Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Looking good.

On a side note, Do the toes match the finger nails ??
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

good to see you back, plants look great, well done,

its amazing how much they have changed since the last time you was on here, have you had any problems or have the plants been doing good
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

I've been doing extremely well, the one branch that I super cropped is super thick and heavy, prob near a half on just the one nug.

Right now I'm trying to figure out a watering system of some sort. Since I have two different stages at the same time, it's time consuming to have to measure two separate mixes. Also, with my scrog, it's tough to move the plants around, so I was looking for something, like tubing of some sort, that I pour water in a siphon and it waters all the plants.. And sometimes, my watering can gets like a layer of skin on the liquid in it, I think I need an air pump... Arg more wires!
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Looking good.

On a side note, Do the toes match the finger nails ??

Lol no, my toes are bright red! It's winter so no one sees them anyway lol
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Anyone have tips on how to take a pic with a scope? I take pictures with my iPad, and it's hard to hold steady

Here's the scope I have

re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

does that have a usb plug?
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

does that have a usb plug?

No, the only ones I could find with USB was like $80, I'd have to do a lot of private shows for that! Haha jk
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

you got the fingernails for it:)
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

That has got to be the coolest, most Canadian scrog setup I've ever seen. A++ for the use of hockey sticks!!!!!!!!!! And it'd be even cooler if the screen was made from goal string... Anyway I haven't had a chance to catch up on the whole journal, I just read the first few pages and figured I'd share my bit of experience in coco. First, you want to mix 50% perlite. People argue alot about the ratio, but personally I've seen multiple times that 50/50 pays off if you have the time to water when it needs it. You never want to let it completely dry out. If it does, you lose any beneficial bacterias, enzymes, and a laundry list of other good things that help with root structure, nutrient uptake, etc. Coco is more like hydro than soil, even if your hand watering. So if you feel the pots getting light, water them. And the pH of good coco is neutral. So the pH of your water is how you control the pH of your plants. You definately want to test your water solution after you mix the nutes. I guessed it would be okay with my tap water, but it ended uo being waaay lower than I thought. So invest the few bucks and get an aquarium pH test kit. Its the same thing and works just as well as the kit from the hydro store. *(TIP: If your water/nute solution is murky or dark, add an extra drop or 2 of the pH solution. It helps the color stand out more in murky water!!) Hope this helps, I've subbed so I'll see ya around.
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

You cant take a pic with a normal scope silly :).

You need a usb scope or good digi camera for that.
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

You cant take a pic with a normal scope silly :).

You need a usb scope or good digi camera for that.

I appreciate your brutal honesty, only a true friend calls another, "silly" lol

I'll try to get more pics up, I'm trying to build up enough courage to clone my lone vegging plant. I had two plants, but one grew balls... So I grabbed him by the stem, and ripped his roots straight out of the ground. Men watch out! ;) haha
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

hi canuckGal, hows you, i have got a similar scope and it is possible, it took me a while to get it right but i managed to do it using my mobile phone, i had to take the case off my phone so the lens was closer to the scope, i then turned the flash off and made sure their was enough light, now using a bit of bluetac or sticky tac what ever you call it over their, i then managed to mount the scope to my fone like that, then it took me a while to get the zoom in my fone set up correctly so it was able to see the image, it worked and i took a few pics, but it was not easy and not done it again since, holding it steady was my main problem so i used this blutac type stuff, the stuff you stick posters up with, this then worked, my scope has a small led light so i used that for the light and it worked ok for me,
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Can I clone this guy? Where would I cut it?

yes ... I would chop it way down, like above the second node. I would take the chopped plant and put it 18/6 to grow more branches in case the clone does not take.

or grow it out and save the pollen

or both
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

Top it just above the last node that is the latest thing I have been seeing on here , everyone topping the plant and then cloning it .
re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow

I don't really have anything to put over top of the clone as a dome, that's another reason I've been waiting it out so long too.

I understand where you want me to cut it, that's what I had figured from my research.

Ok, so I'm going to cut it, scalp the stem, dip it in cloning powder, and leave it in a jar of water until roots start growing, and then plant it in a cup of coco... Yes? Sound good? I'll leave the new cutting in water in my veg chamber (18/6)

I'm feeling brave, but I don't wanna waste a good clone either.
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