Real Grand Daddy Purp From Seed

I love that Cheese! Such a unique flavor and taste, and effect. Glad you made it through the long haul! Good job dealing with the mold issue, budrot can take all the fun out of it, hell atleast you don't have to deal with budworms :P

So I checked the Exile again after finishing up the Fruity Chronic Juice and guess what..... It was her turn to die. So I have been trimming for quite a bit. I also cleaned out the closet switched the bulb to MH and set the timer to GLR to match the tent and we are off with a couple girls in the closet now. The tent is being cleaned and the light has been adjusted lower as all that is in there is clones at the current time. More about that in the other journal.

So this grow is just about kicked as all the ladies have been taken and are now hanging up. I have not taken any pictures yet but when I do I will gladly post them. I am hoping for 5oz off these three but think I did maybe 3-4. Only time will tell. :)

This has been my best grow yet! Keep em Green. :)
yay TG glad to hear about the positive.:cheertwo:
hope you decide to hang in there with us brother. be a shame not to read your happy time and how you grow:)
Okay here are the photos. :) I did not take many but I am excited and can not wait to be able to give my final weight ans smoke report. :)

Thanks for the reps Fishy, canna, and shottafire. :)
It is nice to have the ladies hanging out. :)
Thanks for the reps.:)

As you all are aware the Exile had the biggest buds. She is still hanging.

The FJC and Cheese were very dry so they are now jarred. I pulled almost 3oz off these ladies and about 1.5 per plant. :)

Cheese: 38.5g
FCJ: 45.5g

I am hoping that the Exile pulls the last 2 zips I wanted. Will let you know when I jar it. :)
Com on man spark it up ..............:goodjob:
Thanks guys. :) Finally good to be seeing some decent results. :)
This just in.... Exile weighed in at 49.7g. So I Harvested a total of 133.7g from the three or 4.72 oz. :) Close enough to 5oz.

So here is my new question.... How the heck am I supposed to reach a gram per watt? Anything I should do differently?
:goodjob::bravo: NICE LOOKING BUDS TACTIC!!!!
Sweet az, youre gunna be HIGH as a Mo fo in a couple weeks.. Some of them buds are rather dense looking:) Gotta love that.
And 5oz is pretty good bro so youve done well, and have some variety in your smoke too so thats always a bonus IMO. NICE WORK ON YOUR GARDEN MATE!!!
+ Reps for you, you earned them. Take carebro, Chat soon. Smokemup..
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