Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Our DDOS protection network has been going down sporadically all over the world. They are working on it and should be resolved anytime. Sorry for the inconvenience. :Namaste:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Our DDOS protection network has been going down sporadically all over the world. They are working on it and should be resolved anytime. Sorry for the inconvenience. :Namaste:

Thanks so much for that info 420! I've had some issues with the site logging me out for no reason as well today. If you need it posted to a website help link, let us know.

Glad it's not just my old laptop. :laugh:

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

:passitleft: High guys... just wanted to tell ya something... I know I have a hard time retaining the technical info anymore and I get the receptors and what not confused... hence the reason I don't advise on them... but I do know without a doubt now that the oil works... Because I am one of those people that cannot any longer retain a lot of new information... I am one of those folks that looks untill she see something working for someone else and I don't need or want the science behind it for these reasons... however... as the ones of you that know me are aware... I am agoraphobic... Without fella I rarely leave my property... but today... I had to go to the post office... it had to be done...:straightface: Granted it took me from 8 this morning until 1:30 this afternoon to get out the door... which is certainly the hardest part... but I made it to the post office... it went perfectly... went on to the by-pass and pick up a Rx.. went to Tractor Supply and got dog food... stopped at the vets and got pet meds... went to the Dollar store and got cleaning supplies and came on home.... I didn't have the first angst of anxiety... no prescription meds what so ever... well my BP meds and insulin of course but no anxiety meds.... only my oil... I have not done this in literally years...:) So I have come to the realization that getting off the BP meds after being on them for this many years is probably just wishful thinking but I am now completely off the narcotics and I haven't had to take any of the head pills in over a month... So once again I call this a win with the oil....:cco:.......:circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

That is SOOoooo cool Dennise, it takes a lot just to write that down let alone do it :love::adore:

Congratulations "Lady D" :Namaste:

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Actually I did start to have a panic attack after typing all that the second time... I put it on my journal too... and it kinda hit me I did it and I really do know how ridiculous this sounds... but I kinda freaked... smoked a doob...:rollit: and it passed... this really is quite amazing... fella was beyond happy when he realized he didn't have to do all that running when he got off work...:high-five:.....:circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Ranger Ma, I'm soooooo happy to hear all of this. I told you the oil would help with the BP!
Hell yes, you go with ya bad self!!!!!!

Congrats on that big step outside. You have the courage of a celtic she-warrior.
You can do it all now.

Damn, I'm happy to see that. I'm re-reading it again.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Ranger Ma, I'm soooooo happy to hear all of this. I told you the oil would help with the BP!
Hell yes, you go with ya bad self!!!!!!

Congrats on that big step outside. You have the courage of a celtic she-warrior.
You can do it all now.

Damn, I'm happy to see that. I'm re-reading it again.
I bet he's just "bloody chuffed" for you as LA would say.
Y'all do something to celebrate!
I think he might have stopped on the way home and celebrated a bit....:laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo: He's kinda slurring and walking side ways...:;):...:circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

If I remember correctly D, your doctors had to do a little adjusting with your BP meds because of the oil...right? Is that adjustment working out good?

It's a shame that you can't get off those all together, but Dayam! Off the rest of the crazy meds is outstanding!

Baby steps m' dear, don't try to overdo things all at once. A little at a time and you will have that whole agoraphobia in the past.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

He chopped one BP pill in half and pulled one completely... I had to re-add the half.. but the beta blocker he stopped completely is perfect... So 1 is gone... I still take 4...:yikes: but as bad as that sounds... it's a whole lot better than it was...:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:

That's for sure! Grab a doobie doo girl, you deserve it. :joint:

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge


Your testimonial was very moving to read; inspiring, triumphant, motivating, and overcoming adversity...thank you for a great moment to smile in honor of you. :circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I am so very happy and proud for you Dennise. I so much want to be free of the same types of chemicals. Alas, I am remain stuck in Floriduh but with luck will be able to make it to a smart State in the near future and once there be allowed to rid my body of the toxins that they call medicine.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Fella must be more than happy that you D. have found freedom to move more freely in your world.
:thumb: :thanks: :hug:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Question for those of you who are on CCO regimens, or know someone who is.

Have you suffered any allergies or have not been able to tolerate certain foods in your life, and if so, did the oil change those tolerance levels to a point that you can consume those foods without problems?

I know this is an odd question, but I'm trying to look at all of the things the oil affects with our bodies other than diseases.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

:passitleft: High guys... just wanted to tell ya something... I know I have a hard time retaining the technical info anymore and I get the receptors and what not confused... hence the reason I don't advise on them... but I do know without a doubt now that the oil works... Because I am one of those people that cannot any longer retain a lot of new information... I am one of those folks that looks untill she see something working for someone else and I don't need or want the science behind it for these reasons... however... as the ones of you that know me are aware... I am agoraphobic... Without fella I rarely leave my property... but today... I had to go to the post office... it had to be done...:straightface: Granted it took me from 8 this morning until 1:30 this afternoon to get out the door... which is certainly the hardest part... but I made it to the post office... it went perfectly... went on to the by-pass and pick up a Rx.. went to Tractor Supply and got dog food... stopped at the vets and got pet meds... went to the Dollar store and got cleaning supplies and came on home.... I didn't have the first angst of anxiety... no prescription meds what so ever... well my BP meds and insulin of course but no anxiety meds.... only my oil... I have not done this in literally years...:) So I have come to the realization that getting off the BP meds after being on them for this many years is probably just wishful thinking but I am now completely off the narcotics and I haven't had to take any of the head pills in over a month... So once again I call this a win with the oil....:cco:.......:circle-of-love:

As the mother of an anxiety-disabled agoraphobic, this wonderful news gave me tremendous hope. Made me cry myself to sleep too. The idea that we could really have some hope for her. Part of me is so scared it won't work for her.
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