Cannabutter with stems

Ay now,
You don't want to get it too hot
Or you vaporize it.

Stay below 300 at all stages.
Not sure of the vapor point of THC.

Maybe this is where I went wrong, I cooked it for a good hour twenty minutes. I did use DaHui's double broiler method so the butter never even bubbled a little.
end product(Brownies)

Longer you cook the butter the better it tastes to me. Also more concentrate it becomes. I think?
Just don't want boiling temps.
Depending on sea level/elevation thang :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thang about using stems is
the inside of the stems will soak up a lot of your butter
And You have to Press it Out good
or you lose a Lot.
I actually use a collader on top of my main pot to stream and press the stems after they have cooked/simmered for 3-6 hrs.
I have a glass bowl that fits over all this so stream is collected and runs/drips back into the main pot.
Sorry no pics 'Cuz somebody left town with the pics/movie we took last time.
stems themselves contain no trichromes so u technically can't get stoned off them but if u soak them repeatedly in alcohol until u stop getting green run off in the alcohol then evap the alcohol, ur left with a solute semi similar to crappy hash, its from all the surface level trichromes stuck to the stems, u can make cannabutter with that
When you say throw a little in the pan do you mean the shake/stems or pre-made cannabutter?
I ment the pre-made cannabutter

What ratio of stems/butter did you use? I'm thinking that maybe you didn't concentrate your butter enough. Then you used it to make brownies were the cannabutter was once again seperated in smaller quantities.. I have a feeling that if you do what I mentionned you'll get some results. Heck, I once cooked chicken and put a ball of cannabutter in the pan and it worked, lol.

Maybe this is where I went wrong, I cooked it for a good hour twenty minutes. I did use DaHui's double broiler method so the butter never even bubbled a little.
Best method I know, I'm happy you used it.;)
I think 1h20 might be short. I usually let it simmer for a while, like 3-4 hours. You gotta check it and add water every now and because it will evaporate.
stems themselves contain no trichromes so u technically can't get stoned off them but if u soak them repeatedly in alcohol until u stop getting green run off in the alcohol then evap the alcohol, ur left with a solute semi similar to crappy hash, its from all the surface level trichromes stuck to the stems, u can make cannabutter with that

To the best of my knowledge, stems have trichromes. The stems I have are all taken from the nugs while it was being broken up. I've even, back in the days, for the hell of it, taken a razor blade and scrapped a bunch of stems I had. I got a powdery keif like substance that I put in the corner of a baggy and squeesed it and heated it up enough to make a small resine ball.

The alcohol method you are talking about is a completly different story. It takes a long time to make and you end up with a very small quantity of "honey hash" that taste awful. And never would it of crossed my mind to mix that with butter. :hmmmm:
its a shitty solution, but then again we r talking about resorting to stems, Im fairly certain stems don't or atleast not in a significant enough quantity, contain trichromes, they have them surface level as an off shot of the pot, as for the alcohol method, if you r careful the method can b quite quick if u cook off the alcohol, but it can lead to large fires if ur not careful
What ratio of stems/butter did you use? I'm thinking that maybe you didn't concentrate your butter enough.

I used 17 grams of stems to two sticks of butter. I'm definitely not going to give up, next time I will let it simmer longer. I noticed the evaporating water and almost had to add more last time.
Oh damn, I was suppose to weight the Veggies, wasn't I !!!

Oh well, 2 sticks of butter and
trash from 6 fresh plants(just for the skunky essence),
a box lid of 8 cleaned plants and a bowl(1 qt.) of stems, cola parts and budTwigs/crumbs.
Smellin' Good :cheesygrinsmiley:
Had to turn down the fire to keep below 200. Very low flame.
BigOl' lobster pot half full of boiling water.
I have made brownies with stems before and been very happy. Stems from regulars wont do much but krypto/sensi/kron(whatever they call it where youre from) will. I generally use 15 grams of stems to 1/2 cup of oil. I try to stray away from butter with stems. Find a brownie recipe calling for vegetable oil instead of butter, bring it to a medium heat. To test if your oil is hot enough, toss a single stem or sprinkle of your ground stem and if it begins to bubble/sizzle immediately, the oil is hot enough. Wait about 30 seconds and if the stem begins to burn, bring your oil temp. down a bit and try again. Having the heat of your oil base too hot will cause the stem to burn, causing a very unwanted flavor in your oil. Also, oil at a very high heat will destory your thc, making a nice big batch of shit-tasing, worthless brownies. strain the oil after letting it cool for 10-15. Then, simply use that oil in your recipe. I find i get a more balanced high from stem brownies because they are generally stems from a variety of strains, as opposed to using a big bag of buds. Hope i helped.
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