is 3.5oz.

And SNAP, I’ve literally just got over a cold myself. I endured it stoically and with zero complaints, and when I say stoically and with zero complaints I mean I was a snot dribbling whining half dead mess for 72 straight hours.
That GG is very pleasing to the eye, Mr.C!

And the autos look happy as well.

And thanks to your (comparison) pics I now have a much better idea of what bud rot looks like. :Rasta:
And SNAP, I’ve literally just got over a cold myself.
Yeah, I'm at the snot-dribbling w/ headache stage right now...feeling better today than yesterday, so hopefully this crap won't last very long....
I now have a much better idea of what bud rot looks like.
Glad I could help, GDB!
All that rot came off the same cola- the biggest one, of now it's the second biggest...

Congrats on the 5 ounces of multi-colored buds too.
Thanks, Shed- I think it would have been only 4 ounces if I hadn't waited that extra 2 weeks
Yay for Monday! :yahoo: All the plants above ground are looking beautiful Carcass. You’ve got yet another great grow beginning. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'll just call it 5oz. (140 grams)
5 zips off that little Popeye gal is awesome! :high-five: I can’t wait for you to try it.
Yeah, I'm at the snot-dribbling w/ headache stage right now...feeling better today than yesterday, so hopefully this crap won't last very long....
I never got the headache and I too am feeling better today, but still coughing, sneezing, and dripping. Hope springs eternal for tomorrow though! :high-five:
Have you guys gotten tested for the Delta variant of COVID? I certainly would if it were me….just sayin. :love:
You’ve got yet another great grow beginning.
And 1/3 of it is thanks to you! That little Blackberry has grown half an inch since I took the pics this morning-
I think that one might do very well!
Have you guys gotten tested for the Delta variant of COVID?
No, pretty sure it's just a cold- I feel better today than yesterday, and that probably wouldn't be the case with covid....If it is covid, then the vaccine is doing a great job... ;)
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