Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

Well, what the heck. I went in and decided to just harvest the seeds now. They actually came out of the buds very easiy. The inside of the calyx shell is not sticky, so they just slid right out.
I have 96 beautiful beans!!! There were only 4 that are too green. I am so ecstatic!! :yahoo:

A total of 51 days from pollination:


Hi everyone. I should call this thread Cannafan's Adventures with Macro photography. LOL
Here are final pictures of the seeds on the Master Widower Bud. I cut the bud and trimmed it today. It is now drying so I can harvest the seeds easier. A couple are falling right out, so they are ready. I don't see any really green ones left so I'm guessing I did this at the correct time.
Here's the seed pics:











Hope you enjoy!

Forgot the buds pic:


Uh, yeah, I'd say you did it at the right time; they look REAL!
seeds look great my friend,

one thing to be careful of is the seeds that are visible may look brown due to the air getting to them, but where its still covered by the seed pod it may still be slightly green, when ive had seeds fall out the calyx before one half was brown and the other half was a lighter brown/green colour, it was still viable and it turned a nice brown colour after a few days.
the seeds will still develop while the buds drying, but it certainly looks like you got yourself some nice seeds, just make sure you store them for a few weeks before planting as i planted strait after harvest and out of 50 seeds only about 5 sprouted, 1 month later i soaked 20 seed to check germ rates before i binned them and all sprouted within days, so they do need some rest period before planting. ive never stored in fridge and some of my seeds are nearly 3 years old and all germ ok,

the fridge storage is the best method and if my germ rates dropped off after a certain amount of time then id use the fridge but i keep them in the back of an old cupboard in small tubs and its in a cool place so its not like their sitting in a room thats got the central heating on so maybe thats why i do ok with seeds.

bet you cant wait to see what results you get, its always interesting when you get your own strains crossed, may the bud gods bring you a real dank strain that you will be more than happy with,
im just waiting on some ken estes gdp cross with sensi star fem seeds to finish developing as ive never had a female gdp plant so hopefully this gdp male had good genes and will pass it onto the top class sensi star strain i got.
I don't know if the rules of English have changed in the past few decades but when I was in school, proper English called for a use of the "masculine" when dealing with unknown, indiscriminate or group requirements. Thus why they were called Mailmen, Firemen, Policemen, etc. At least back then, his use of the word "man" when applied to an indiscriminate saying is actually correct...not counting the "slang" aspects at least. But I'd venture to guess if looking the word up in the dictionary there word be an annotation depicting just that use in slang, as some common terms do; thus, he would have been using it correctly even as "slang." Assuming its actually in Websters.
I don't know if the rules of English have changed in the past few decades but when I was in school, proper English called for a use of the "masculine" when dealing with unknown, indiscriminate or group requirements. Thus why they were called Mailmen, Firemen, Policemen, etc. At least back then, his use of the word "man" when applied to an indiscriminate saying is actually correct...not counting the "slang" aspects at least. But I'd venture to guess if looking the word up in the dictionary there word be an annotation depicting just that use in slang, as some common terms do; thus, he would have been using it correctly even as "slang." Assuming its actually in Websters.

WOW. You need to smoke some more.....:rofl:

I have to come to terms of acceptance with the general use of the word "guys" in relation to a group of mixed gender. It used to make me mad as hell when a waitress would come up to myself and a male friend and she would say "Hi guys, can I get you some coffee?". I had been known to say, "How about the gals too?". LOL
So, yeah...I've gotten used to the other now too.
I better quit rambling....the Choco cookie brownies are talking. :cool:
WOW. You need to smoke some more.....:rofl:

I have to come to terms of acceptance with the general use of the word "guys" in relation to a group of mix gender. It used to make me mad as hell when a waitress would come up to myself and a male friend and she would say "Hi guys, can I get you some coffee?". I had been known to say, "How about the gals too?". LOL
So, yeah...I've gotten used to the other now too.
I better quit rambling....the Choco cookie brownies are talking. :cool:

Canna did you bake those brownies?...:)
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