Cannafan's Variety Grow - Blueberry Gum/Delicious CC/Hawaiian Skunk Haze/THC Bomb

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Here's an essay question for you & Toker Partner;
As you know I grow in my bedroom & nowhere else in my apt since my daughter has her little girlfriends over a lot. Plus it's none of any of my guest's business. I don't have room for a 3rd tent. What would be the best way to quarantine a dude if I wanted to try my hand at breeding?
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Here's an essay question for you & Toker Partner;
As you know I grow in my bedroom & nowhere else in my apt since my daughter has her little girlfriends over a lot. Plus it's none of any of my guest's business. I don't have room for a 3rd tent. What would be the best way to quarantine a dude if I wanted to try my hand at breeding?

I guess I would go with a big clear plastic bag tent over the dude plant, but I'm thinking in the limited space there...that may not be best either. You would need to be extremely careful watering it and such, and getting the plant the needed fresh air circulation. That pollen can fly around with just a breath. LOL It's a conundrum for sure. I'll think a little more on that today.
Let's see what other ideas get thrown at ya. ;-)
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Here's an essay question for you & Toker Partner;
As you know I grow in my bedroom & nowhere else in my apt since my daughter has her little girlfriends over a lot. Plus it's none of any of my guest's business. I don't have room for a 3rd tent. What would be the best way to quarantine a dude if I wanted to try my hand at breeding?

Grow it outdoors if it's an option, and take the pollen when ready? Can't really think of any easy practical solutions off of the top of my head though. Let us know how you get around it, I for one would like to know that answer to that dilemma :)
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Reg, isolate a single branch that you want to mess with b by wrapping it with a breathable plastic. Cut a small hole in it, carefully put pollen in the hole & tape the hole in the plastic shut.
You can't do a whole plant like that obviously, but can certainly pollenate, seeds, breeding.
The man that got me growing the 1st time did this. He had different crosses on the same freaking plant. He put the pollen in an old Visine bottle with tapered tip & put that in the hole in the bag to release pollen.
You might've already thought of something like that. It works.
Good luck.

(I'll create a blog for you step by step with pics & all. Oh wait...).

Just messing with you still over the clone bottles.
I'm am going to start my own seeds/crosses soon too.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Grow it outdoors if it's an option, and take the pollen when ready? Can't really think of any easy practical solutions off of the top of my head though. Let us know how you get around it, I for one would like to know that answer to that dilemma :)

No option for growing outside for BAR during the cold season, unfortunately. :)
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Reg, isolate a single branch that you want to mess with b by wrapping it with a breathable plastic. Cut a small hole in it, carefully put pollen in the hole & tape the hole in the plastic shut.
You can't do a whole plant like that obviously, but can certainly pollenate, seeds, breeding.
The man that got me growing the 1st time did this. He had different crosses on the same freaking plant. He put the pollen in an old Visine bottle with tapered tip & put that in the hole in the bag to release pollen.
You might've already thought of something like that. It works.
Good luck.

(I'll create a blog for you step by step with pics & all. Oh wait...).

Just messing with you still over the clone bottles.
I'm am going to start my own seeds/crosses soon too.

I'll be waiting for that blog.......:laughtwo:

I think Reg's problem is in where can he keep the male plant while it is creating the pollen. Limited space and it would be in the same room with the girls during the maturation of the pollen sacs.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Reg, isolate a single branch that you want to mess with b by wrapping it with a breathable plastic. Cut a small hole in it, carefully put pollen in the hole & tape the hole in the plastic shut.
My problem is where to let the male make pollen more than pollinating. I pretty much understand how to go about isolating the plant I want to pollinate from following Toker's old thread.

(I'll create a blog for you step by step with pics & all. Oh wait...).

Just messing with you still over the clone bottles.
I'm am going to start my own seeds/crosses soon too.
LOL... You know Cajun, I do remember us talking about that but for the life of me after reading your reminder in the post on my thread I couldn't find it. Anyway, here's your credit for the advice you gave me long before I got the sense to go ahead & use it.

No option for growing outside for BAR during the cold season, unfortunately. :)
Plus, I keep a plant or two on my Fire Escape already & wouldn't want to pollinate one of them by keeping a dude out there.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Lol. Thanx for the reps Reg. I don't want credit, it's what Cajuns call the reckoning.
I made that damn cloning blog for you & waited to help. When I saw you weren't going that route, I deleted it. I didn't think anyone saw it so v moving on.
But when I deleted it, a bunch of ppl pm'd asking where it went cause they weren't through using it to clone. Ironically, they taught it to you. Lol. A new friend asked me to help a cool dude named BAR with the cloners. He said he had helped you out. I laughed & told him that you were the one iv had made the cloning blog for.

See, there's a pretty funny story behind it. I didn't invent it & won't be taking any credit for the method itself.
'Cajun Cloners'....nah. People will think it has Tabasco in it.

You gotta admit, it's funny now when you look at it.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

It sounds like you wanna do a feminized pollination, but I'm not sure. Mostly because you stated you'll be following my thread. Somehow isolating the plant is a good idea, and limiting the amount of pollen created is another. You could just spray just one bud (or branch)to get pollen from only there. Watched carefully a zip baggie, (or paper bag?) could possibly be used to isolate the single bud (or branch) at the right time. At the right time the branch could be clipped, and kept in water in a small space like a kitchen cupboard? Limiting the amount of available pollen could help reduce the possibility of accidental pollination. Also by keeping your number of pollination days short you could further reduce problems. A pollinated bud could also be paper bagged, and after a few days the bag could be removed, and the exposed bud sprayed with water.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

You gotta admit, it's funny now when you look at it.
No doubt.

I thinking about using pollen from my next male, not spraying silver Toker. What I got of importance from your thread was how to isolate the female I plan on pollinating (giving it a shower after pollinating).
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Good luck BAR. Male pollen is much harder to control. Total isolation is recommended.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Canna, be careful with that pollen. It's dangerous stuff if you have flowering ladies around and a ventilation system. :blalol:

Here is how I would do a single bud: put some pollen in a small plastic bag, then put the baggie around the bud and use a twist tie to secure the bag around the stem below the bud. Then shaking the branch should get the pollen spread around inside the bag. After a few days (a week maybe?), carefully remove the bag and spray the area with some water to neutralize any stray pollen.

I think it was BID :rip: who had a clever way of storing his pollen. He would make little bindles with enough for one dose/use. Then put them together in a bag. It makes sense. This way you don't have to always open all your pollen each time you want to use some.

Someone else already mentioned it, but I've also heard of people adding various things as anti-caking agents.

Here's an essay question for you & Toker Partner;
As you know I grow in my bedroom & nowhere else in my apt since my daughter has her little girlfriends over a lot. Plus it's none of any of my guest's business. I don't have room for a 3rd tent. What would be the best way to quarantine a dude if I wanted to try my hand at breeding?

I think you already mentioned the best way. :blalol:

It sounds like you have a few places to grow. If you want to breed, just take one of your spots and make it a male spot for a couple months. If you have to, take a break from flowering females and grow out males of a few strains. The pollen will keep for awhile, so you can just grow the males once and then breed with them for years. :)

I know everyone has warned you, but it can't be said enough... careful with flowering males if you have flowering females around. If you have moms, don't let them seed! I don't think any light cycle will revert a seeded plant will it?
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Oh I am well aware of the pollen danger Hiker. ;) My male plants and female plants are in two totally separate rooms far away from each other and I take all of the precautions I need to ensure I don't transfer it.

I think I will be doing the pollination tonight, as I have just found out my Saturday is completely booked up on side jobs.
I'm going to take the two girls into the veg room with no fans or open vents in the room, and isolate the branches and then do the pollination, leave them in there until I know it is good and set and then spray as you suggested before moving them back to flower.
I'm also going to attempt a time lapse on the buds shrinking in and starting the process of creating seeds. I don't know how that will go, because of the light waves from the fluorescents rolling down the video. I'll play with that a bit. Maybe shooting from the end of the bulbs instead of the sides...we'll see.

I just love experimenting with seeds and breeding.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

We're just getting started on a Perpetual Grow & neither of the 2 tents will be available for anything other than Vegging & Blooming in the foreseen future Hiker. But thanxx for the advice.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

would you have room to set the male plant outside of the grow tents? If so, maybe you could hang a clear shower curtain around the plant and have a clip on light that would hold two cool CFL bulbs over the top in an opening? Or....those two 1w LED fixtures over the top? I'm not sure those 1w led's would work though, your plant would grow pretty slow and you would probably miss the pollination opportunity window for the females.

Just throwing an idea out there that maybe will spark something on your end too. :)
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Okay! Let the girls live their destiny. :)

I washed down the veg room to make sure there was no stray pollen, then isolated the DCC and THC Bomb in the room. I used a sheet of plastic to separate the bud stems that I had chosen and then painted the pollen onto each bud and let a little fall on the leaves. (that was suggested by someone in my first pollination, so I thought I would do it this time on the leaves too)

The branches were then wrapped in plastic grocery bags loosely and they will stay like that the next couple of days. There is no air movement in the room, no fans and no register vents open. I did feed the plants before doing the pollination so I wouldn't have to worry on that the next couple of days while the pollen and pistils get acquainted. I also checked the leaves around the areas that aren't pollinated to be sure nothing strayed there.




Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Nice idea with the shopping bags Partner.
would you have room to set the male plant outside of the grow tents? If so, maybe you could hang a clear shower curtain around the plant and have a clip on light that would hold two cool CFL bulbs over the top in an opening? Or....those two 1w LED fixtures over the top? I'm not sure those 1w led's would work though, your plant would grow pretty slow and you would probably miss the pollination opportunity window for the females.

Just throwing an idea out there that maybe will spark something on your end too. :)
So far I think that was the best answer for my situation. I'll be pondering a way to do this along those lines. I'm still open for more suggestions.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

I can't wait to see how the seeds turn out :D
and what was the logic behind pollen on the leaves? Sound interesting :)
If I remember correctly, I was told that the pollen on the leaves would make the pistils reach for it and maybe produce even more seeds?
Not sure if that's accurate, but what the heck. Can't hurt to try it. ;-)
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