Captain Howdy's - Crown Royal - Closet - Soil - Grow

Hey 420 FRIENDS!

Yesterday I realized I should get to work tying these ladies outward to let light in and so I did... After a few hours everything I tied down had turned up to face the light. This is them today.
Day 5 12/12...


Now that they're stretched out; I've got a nice wide canopy. Can't wait for nugs...

Crop King recommends a ten week flower period for these ladies.. What do I consider the flower period based on this? The 12/12 flip to harvest or what?

Stay high my friends

-Captain Howdy ;)
Crop King recommends a ten week flower period for these ladies.. What do I consider the flower period based on this? The 12/12 flip to harvest or what?

The easy answer of course is to say that it is from the time you flip, but I have found that to be very inaccurate in my tents. When you flip, there is a delay... it is not like they instantly go from vegging to flower, because there is a huge transformation that happens as the growth tips fold back and become the beginnings of the new flower.

I have noticed that there is a special day in this transformation, where the pistils seem to suddenly explode from the flower... one day they were trying... the next day they are exploding from everywhere. I consider that day, the first true day of flower. It is usually around day 10 after making the switch, sometimes as early as day 6 or 7, especially when preceded with 36 hours of darkness. More often than not, my grows now end right when the seed banks say they will, and I think it is because of this more accurate way of counting when the flower period begins.
the first true day of flower. It is usually around day 10 after making the switch, sometimes as early as day 6 or 7, especially when preceded with 36 hours of darkness. More often than not, my grows now end right when the seed banks say they will, and I think it is because of this more accurate way of counting when the flower period begins.

Once again thanks Emilya! So about ten weeks from the pistol explosion I should be nearing finish on these beauties...


-Captain Howdy. ;)
The easy answer of course is to say that it is from the time you flip, but I have found that to be very inaccurate in my tents. When you flip, there is a delay... it is not like they instantly go from vegging to flower, because there is a huge transformation that happens as the growth tips fold back and become the beginnings of the new flower.

I have noticed that there is a special day in this transformation, where the pistils seem to suddenly explode from the flower... one day they were trying... the next day they are exploding from everywhere. I consider that day, the first true day of flower. It is usually around day 10 after making the switch, sometimes as early as day 6 or 7, especially when preceded with 36 hours of darkness. More often than not, my grows now end right when the seed banks say they will, and I think it is because of this more accurate way of counting when the flower period begins.
Sorry, quick question. Why 36 hours of dark? 1.5 days + 6 or 7 is close to 10. Where you stated 10 days or 6 or 7 with 36 hours of darkness. That seems to be a wash in time unless I'm missing some other aspect of added darkness. Moreover, I veg 24/0, to help to shorten flowering time. Anyway thanks for all the great insight I'm a better grower due to you experience.

Just asking, I have 2 grows and on my third now. I was wondering if I missed something. Thanks Captain.

from what i have read about it, it works like this;

the plant has a hormone specific to flowering that builds up at night time and gets depleted during the day; only after being exposed to 12 hours of darkness does the plant build up more hormone than it can expend in a day.

Every day after the flip, the hormone builds up more and more (during the "stretch" period) and then begins to flower.

When you initiate a longer dark period before the first 12 hour light cycle, you effectively allow the plant to build that hormone up in a shorter amount of time, thereby not only giving it a head start on the blooming process and potentially seeing buds 3-4 days earlier than you would otherwise; but also limiting the amount of time it can "stretch" as well, keeping plants smaller and more bushy.

anyone please feel free to correct me :p

i did about 24 hours when i flipped cause i changed my timing, but mine were already showing pre flowers before i started, so i can't say whether or not it helped, but many people swear by it.
Yep all of that sounds right. The hormone is light sensitive and breaks down over the day under veg hours, when you flip to 12/12 the hormone is not all destroyed in a day allowing it to build up.The built up hormone signals the plant that it's time to flower as the days are getting shorter.
Are u sure it's controlled with hormones?


but its the closest we got so far.

Florigen - Wikipedia

Florigen (or flowering hormone) is the hypothesized hormone-like molecule responsible for controlling and/or triggering flowering in plants. ... However, despite having been sought since the 1930s, the exact nature of florigen is still a mystery.

As a result of the problems with isolating florigen, and of the inconsistent results acquired, it has been suggested that florigen does not exist as an individual substance; rather, florigen's effect could be the result of a particular ratio of other hormones. However, more recent findings indicate that florigen does exist and is produced, or at least activated, in the leaves of the plant and that this signal is then transported via the phloem to the growing tip at the shoot apical meristem where the signal acts by inducing flowering.
we have a pretty good idea about the role of hormones in plants these days, and there are five general classes of hormones: auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, ethylene, and abscisic acid.

Auxins are known to control many aspects of plant growth, and an auxin, indole‐3‐acetic acid (IAA), was the first plant hormone identified. There are many different auxins, and this is the one that is believed to build up to restrict flowering.

Then again, it could be all caused by cosmic rays. That is what my heart tells me.

Regarding sentience... have you ever seen the study when they hooked plants up to lie detectors? They tortured and even burned one plant, and measured the screams (electronic) from this plant, and the ones around it in response to the abuse. The most astounding experiment though, was when the experimenter simply thought about and imagined burning the plant. The plant reacted!

Makes you want to go, hmmmmm?
The most astounding experiment though, was when the experimenter simply thought about and imagined burning the plant. The plant reacted!

in all seriousness re: sentience, we don't yet know what consciousness is, so its entirely plausible for plants to be conscious. Watch BBC Life on the Plant Kingdom!
I just want it to be clarified that I appreciate and respect everyone's opinions. I personally don't believe that my plants can be/are sentient but as I stated earlier I found Emilya's theories thought provoking and enjoyed the thought of the concept. I DO talk to my plants and I do play music in my grow room. Again that is more for me.

I believe that anyone who spends extra or unessential (for lack of a better term) time with their plants wether they're talking to them, breathing on them, picking their nose next to them or whatever is going to spot a potential issue or a potential for a positive gain sooner than the guy who goes in at the same time once a day for routine textbook maintenance.

This journal is intended to document my fun journey to a perpetual grow that can sustain me. It's meant to be a fun way for me to talk discreetly about my grow as I can't do that openly with more than a few close friends. as you should all know. I was hoping to get some advice from people who have experience growing marijuana and allow me to network and share advice and ideas with said growers.

With that being said..


I had a good buddy of mine stop by with a bag of the stuff from HIS last harvest...


He also brought me a nice chunk of some imported black hash!


Let's get things back on track here...


Some really nice smoke ladies and gentleman... Really good top shelf hash!

I'll be posting a pic at lights up... Let's try to keep the old "if you don't have anything nice to say; don't say anything at all" rule.

Please respect each other's opinions and their right to express them.

Stay high my friends!

-Captain Howdy
we have a pretty good idea about the role of hormones in plants these days, and there are five general classes of hormones: auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, ethylene, and abscisic acid.

Auxins are known to control many aspects of plant growth, and an auxin, indole‐3‐acetic acid (IAA), was the first plant hormone identified. There are many different auxins, and this is the one that is believed to build up to restrict flowering.

Then again, it could be all caused by cosmic rays. That is what my heart tells me.

Regarding sentience... have you ever seen the study when they hooked plants up to lie detectors? They tortured and even burned one plant, and measured the screams (electronic) from this plant, and the ones around it in response to the abuse. The most astounding experiment though, was when the experimenter simply thought about and imagined burning the plant. The plant reacted!

Makes you want to go, hmmmmm?

I missed this in all of the rest of the stuff on this page. That's interesting, I will definitely look into that.


I use half a pound of butter to a half ounce of bud shake.. I put the half ounce of trim in a cheese cloth sachet and wrap it tight with wire. Then I use a double boiler (just simmering) to melt the butter. I then add the sachet of trim and one cup of hot water to the melted butter. Every thirty mins I flip the sachet and stir the mixture. I let it simmer on the double boiler for 4-6 hours making sure to not let the bottom pot burn dry. After the four to six hour simmer, I squeeze the sachet out as best I can between two slotted spoons and then strain the mixture through a very fine strainer. Then I put the collected butter mixture into the fridge for two hours, giving the butter time to separate from the water. I would then have a nice layer of butter (floating) on water. Either drain the water or lift the butter off out of the water and voila! Cannabutter that you can use as a substitute for any recipe that calls for butter. I'm gonna make some cookies with mine!

I must warn that this process makes my whole house smell like cannabutter. If you need to keep a low profile, this is probably not for you.

Stay high my friends!

-Captain Howdy ;)
Hey 420 FRIENDS!!

Mmmmmmmmm! Smells good in here today!
I cooked my budder all through the night squishing and flipping the sachet and stirring the budder every 30-40 minutes.
After six or seven hours; I took the sachet out and squeezed as much liquid out of it as possible into the budder.
Then, I put the Pyrex dish with the now marijuana infused butter into the fridge for two hours. (Some people use the freezer but you have to watch it because you don't want the water freezing). I was in no rush.
After two hours in the fridge; I took a knife and gauged a chunk of budder out of the corner of the dish and carefully tipped the dish up on its side allowing the now seperated water to flow out completely.
I then put the budder back in the double boiler to get it nice and soft and well mixed.


Then I pour it into a container and label it for the fridge. (If you were baking immediately soft budder is great to use)


I'm going to let the fiancé make cookies later tonight so I stored mine in a food safe container for now. I have a BHO batch to run today after all.

So yeah that's basically my process, I like to waste as little as possible so I'm having a blueberry muffin dipped in whatever I can't get out of my dish and ALWAYS lick that spoon! Yum!


Stay high my friends!

-Captain Howdy ;)
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