Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

The way CB-1 and CB-2 was explained to me was that CB-1 could be thought of as the brains of the computer (CPU) and the CB-2 as the peripherals (endpoints throughout the body that take instruction from the CB-1). If the CB-1's are attached first through blood/brain barrier then our bodies are able to respond appropriately - was hard to digest until doing a 911 dose for first time and seeing for myself.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

It's not a high as in being stoned... It is more like a feeling of well being.... It helps me focus and I'm much less stressed and antsy.... My nighttime does not knock me out in the way your thinking.... It's not like taking a sleeping pill.... Again it just allows you to sleep in a deep REM type sleep which is wonderful when you have been an insomniac most of your life... If anything... You will be more aware and focused on taking care of the kids....:circle-of-love:

Guys, do you dream? More to the point, do you remember your dreams? Graytail and I were talking the other day about how I've begun to recall my dreams again after being without cannabis for more than three weeks and he'd mentioned that cannabis takes away that ability, a point that took me by surprise. I'd chalked it up to grief and my avoidance of sleep since he passed.

Being able to help my daughter get restful sleep, something she's struggled with her entire life is an exciting possibility. She started having sleep terrors when she was 2 years old and now it's just a steady stream of nightmares.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thank you Sue! It will be on my saved list for next order now. The search system at Herbie's is not the greatest, I tried to search "Sweet Seeds" thinking the breeder would come up with it in the list to get to it, that didn't work...then just "Dark Devil"...that didn't work... now I see it doesn't say Sweet seeds..just Sweet. LOL
Frustration set in.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Guys, do you dream? More to the point, do you remember your dreams? Graytail and I were talking the other day about how I've begun to recall my dreams again after being without cannabis for more than three weeks and he'd mentioned that cannabis takes away that ability, a point that took me by surprise. I'd chalked it up to grief and my avoidance of sleep since he passed.

Being able to help my daughter get restful sleep, something she's struggled with her entire life is an exciting possibility. She started having sleep terrors when she was 2 years old and now it's just a steady stream of nightmares.

I remember almost all of my dreams. No problem there whatsoever. I don't remember the last time I had a nightmare, and I think that's because the anxiety, nervousness and stress are at bay. If you go to sleep thinking of crappy stuff and your're going to dream to reflect that. IMO

I did just read a study in Psychology today online about teenagers and marijuana that showed patients tested by giving high THC showed less REM activity than those given a placebo. And when the THC withdrawal occurred there was more REM.
Here's the important part of the article:

The study of sleep is fascinating. Sleep has been extensively studied in research laboratories, like the University of Chicago, by measuring brain waves and eye movements while research subjects sleep. Gentle electrodes are placed on volunteers' scalps and near their eyes. While sleeping, the electroencephalogram (EEG) provides evidence of brain activity.

Though sleep seems like a passive state to us, the brain is still very active. In fact, the EEG of a person falling asleep shows five stages of sleep: Stages 1 through 4 and a stage called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Each stage is progressively deeper and the complete cycle is repeated several times during the night. When awakened during REM sleep, subjects report dreaming. So if dreams take place during REM sleep, the question for us is: Does smoking marijuana interrupt REM sleep?

To address this question, Feinberg, et al. (1975) compared the sleep patterns of experienced marijuana users on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and a placebo. Feinberg, et al. (1975) reported reduced eye movement activity and less REM sleep in the THC condition. They also reported a REM rebound effect, that is more REM activity, on withdrawal from THC. So,there exists some scientific evidence that marijuana interferes with REM sleep.

Which is another reason why we would choose a daytime strain and a night time strain. Referring to tacking OIL, not smoking or vaping it. Two totally different things there.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thank you very much for the kind words SweetSue :) Don't have enough posts with my new profile to respond by PM so thanking you here.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I tacked my Tangie oil this afternoon (not an early riser), and the buzz (not a high, but a clearheaded, focused, happy feeling) has lasted me about 8 hours. Just tacked my nighttime Harlequin. I'm considering sneaking little gobs of both oils into maybe a contact lens case and taking them with me to Hawaii bc I really don't want to be without it.

Reading the tacking thread, Motoco had the patience of a saint, endlessly answering questions that his original post addressed. (I thought it funny that somebody asked for a link to the original post when he suggested that they go back and read it.) That thread is another long one; not sure I have the patience to slog thru it, but as with the How To thread, I am curious how some of those folks (and horses) do.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Great for HIM and me.

Hits the CB-1's first, which determine how the body will use the cannabinoids. But also hits all the CB-2's as well, I suspect. Modality seems determined by which receptor type is stimulated first, or most/first. This seems, surely, to be challenged as we go, but useful as a simple visualization tool for now.

Just wanted to point out the CB-2's weren't bypassed. We're equal opportunity stimulators...well, edge to those CB-1's.:rofl:


I'm not going into it unless y'all want.
But fairly quickly,
The CB-1 receptors do not determine how the entire body will use cannabinoids. CB-2 receptors are activated as well as you said.
Also, the lack of feeling high has nothing to do with CB-1 agonists or activation. It's has do with the small ng/l of THC ∆9 not being converted by the liver into THC ∆11. That is what is accomplished by bypassing the blood/brain barrier with such a small amount of oil.

Not being argumentative. This is pretty important to be able to communicate to someone asking us advice in the future imho.
It's fairly basic EDS info though & if they don't already know it, they may get inquisitive & find the info on their own. Then we might look not-so-?.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

The way CB-1 and CB-2 was explained to me was that CB-1 could be thought of as the brains of the computer (CPU) and the CB-2 as the peripherals (endpoints throughout the body that take instruction from the CB-1). If the CB-1's are attached first through blood/brain barrier then our bodies are able to respond appropriately - was hard to digest until doing a 911 dose for first time and seeing for myself.

I love you bro, but this is way way incorrect.
CB-1 receptors mostly govern the CNS & have little to do with controlling other receptors.
CB-2 receptors are mostly associated with the immune system & are actually considered to be the most important in some cancers & illnesses. Hence, the recent fame of CBD.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Clarifying the technical workings of this is appreciated more than you know. I don't have patients the way some others do here that I would have to explain all of that to, should they want to know the scientific information. There will always be people who will ask "Why, or how does this actually work?".

It would be nice if all of this were on one page where it can be answered in one swoop by someone looking for it.
Is there a page on a thread here that we can link to as a reference for this specific information Cajun? (Besides what you just posted)
Then, in the absence of people who could answer it we could point someone there.
Otherwise, I would like to get this organized in one post somewhere.

I think of this thread more as a "support" area and discussing things that aren't too technical, but it would be great if we could get some good links handy to direct members to when those questions come up.

And you said:
I'm not going into it unless y'all want.

I don't know about everyone else, but I would really appreciate that if you have time to do a write up.
What I'm trying to avoid is getting so technical that it takes a medical dictionary to understand it, for example purposes this:

The diverse CB1 and CB2 receptor pharmacology of three plant cannabinoids: ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol and ?9-tetrahydrocannabivarin

That doesn't specifically target what we're asking here, but my intention is to show what people run into when researching something on why/how it works. Can you imagine someone who is not familiar with CB1/CB2, Cannabinoids, THCV, etc. at all trying to read that and understand it? This could be so intimidating.

I'm not one of those people who need all of that scientific stuff, and I certainly don't envy those who are, and have to sift through all of that to get some kind of reasonable understanding.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

There are many books available through Amazon on the human EDS as well as video explanations. I have tons of books on the EDS I could loan you through Kindle.

I couldn't agree with you more. If a member comes to the oil threads looking for advice chances are they will learn about the EDS of they already haven't.
We're going to look like a bunch of jacklegs if we don't know at least the basics of how this works.

There will be members that want to know "how/why" it works & not just follow some stranger's advice.
I'd suggest anyone giving oil advice should know at least the basics of how it works. That usually avoids the "snake oil salesman" fears.
Makes sense?
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Totally understand what you are saying Cajun.
For me, I can comfortably show or tell a person how to tack, and how it is going to make them feel etc., but I refrain from giving scientific details, as you've noticed, because I am just no good with that jargon. I can tell someone how a computer works and how HTML works....but that's where I draw the line. LOL

We need to keep the techy and scientific Q & A on the oil threads. I don't want things getting confusing for members on where they should ask a question, which is why the intro says what it does on technical questions and answers.

I may take you up on the Kindle offer, I need to see if my laptop has a Kindle app on it. I've used it on my phone, but not the laptop.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

There are many books available through Amazon on the human EDS as well as video explanations. I have tons of books on the EDS I could loan you through Kindle.

I couldn't agree with you more. If a member comes to the oil threads looking for advice chances are they will learn about the EDS of they already haven't.
We're going to look like a bunch of jacklegs if we don't know at least the basics of how this works.

There will be members that want to know "how/why" it works & not just follow some stranger's advice.
I'd suggest anyone giving oil advice should know at least the basics of how it works. That usually avoids the "snake oil salesman" fears.
Makes sense?

I agree Cajun, I came here confused (still am :-) and looking for information. I read every post from the beginning to end and along the way tried to figure out which posters understood the science and which ones thought they did.

Also, someone mentioned the need to be able to locate this thread more easily and I couldn't agree more. It seems like the only way I can find it is to go to the misc. topics and scroll down to the bottom. That's fine now that I have figured it out, but it makes me wonder how many people miss it if they don't know exactly where to look.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Clarifying the technical workings of this is appreciated more than you know. I don't have patients the way some others do here that I would have to explain all of that to, should they want to know the scientific information. There will always be people who will ask "Why, or how does this actually work?".

It would be nice if all of this were on one page where it can be answered in one swoop by someone looking for it.
Is there a page on a thread here that we can link to as a reference for this specific information Cajun? (Besides what you just posted)
Then, in the absence of people who could answer it we could point someone there.
Otherwise, I would like to get this organized in one post somewhere.

I think of this thread more as a "support" area and discussing things that aren't too technical, but it would be great if we could get some good links handy to direct members to when those questions come up.

And you said:

I don't know about everyone else, but I would really appreciate that if you have time to do a write up.
What I'm trying to avoid is getting so technical that it takes a medical dictionary to understand it, for example purposes this:

The diverse CB1 and CB2 receptor pharmacology of three plant cannabinoids: ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol and ?9-tetrahydrocannabivarin

That doesn't specifically target what we're asking here, but my intention is to show what people run into when researching something on why/how it works. Can you imagine someone who is not familiar with CB1/CB2, Cannabinoids, THCV, etc. at all trying to read that and understand it? This could be so intimidating.

I'm not one of those people who need all of that scientific stuff, and I certainly don't envy those who are, and have to sift through all of that to get some kind of reasonable understanding.


This is precisely what I'm planning to do with the blog, and I'll be focused on this for the remainder of the week, to the exclusion of everything else. Maybe this is something I should start with? I agree with Cajun. We need something user friendly that we can all point to and a "script", for lack of a better word right now, that we can all translate into our own voices without losing the essence of the information.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Who wants to volunteer to be my proofreader? After I run it by Cajun to be sure I have it technically correct, of course.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I agree Cajun, I came here confused (still am :-) and looking for information. I read every post from the beginning to end and along the way tried to figure out which posters understood the science and which ones thought they did.

Also, someone mentioned the need to be able to locate this thread more easily and I couldn't agree more. It seems like the only way I can find it is to go to the misc. topics and scroll down to the bottom. That's fine now that I have figured it out, but it makes me wonder how many people miss it if they don't know exactly where to look.

This is a work in progress!!! All these suggestions are good. The goal is to make this the "GOTO" place to learn about oil. Come here and we can point you to "Making", "Tacking", "Alternative CCO treatments". With the help of people like Cajun, MO, John and the others, we can teach people what works. We will have a place to refer the people that we are "Preaching the good word to".

The goal of the oilseeds should be to learn all you can, then pass it on. That is my plan!!! :circle-of-love::peace:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I agree Cajun, I came here confused (still am :-) and looking for information. I read every post from the beginning to end and along the way tried to figure out which posters understood the science and which ones thought they did.

Also, someone mentioned the need to be able to locate this thread more easily and I couldn't agree more. It seems like the only way I can find it is to go to the misc. topics and scroll down to the bottom. That's fine now that I have figured it out, but it makes me wonder how many people miss it if they don't know exactly where to look.

I have sent a question in to the mods to see if the thread could be moved to a more visible area. Waiting to hear back.

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