CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

What brand of cal-mag do you have and what else do you have floating around in the nute department?
TPS Cal-Mag and the RX is all the liquid that I have. CL🍀Edit: I also still have the SNS grow kit 💩. lol CL🤔
Okay, here's what I came up with if you really want low N (per gallon, no diluting!):

Bio: 10ml
Core A: 5ml
Core B: 5ml
Big Data: 5ml
Kelpful: 5ml
Precurser: 5ml
TPS: 5ml

That puts you at 66-60-168 with Ca at 115, Mg at 48, and S at 41.

See how that goes!
I thank you kind Sir and my Tiger thanks you. I just hope she likes your cooking 🍳. lol CL🍀
Or you don't. Isn't that one of those things that's up to the grower? ;)
Think you have done a great job micro managing him bro. !
Even liquid organic nutrients you still need to PH.. bottom line.. especially, if he has high ppms from tap.. pretty basic Shed
Still need to PH it bro
Really? Are you sure? Do you think? Lmao Thanks my brother but it’s a perfect 6.4 using rainwater n PH up. @71 degrees until runoff on both Tigers and the usual mix till runoff on the others. CL🍀 Edit: That was done @ the last minute before lights out @ 5:00PM
Think you have done a great job micro managing him bro. !
Even liquid organic nutrients you still need to PH.. bottom line.. especially, if he has high ppms from tap.. pretty basic Shed
Okay gentlemen not again n not now n not here! Thanks 🙏 CL🍀
Think you have done a great job micro managing him bro. !
Seriously? I'm just responding to a call for help GG. No one else responded to his question about his leaves so I thought I'd give it a go. I haven't offered any nute advice before.
Even liquid organic nutrients you still need to PH.. bottom line.. especially, if he has high ppms from tap.. pretty basic Shed
Soil buffers pH...bottom line. pH or don't, but I've heard it's good to let the grower decide rather than making proclamations. :thumb:
Seriously? I'm just responding to a call for help GG. No one else responded to his question about his leaves so I thought I'd give it a go. I haven't offered any nute advice before.

Soil buffers pH...bottom line. pH or don't, but I've heard it's good to let the grower decide rather than making proclamations. :thumb:
I PH weekly just to be clear that if I’m experiencing any problems I know that’s not it. CL🍀
With my tap and recommended recipe from pB knots it down to 5.2 ph. Doesn't balance out just because it's organic.. take the long road bro if you want
What’s your taps PH? Btw I used rainwater and if I’m not mistaken it’s PH is 5.4? Maybe 🤔 Idk but it doesn’t make the RX in range so that’s why the 2 ml. of PH 🆙 CL. :thumb: :cheesygrinsmiley:
Every time I see your plants all I can’t think about is “ I want that!”
Your very kind words are always appreciated by the way there’s nothing stopping you from doing this yourself. CL🍀. :thumb: :thanks:
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