CannaDad's First Grow - Vero COB LED

Picture time— First picture is all three girls in their tent
Second one is the Amnesia Lemon that just sprouted
Third is the POK which is ready for a topping
Fourth and fifth are SKD which I think is looking pretty healthy.

One problem with the SKD is during its transplant the rootball crumbled and the transplant got botched. That mixed with the fabric pots not being fully unfolded made for the SKD to be sitting pretty low in her pot. My plan of action for this is to wait until it grows a little taller and trim the bottom leaves for clones and then backfill the pot to an appropriate level. My other option as I see it is to transplant earlier than planned, which I would rather not do.

And now for a word of advice for anyone wanting to do fabric pots with docs kit. Don’t do it. At least if you plan to do the dunking drenches. I have found that any benefit from better aeration and root pruning is most likely negated by the rootball being squished back and forth on the fabric pots. They also just don’t dunk very well at all and I have been in able to achieve the bubbling on top while dunking, not that I think that actually affects the overall technique. But it was the gratification I was seeking. Haha. So my recommendation and what I will do in the future is to only do fabric for the 7 gal pots(which I plan to top water exclusively) and I will be starting seeds/clones in 1 gal plastic pots for easier dunking. 7 gal pots will be staying where they are once in the tent so I am not worried about the roots being compromised as much.

So honored to have you with for the journal doc! Hopefully I can help people figure out some answers to their questions before they have to ask you everything. Many thanks again for what you have done for the Cannabis community! P.s when I ordered my kit it was order #00002. One person away from being first to order from the new site I think!!?
I found an empty chair over in the corner. I will hold down for a bit. If I see something I think I know I will raise my hand.

Looks like there's two....:passitleft:

Hey there CD! I happen to know for a fact that I was #0001 -- you must have been right behind me :winkyface:

Grow is looking nice so far! I've only got a few suggestions, surely not to be taken with anything more than a grain of salt:

1) First, I love fabric pots and have run the kit with some success for the last two years. I'd say not to knock them too hard, but this run I ditched them myself and I'm in hard-plastic 7's, and enjoying those JUST fine :smokin: If you're having trouble getting the bubbling effect, you may not be waiting long-enough between waterings? It doesn't start right away for me, but imagine you'll have it soon.

2) I think you may be foliar spraying a little too much too soon. If they were my plants, they would probably just be getting their first brix tonight. I think the (perhaps only slightly) early foliars, combined with a tad bit cool night temps and a tad low humidity is all that's keeping these ladies from sprinting, as far as I can tell.

...They do look nice though, don't they? :high-five:

Welcome the family CD. I'm sure there'll be more of us around soon!

Ps--YES. If it were me, I'd look to hit them with a transplant drench next.
Looks like there's two....:passitleft:

Hey there CD! I happen to know for a fact that I was #0001 -- you must have been right behind me :winkyface:

Grow is looking nice so far! I've only got a few suggestions, surely not to be taken with anything more than a grain of salt:

1) First, I love fabric pots and have run the kit with some success for the last two years. I'd say not to knock them too hard, but this run I ditched them myself and I'm in hard-plastic 7's, and enjoying those JUST fine :smokin: If you're having trouble getting the bubbling effect, you may not be waiting long-enough between waterings? It doesn't start right away for me, but imagine you'll have it soon.

2) I think you may be foliar spraying a little too much too soon. If they were my plants, they would probably just be getting their first brix tonight. I think the (perhaps only slightly) early foliars, combined with a tad bit cool night temps and a tad low humidity is all that's keeping these ladies from sprinting, as far as I can tell.

...They do look nice though, don't they? :high-five:

Welcome the family CD. I'm sure there'll be more of us around soon!

Ps--YES. If it were me, I'd look to hit them with a transplant drench next.

Thank you for the suggestions Stoney! I have used fabric pots helping a friend with his grow and loved them! I just worry about the rootball being disturbed from moving it in and out of the tent for dunking drenched. I dont plan to dunk the 7 gals and I will definitely be keeping with fabric for the 7 gals. Unless someone can highly recommend the radicle grow bags? They look pretty sexy... haha. As for the bubbling I think I pour the water on top too soon. They were definitely dry enough this drench though, a little too dry actually(got too busy and had to do it later than planned )
I think you are right on with the early foliar sprays. I mixed them on the weak side, but definitely a week or two early.
The cooler night time temps have been fixed(70 as the low and 80 max with lights on)
However the humidity has been a constant battle. The air here is very dry in winter and my med room humidifier can’t get the humidity over 55% even with it in the tent. Except the one night I forgot to shut it off with the lights. 99% humidity when I checked in the morning so dumb. Haha

POK and SKD will get transplant with next watering. Would you recommend the AML sprout get transplant as well when they are all dry? (3-5 days or so)
How old were they when you started the foliar sprays?
POK was two weeks and SKD just over one week. Got panicked when I saw deficiencies(noob) and when I saw the sample feeding schedule it seemed I was already behind what others do. When I do it again I will wait until 2 weeks minimum, most likely three. Although the SKD seems to be doing fantastic now, minus the lower leaves burn from touching the soil because of my botched transplant.
Hey CD! I'll pull up a seat if that's ok. I read your first couple posts but need to go back and read the rest. I've been using fabric #10's for a while with pretty good success but with all the debate, I decided to move to hard plastic and got #15's for my current grow (they're still in the 1's, big pot, big plants! I've always used plastic #1's though. Transplant with fabric can be a little tricky, in case you need an idea, what I did in the past with fabric #3's was place them on top of an upside down 5 gallon HD bucket then roll the pot down slowly, it worked well. You'll need something with a very similar diameter to your pots.

I'll be interested in more info on these wifi devices if/when you get them set up, sorry if you already did and I missed it. Gonna go back and read the rest soon.

Congrats on starting your first grow in Doc's Kit. You will not regret it!

Rock on!

Here is a thought, I have not done this but sounds like it may help the fabric pots. Place the fabric pot in a milk crate. You can move it around and never touch the fabric pot to disturb the roots. Always use handles on the milk crates. This should also allow more air flow to bottom of the pot.
So honored to have you with for the journal doc! Hopefully I can help people figure out some answers to their questions before they have to ask you everything. Many thanks again for what you have done for the Cannabis community! P.s when I ordered my kit it was order #00002. One person away from being first to order from the new site I think!!?

I'll do what I can to help, but it sounds like you're already learning the ropes. The DarkScotia journal will be a great source of info for you.
Here is a thought, I have not done this but sounds like it may help the fabric pots. Place the fabric pot in a milk crate. You can move it around and never touch the fabric pot to disturb the roots. Always use handles on the milk crates. This should also allow more air flow to bottom of the pot.

That is a great idea! Especially if the 7s will fit in one. It won’t help for dunking the 1s, without wasting more transplant and GE. But that might make dunking the 7s possible for the first week or two now to find something that a milk crate fits in that can hold water... haha thanks for the idea! I will let you know if I work something out
Update time—-

The only actions taken since the GE drench has been topping POK mostly due to its height, partially caused by the stretch it got under a cfl the first couple days after sprout. That was done yesterday. Today AML received a couple cups of water with .25 ml transplant and 2 drops tea around outside of pot.

AML is already showing its second set of true leaves, only 4 days after sprout. Much better than the seeds started in jiffy pellets or 4 inch planters.
POK has 9 blade leaves by the 5th node. Significant new growth since topping.
SKD has 9 blade leaves by the 4th node. Growth really exploded after GE drench.
POK definitely gets tired by the end of the day. Droop starts about 1-2 hours before lights out. My feeling on this is that her roots are not as developed as her top half so they are unable to keep up with the demand coming from the leaves. I could be way off on this, and it isn’t something that has me worried at all.

Oh and one last note before pictures. My son was up at 4 this morning(wtf!!?) so I was up and then passed out on the couch without turning humidifier after lights came on. Woke up at 8 am and went to check, temps hit 84 degrees and POK is showing some taco leaves now. Should recover soon I imagine.

Now for pictures!
First two are POK sleepy and awake in morning
Then SKD
And last the little AML looking good
Finally made it - sorry it took so long. :cheesygrinsmiley:

You have a lot of soil for such small plants, so watering is going to be tricky. At this point it isn't so much the fabric pots as it is managing soil moisture. It would be tricky in hard pots, too. POK and SKD are big enough now that they should be easier to manage, but be careful with the little AML. A plant that size has already grown a thin searching tap root to the bottom of the pot. :cheesygrinsmiley: It won't "need" water for a very long time.

You were a bit eager to start the drenches and foliars, so give the AML more time than the others. They really don't benefit from it when they're that young - it's more likely to stall them. Let the POK and SKD go very dry now, and I'd recommend a Trans/Tea drench on the high side when they finally need a drench. Unless they wilt, don't give 'em nuthin'. If it goes right, they'll start to stiffen up and reach high, while the new growth goes lime green and the older growth darkens.

... might want to get the POK closer to the light - looks stretchy ...


Can't think of anything else right now ...

Finally made it - sorry it took so long. :cheesygrinsmiley:

You have a lot of soil for such small plants, so watering is going to be tricky. At this point it isn't so much the fabric pots as it is managing soil moisture. It would be tricky in hard pots, too. POK and SKD are big enough now that they should be easier to manage, but be careful with the little AML. A plant that size has already grown a thin searching tap root to the bottom of the pot. :cheesygrinsmiley: It won't "need" water for a very long time.

You were a bit eager to start the drenches and foliars, so give the AML more time than the others. They really don't benefit from it when they're that young - it's more likely to stall them. Let the POK and SKD go very dry now, and I'd recommend a Trans/Tea drench on the high side when they finally need a drench. Unless they wilt, don't give 'em nuthin'. If it goes right, they'll start to stiffen up and reach high, while the new growth goes lime green and the older growth darkens.

... might want to get the POK closer to the light - looks stretchy ...


Can't think of anything else right now ...


Spot on Graytail.

That's why we always recommend starting in smaller containers, per the directions!
Looking good in there! Happy for sure

Really excited to see how the kit works for you!
Finally made it - sorry it took so long. :cheesygrinsmiley:

You have a lot of soil for such small plants, so watering is going to be tricky. At this point it isn't so much the fabric pots as it is managing soil moisture. It would be tricky in hard pots, too. POK and SKD are big enough now that they should be easier to manage, but be careful with the little AML. A plant that size has already grown a thin searching tap root to the bottom of the pot. :cheesygrinsmiley: It won't "need" water for a very long time.

You were a bit eager to start the drenches and foliars, so give the AML more time than the others. They really don't benefit from it when they're that young - it's more likely to stall them. Let the POK and SKD go very dry now, and I'd recommend a Trans/Tea drench on the high side when they finally need a drench. Unless they wilt, don't give 'em nuthin'. If it goes right, they'll start to stiffen up and reach high, while the new growth goes lime green and the older growth darkens.

... might want to get the POK closer to the light - looks stretchy ...


Can't think of anything else right now ...


Honored to have you here graytail! Thank you for all of your advice, and sorry for the late response. I just got back from visiting family for two weeks, which I will bring up on the next update later tonight...

Let me explain my reasoning on the 1 gal pots. SKD and POK were both started in smaller pots, SKD crumbled a bit on my terrible transplant and now sits too low in the pot. The Amnesia Lemon that I started recently is following a grow journal by darkscotia with doc bud. Darkscotia (and I believe doc) both start seeds in 1 gal pots that have been half filled and dunked in water. Dry soil put on top and then moistened and seed planted. I sprayed a little water on top to keep soil moist until it sprouted. Doc and dark then water just a little bit around the outside when the pot is dry. This is a new method to me and if it seems to work well with the Amnesia Lemon I may continue to do it that way to avoid one transplant at least.

Thank you again for your advice on the foliar sprays and drenched as well! I will hold off doing either for the AML until I am advised to do so! As for the SKD and the POK I will be asking for advice for them on my next update when I can get some pictures tonight.. they suffered a little whilst under a friends watch...

The stretching of the POK happened under a cfl light, before I had a heater for the pod and could use the tent.

I also saw in another journal (can’t seem to find that one again...) that you recommend setting COB lights higher up and turning them to full blast rather than closer to the plants and dimmed down? I have 400 watts of Vero 29’s (4 COBs run at 100 each) how high above the canopy would you recommend the light be for both veg and flower and dimmed down at all? Thank you in advance! If you could even link me to the journal that you explain light penetration and headroom that would be great!

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and skills graytail!
You have 400 watts of COBs in 9 sqft, so that should be about 1200 umols at 24 inches - perfect. :cheesygrinsmiley: That should get you a canopy 24" deep.

It was Rich Farmer's journal where I posted the explanation.

Brix! The Quest For Grade AAA Organic Cannabis

You have 400 watts of COBs in 9 sqft, so that should be about 1200 umols at 24 inches - perfect. :cheesygrinsmiley: That should get you a canopy 24" deep.

It was Rich Farmer's journal where I posted the explanation.

Brix! The Quest For Grade AAA Organic Cannabis


Thanks graytail. POK was at 24 before I left, probably more like 18 now. I will be moving the light up and rearranging when I get the pictures for update tonight.
Is there any perceivable benefits to having the light higher early on and having the plants grow to the light? Or would it be better to keep moving the light up as they grow keeping around 24 inches away? Gonna start reading that journal again tonight as well. Thanks again man:thanks:
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