I have made brownies with stems before and been very happy. Stems from regulars wont do much but krypto/sensi/kron(whatever they call it where youre from) will. I generally use 15 grams of stems to 1/2 cup of oil. I try to stray away from butter with stems. Find a brownie recipe calling for vegetable oil instead of butter, bring it to a medium heat. To test if your oil is hot enough, toss a single stem or sprinkle of your ground stem and if it begins to bubble/sizzle immediately, the oil is hot enough. Wait about 30 seconds and if the stem begins to burn, bring your oil temp. down a bit and try again. Having the heat of your oil base too hot will cause the stem to burn, causing a very unwanted flavor in your oil. Also, oil at a very high heat will destory your thc, making a nice big batch of shit-tasing, worthless brownies. strain the oil after letting it cool for 10-15. Then, simply use that oil in your recipe. I find i get a more balanced high from stem brownies because they are generally stems from a variety of strains, as opposed to using a big bag of buds. Hope i helped.