Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Canna, you are hilarious and ahead of me in outdoor planting....hey congrats on the overtime deal at work I owe I owe, so off to work I go....catch up on the bills and move on!:thumb:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Canna, you are hilarious and ahead of me in outdoor planting....hey congrats on the overtime deal at work I owe I owe, so off to work I go....catch up on the bills and move on!:thumb:

oooh, outdoor grow for you too? That would be awesome! Are you planning to do that this year?
It's going to be interesting to see what our weather has in store for us in regards to growing this plant. Don't like the weather here?....wait 5 minutes. LOL

Since I have less plants inside than I had planned on, I'm thinking on dropping a couple more for inside and some seeds from a plant that bolted on me last year and putting some in the Haven. Still thinking on that......
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

UPDATE 5-31-15

Telephone...{{RING RING...RING RING}}... Man answers: "Allo?"
Caller whispers: "Yo, Vinny...the's done". {{click}} Man hangs up.

Wildlings Cannabis Haven is open for biz!

Hard to even tell where they are in these pictures. :laughtwo: But I put them in kind of a circle so I will be able to walk in there to tend to them. I also left an opening to the herbs, there's going to be a couple more in there pretty soon.
I will be mixing some soil this week to layer the tops with, couldn't do it tonight.

Now, let's hope there's no frost!




Oh, and there are only 9 Wildlings. That halfling didn't make it.

They look all snug and happy in their new homes. I like the rake lines, for some reason. haha
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Here's a how to for people who want to go directly to "UPDATE" grow information posts on the thread. It can be a real time saver if you don't have time to scroll through posts to find what you need. This is also how you would search any other threads on the forum for what you are looking for:

First go to the top of the page and click on "Search Thread", or "Search Forum" if you are not on a particular thread


Type what you are looking for in the dropdown box, in this example it's "Update".

This will take you to a page with posts from the thread that relate to your search term (s):


Click on whichever post you want and it will take you to that post. Keep in mind, sometimes it takes a few seconds to go directly to the post..especially pages with lots of images:


Now if you want to get really detailed on your search, you can choose the "advanced search" option:


This takes you to a page where you can get all kinds of nit picky on what you are looking for. LOL



Give it a try, have fun.

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Also, I cut the problem curled up cotyledon on the Buddha seedling and she's taking off. Just growing those leaves out like klazy.
The sprout is growing too, finally. :laugh:

All of the girls are definitely showing themselves off for that fancy schmancy LED light. Must be a "he" light......

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Also, I cut the problem curled up cotyledon on the Buddha seedling and she's taking off. Just growing those leaves out like klazy.
The sprout is growing too, finally. :laugh:

All of the girls are definitely showing themselves off for that fancy schmancy LED light. Must be a "he" light......


You know girls show off for each other. That's why we put girls alone in a room together to flower. :)
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

You know girls show off for each other. That's why we put girls alone in a room together to flower. :)

MmmHmm. Lol.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Those rake lines are very Japanese Zen Garden. :)

I was just going to say that. Canna went Zen on us. :laughtwo:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

yeah she did
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

UPDATE 6-3-15

I had time for a couple of pictures to show the growth on the soon to be teenagers:


They aren't getting any taller since the LED went in there, thank goodness no more stretch right now. The leaves are really spreading out though.
Here's a view from the top:


This is the buddha that had the major curled cotyledon. I cut that off only a day or so ago and the leaves are going crazy:


This little twerpenstein had me worried for a while, but she is now growing another set of leaves and shooting upward: (sorry about the blur, got busy and didn't get another pic)


The Wildlings look great. There is a mole hanging around in there, it dug an escape hole just outside of one of the girls. There are signs that young moles or one youngun has been digging around above ground too. No squirrel tracks...(now you know why I rake. Zen works too :laughtwo:)

Going to have to get started on planting the garlic and onions in there. I think I'll plant them around the walls of the Haven, that's where they are tunneling in from.

Hope everyone had a great day, or about to!


(Hey devil...whatchadoin?)
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

you have gone all Zen Master havent ya. lmao:circle-of-love:
you go girl.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

cannafan, What is your elevation? I am relocating to about 4,300 and wanting to grow outside. The location is still getting frost so I am taking them in and out. I have not started a grow journal. Sorry for the off topic post. My question on your post
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

you have gone all Zen Master havent ya. lmao:circle-of-love:
you go girl.

I'll have to research that a bit, just to be sure I'm doing it right. :laughtwo:


cannafan, What is your elevation? I am relocating to about 4,300 and wanting to grow outside. The location is still getting frost so I am taking them in and out. I have not started a grow journal. Sorry for the off topic post. My question on your post

Hi Lady V! Great to see you around. :) Not off topic at all. You're talking about growing. :)

Elevation here is approximately 620 feet. There are areas in upper state that are around 1500-1800 feet.
Hope that helps some. :)
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!


Mr. Mole was back. He left a hole under a different Wildling this time:


I shall now completely ruin his fun with stink in his tunnels. Underground garlic sewer anyone?:


And I put some near the first one he visited. Also put some around the perimeter and will be planting the chives this weekend.


Here's the rest of the outdoor gals just a swingin....just a swingin.... (oh how I got sick of that song. LOL)


End of update. I'm couching it tonight. Got home from work and after planting, I hit the couch and haven't moved in over an hour. LOL
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

well i cant tell ya how to catch a mole. lmao. but i can tell ya how to catch every coon in the state. lmao.
:rofl: marsh mellows.
but don't think that will work on blind rodent
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Here's a how to for people who want to go directly to "UPDATE" grow information posts on the thread. It can be a real time saver if you don't have time to scroll through posts to find what you need. This is also how you would search any other threads on the forum for what you are looking for:

First go to the top of the page and click on "Search Thread", or "Search Forum" if you are not on a particular thread


Type what you are looking for in the dropdown box, in this example it's "Update".

This will take you to a page with posts from the thread that relate to your search term (s):


Click on whichever post you want and it will take you to that post. Keep in mind, sometimes it takes a few seconds to go directly to the post..especially pages with lots of images:


Now if you want to get really detailed on your search, you can choose the "advanced search" option:


This takes you to a page where you can get all kinds of nit picky on what you are looking for. LOL



Give it a try, have fun.


I'm going to repost this on my journal Canna. We were just talking about this recently and I forgot all about the search function. Duh!
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