re: Canuckgal's Struggling 400w Coco Closet Grow
hi canuckGal, hows you, i have got a similar scope and it is possible, it took me a while to get it right but i managed to do it using my mobile phone, i had to take the case off my phone so the lens was closer to the scope, i then turned the flash off and made sure their was enough light, now using a bit of bluetac or sticky tac what ever you call it over their, i then managed to mount the scope to my fone like that, then it took me a while to get the zoom in my fone set up correctly so it was able to see the image, it worked and i took a few pics, but it was not easy and not done it again since, holding it steady was my main problem so i used this blutac type stuff, the stuff you stick posters up with, this then worked, my scope has a small led light so i used that for the light and it worked ok for me,