Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Man I'm really freaking out

Someone who has my number in their phone and who knows what I do for others got raided on

I'm not into texting dangerous stuff but still I'm worried that I'll be guilty by association of something not cool

Everyone is telling me to not worry as I'm legal with permits basically but still I don't need trouble
I'm barely hanging on

Feel like that lil kitten hanging by one claw lol

I need to be around to help others not sitting on my butt somewhere

Those of you willing please
Pray everything goes well

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Of course everything will go well. That's exactly what we're going to expect and hold firm to that. If positive intention has the force I know it has you should feel bolstered that so many are sending it your way.

Keep breathing Hizzy. It'll all be fine. :hugs:
Re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Really trying to stay positive

Would love to be able to live in piece

Piece of mind would be an ultimate goal

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Not a good thing to go through Hizzy. It is scary when you can't trust others to keep you out of their issues. Just lay low, be careful what you say...what you text....and don't make phone calls that have you discussing the stuff. Doesn't matter what you say on a phone call, someone can twist it the way they want to hear it if necessary.

You are in my prayers that this blows over and keeps you secure.

Re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Not a good thing to go through Hizzy. It is scary when you can't trust others to keep you out of their issues. Just lay low, be careful what you say...what you text....and don't make phone calls that have you discussing the stuff. Doesn't matter what you say on a phone call, someone can twist it the way they want to hear it if necessary.

You are in my prayers that this blows over and keeps you secure.


I really appreciate it

What's worse texts or calls or emails?
I'm saying all are very dangerous

Hard to not talk or text at all

I'm trying

Xmas is coming and fam will be here and that's got me sleepless
Thanks again
I luv y'all

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Hi Sara,

Sorry, I wasn't quite sure how to look at/ respond to PM's, (still not actually). Looks like I am in the NOOB penalty box, so I cant respond to your PM - via PM, posting here at my own peril.:laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo:

I am a NOOB here, and there are hundreds of folks that have much more knowledge that I do, no offense to anyone on this or any thread RE Oils, this is my opinion from doing my research and my own experience only. (I have about 200 pages on this thread and god knows how many on the pet thread to catch up.....)

I use my oil to soak cookies (couple of drops) for our 2 jacks, and they seem to do great with one a day. A bit expensive but worth all the health benefits they seem to be getting. I use the classic hemp 6x concentrated by Bluebird Botanicals. Its Firkin expensive, (hooman dose) but my relief from the neuropathy and the 8 hours of SLEEP every night since I started are worth the expense to me.

I am not sure how it compares with true CCO (from the folks here) as it is commercially prepared (and did I mention expensive) but it really works for me at this point, - until I can, or want to make my own. It does not get me high AT ALL (I vape flower to get that side) , and if you look at the lab analysis I posted you will see why. No side effects for me.

I believe that there are different benefits from the different constituents so I prefer to use something that has both the "A-chain" (unheated) as well as the heated constituents (carbed and decarbed) to get maximum benefits. (ie THC-A vs.THC / CBD-A vs.CBD etc......)

Also I believe that route of ingestion is important, as the liver metabolizes all of the components while vape (I don't smoke anything - NFS) sub-lingual and suppositories all deliver the components directly to the bloodstream vs edible which are metabolized in the liver before having any effects. (Damn funny story by KingstonRabbi about confusing the 2 routes that confirms the theory)

IMHO BOTH are important. Even though direct absorption (Vape/SL/S) are all eventually metabolized, they get a crack at the entire body before that happens. I have read a few research papers that discuss the process that I will post (have to find them as I didn't save when I read as I wasn't a member here yet) but even though its not fully understood (beneficial reactions) I truly believe the metabolism mechanics are important too. I am new to the grow side but have spent ENDLESS hours trying to understand the mechanics of our beloved plant, for selfish reasons at that point, but I think that this is the appropriate forum to share.

Hope this helps, may you find what you need to be pain free and sleep well!! - TBTT

Thank you SO MUCH. All of this is incredibly helpful.

So if I understand correctly, you're not using any cannabis, just the hemp? You're vaping and doing the sublingual of the hemp? Or the flower you vape is cannabis?

I'm only wondering, because I'm curious about using the two together. Not that I will be doing that, I'm just curious :)

I know that every hemp formulation is so different, because each and every company uses a different mechanism to make the CBD more absorbable (if they are reputable). And since I'm SO INCREDIBLY SENSITIVE to almost every supplement on the planet, I'm curious if the added things in my brand of hemp are the culprits for the heart rate issue.

I'm happy to hear that you don't have any bad side effects at all. May I ask if you had any anxiety that this helped take care of? Panic attacks?

The main reason I'm so interested in the hemp, too, is the legality. And since I know I will be traveling AND traveling tends to be a huge trigger for me, I'd be in absolute heaven if something worked. Flying, specifically, is what triggered my very first panic attack and is the biggest fear.

Thanks again for your help and recommendation.
Man I'm really freaking out

Someone who has my number in their phone and who knows what I do for others got raided on

I'm not into texting dangerous stuff but still I'm worried that I'll be guilty by association of something not cool

Everyone is telling me to not worry as I'm legal with permits basically but still I don't need trouble
I'm barely hanging on

Feel like that lil kitten hanging by one claw lol

I need to be around to help others not sitting on my butt somewhere

Those of you willing please
Pray everything goes well

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App

Sending you positive thoughts for the best possible outcome. Praying for you.
Re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I really appreciate it

What's worse texts or calls or emails?
I'm saying all are very dangerous

Hard to not talk or text at all

I'm trying

Xmas is coming and fam will be here and that's got me sleepless
Thanks again
I luv y'all

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I would not worry about it, you could tell them anything, ex:someone got into my phone etc.., it wasn't me! prove it. I highly doubt they will go through great lengths over some MMJ. Now if we were talking "Blow" or Heroin i may be a bit more concerned. If you are still a little paranoid just keep any paraphernalia " a little lost" for a while. Believe me i been through worst, where police raided my land of 40 mature plants and looked at my brother and said" We know who's they are just look at the Quad tracks they lead to his house!", I was like " Hey man it's my land!, i am always driving on my land and so are many other unwelcomed bikers who also like "WEED" That's like coming into my house and telling me we have your finger prints all over the place!"....UMM......YEAH?? AND??. I was paranoid for the rest of my harvest thinking they would come back, but guess what? i still managed to pull 2lbs without any other suprise visits and have been going strong ever since.
Just FYI for Saralinni and TigerbydaTail, you have to have a 50 post count before you can Private Message other members. It's one of the rules of the site that help to keep spammers out of our PM boxes among other reasons.


Thanks for the tip. I didn't realized I was so high, so I was able to PM. I was more chatty than I even though!!! How long before our profile pictures show up?
Thanks for the tip. I didn't realized I was so high, so I was able to PM. I was more chatty than I even though!!! How long before our profile pictures show up?

LOL, I get that "Chatty Kathy" mode every now and then myself. :laugh:

Unless something has changed here, you should be able to have a profile picture there. If you want one that is in your profile when members click on your name.... Go to your settings and click on "Edit Profile Picture". Make sure you have either uploaded one, or have chosen a URL to point to one.

If you want one as an Avatar that shows under your member name, you have to click on "Edit Avatar" and do the same as you would for a profile pic.

Hope that helps.

Thank you SO MUCH. All of this is incredibly helpful.

So if I understand correctly, you're not using any cannabis, just the hemp? You're vaping and doing the sublingual of the hemp? Or the flower you vape is cannabis?

I'm only wondering, because I'm curious about using the two together. Not that I will be doing that, I'm just curious :)

I know that every hemp formulation is so different, because each and every company uses a different mechanism to make the CBD more absorbable (if they are reputable). And since I'm SO INCREDIBLY SENSITIVE to almost every supplement on the planet, I'm curious if the added things in my brand of hemp are the culprits for the heart rate issue.

I'm happy to hear that you don't have any bad side effects at all. May I ask if you had any anxiety that this helped take care of? Panic attacks?

The main reason I'm so interested in the hemp, too, is the legality. And since I know I will be traveling AND traveling tends to be a huge trigger for me, I'd be in absolute heaven if something worked. Flying, specifically, is what triggered my very first panic attack and is the biggest fear.

Thanks again for your help and recommendation.

Hi SaraLini -

Sorry for the tardy reply, I swear I sat down 5 times to write this only to be interrupted, finally.....

Yes I combine the 2 at night, need to vape (Canna) to get the non-A-Chains (heated) Have a look at the article in the link, as it explains some of the mechanics of metabolism, 1st pass/2nd pass, grapefruit effect etc. I find all of this stuff fascinating as it seems there are as many intricacies in consuming the plant as there is growing it. I do not have any issues with anxiety just neuropathy and the associated pain/numbness/etc that makes me not sleep.

It may help you to dial in any "effects" using CYP to block or enhance other supplements
If nothing else its educational!!! :idea:

SaraLinni, I see that you do have a profile picture in your profile. Pretty. :)
What you probably want is an Avatar. You can use that picture, but you'll probably have to use the upload or URL thing again.


Ahhhhh. Thank you :) That makes sense. I was wondering how you saw that. I thought only I could see it. I will definitely do that!
Hi SaraLini -

Sorry for the tardy reply, I swear I sat down 5 times to write this only to be interrupted, finally.....

Yes I combine the 2 at night, need to vape (Canna) to get the non-A-Chains (heated) Have a look at the article in the link, as it explains some of the mechanics of metabolism, 1st pass/2nd pass, grapefruit effect etc. I find all of this stuff fascinating as it seems there are as many intricacies in consuming the plant as there is growing it. I do not have any issues with anxiety just neuropathy and the associated pain/numbness/etc that makes me not sleep.

It may help you to dial in any "effects" using CYP to block or enhance other supplements
If nothing else its educational!!! :idea:


No problem! When I saw that the company offers small sample sizes, I jumped. Of course, I didn't even see the 20% off first order banner at the top of the page. Haha!

I scanned through the article a bit. It's fascinating! And I will look at it more in depth. Interesting, as I was told many times that hemp products had ZERO effect on other medications (since my dog is on several for Cushing's and some complications from it). As always, everything is more complicated than it originally seems.

I just wrote the company asking if they'd clarify a couple things - particularly if cannabis and hemp can be combined (at different times). I don't know what I'm doing - it's all a big experiment. Apparently, the current formulation of cannabis I have, I will only be able to tolerate a teeny, tiny, teensy, weensy amount. On their discussion forum, some actually recommend mixing the two, but who knows?

So much to learn!!

Thank you again :)
For what it is worth, when my wife went through non-surgical recovery from multiple broken bones in her foot: In a state with Medical Marijuana, NONE of her doctors or nurses had an issue with combining cannabis with opiods, anti-coagulants, stool softeners, etc. They had her go off several of her herbal supplements when she was on the warfarin (for blood clots preventing her from having surgery) but they all encouraged her to continue using the cannabis at as high doses as needed to control her pre-existing medical conditions as well as to supplement the newly prescribed pain meds.

Then again, the medical professionals didn't know a whole lot about medical Marijuana and asked her questions about it's effectiveness for various conditions. It was a very long process, but her initial bone healing was faster and more complete than expected.

P.S. She was using typical high THC / low CBD strains developed for recreation (White Widow, AK47, Hawaiian Skunk, etc.)
I've been a bit lax on the snacks in the lounge here. In the fridge are some Cannilla Pudding snacks for ya'll.
Made with Canna Milk and Jello Instant vanilla pudding mix.



Please forgive the intrusion, just want to be sure we are all on the same page here. Not sure how to say this, because I love Cannafan's amazing desserts, she is so fantastic in the kitchen and her commentary is unmatched. I'm just not positive that sugar and dairy based desserts would be the best thing to offer sick and dying patients who might be using the oil for healing purposes, struggling with giving up those food items. Just a friendly reminder to anyone using cannabis oil to heal, that sugar and dairy turn cancer and other illnesses on and off like a light switch. :circle-of-love:

Thank you for all you do for the patients and our community Cannafan, we are truly grateful for you. :Love:


18 gs of sugar leaves and 10 gs of blue cheese bud went into this oil. Made some double fudge brownies that would leave an elephant stoned hahaha came out way strong! 8hours in the crock pot on low btw.

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