Cultivator, rest assured.
The REASON to tack is to avoid getting high.
That is it's PURPOSE.
Otherwise, eat it and get high. Smoke it and get high.
A non-tech. explanation:
Tacking gets cannabinoids to the brain fastest (through the blood/brain barrier) activating the CB-1 receptors (entering, activating, enabling, strengthening the endocannabinoid (EC) system), which uses the canna as a medicine without psychoactive properties.
The colon also concentrates these CB-1 receptors.
The lungs and stomach concentrate more CB-2 receptors, which, when keyed with cannabinoids, present the psychoactive 'high' response.
'Sloppy tacking' means eating or swallowing some part of the dose you just tacked, and can result in unwanted anxiety or paranoia (high/euphoria).
Re-tacking properly, after a sloppy tack w/unwanted high, will reduce the high. This is a 911 tack.
Three days treating an athlete with problems of muscles locking in spasm and cramp. Neck, shoulders, and lats. Can't sleep due to pain and can't get comfortable. I'm trying to get him to take sativa oil during the day, but he gets such great
muscle relaxation and sleep for the first time in years....that he keeps sloppy tacking indica oil and is fearful of changing. He requires the feeling we get with edibles AND the medical effects of tacking.
Great news again, family!!! Makes up for my Asperger incomplete. Almost.