CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

Just a note, I may do things different since I'm a grower and have more to work with, but I use my trimmings to make hash, and after I run the trimmings twice, I use the trimmings to make butter. I usually make 2 lbs of butter at a time and use about a pound of trimmings. Since the cannabis has been rinsed twice thoroughly before being cooked, it never tastes "dirty", and the butter isn't quite as green. Another differnce is I only simmer mine for 30 minutes max. I recieve regular praise for the potency and delicious cookies I make. But if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Depending on how you prepare your butter will greatly affect the taste. The longer you cook the bud into the butter, the more it will have a "veggie" taste. When you make butter, all that's required to make the butter "potent" is to melt the trichomes ("crystals"), so that they combine with the fat in the butter. This doesn't take long, I usually simmer on low for 15-20 min after adding my trimmings.
The smell of cannabis being cooked is relatively mild, almost like a spinach/tea blend. I don't think neighbors would notice unless they partake as well. Potency with 5-6 g's is certainly possible, especially if it's with nice frosty buds. I would only make 2 sticks of butter with that amount (enough to make cookies), and be sure to use unsalted butter. I prefer cookies over brownies, just because they are not as sweet. I cannot say how your end result will be, since I use rinsed trimmings, there is no "dirty" taste in the final product. Remember, it's a different buzz, it takes a minute to kick in, and it lasts longer! ENJOY
great post man thanks, does the food taste weird or anything cos any time i eat cannabis it tastes disgusting i made sum crackers with my mates wit nuttella and grinded up bud put in the oven for 22 mins and it taste like shit
The smell of cannabis being cooked is relatively mild, almost like a spinach/tea blend. I don't think neighbors would notice unless they partake as well. Potency with 5-6 g's is certainly possible, especially if it's with nice frosty buds. I would only make 2 sticks of butter with that amount (enough to make cookies), and be sure to use unsalted butter. I prefer cookies over brownies, just because they are not as sweet. I cannot say how your end result will be, since I use rinsed trimmings, there is no "dirty" taste in the final product. Remember, it's a different buzz, it takes a minute to kick in, and it lasts longer! ENJOY

Is there any particular reason to use the unsalted butter?
I got some really bad back pain i compressed like 3 places in my spine inches long. I have this weed that sucks and gives me a headache when I smoke it lol so I am just going to make this recipe... I will let you know if it does the trick..
I've made it with both, it just seems that when made with unsalted butter, it's much tastier. Might just be me.

That and when you bake things you don't want the extra salt in the butter screwing up your recipes (I learned something about cooking from my gf haha).
I like to use unsalted European style organic butter; it has more butterfat (up to 85%, which is a good thing in this case). I made the butter on several occasions, boiling for 4 hours or more. It didn't smell bad to me, and although one can taste a bit of weed flavor, it's also not bad, certainly not disgusting or unpleasant. I made brownies with cocoa powder and cocoa nubs (organic) and added walnuts. The chocolate itself is a psychotropic drug and it has caffine, which helps me stay alert during the high. The only problem I had was my second batch was so powerful, we have to cut each brownie into four pieces to have a nice high. Even a half had induced dizzyness followed by deep sleep. It's a fine line between a really beautiful time, and a struggle to remain upright. It's important to get the right recipe dosage.
read the Tutorial and I'm in the simmering stage now should be done by 2:00 I'll keep everybody informed. I used an oz of leaf from some blueberry Indica that I grew in the backyard and 3 sticks of unsalted butter.
I swear to god I get high from standing over the stove when the pot is cooking. Has anyone else noticed this?

Well, thc is released into the air by heat, what you can do is keep the heat on low and put a lid on the pot, that'll keep the goodness in the butter.
following the instructions in the 7 Easy steps. I started out with 3 cups water, 3 sticks (1/4 lb each) and 1 oz of trim. I boiled the water, added the butter and weed. turned it down to a simmer for 2 hours. I used a cheesecloth strainer and strained the liquid into a container, then put it in the fridge. The end product was 214.5 grams of cannabutter. so where did the other 133 grams of butter go?? there was no water after it cooled, just a pea green block of cannabutter.
Oh yes I took the leaf and dumped it in my compost pile in the back yard and kicked some dirt over it. tonite after fixing dinner I took some potato peelings out to the compost pile and noticed that the leafy green buttery residue that I tossed earlier in the day was gone, then it dawned on me, it appears that my male Akita (about 110lbs) may have eaten some of the residue, which explains his unusual mellow behavior.
He seems to be coming out of it ok.
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