i do have a relatively mild COPD issue, actually still using Terbasmin (Terbutaline
Terbutaline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) at night right before lying down to sleep
also been using cortisone (Prednisone
Prednisone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) for the night, between 7.5mg("high" dose) and 2.5/3mg(minimum dose)
my case has lots to do with enviromental issues and changing habits (used to sport now i don't etc, alergies, air polution, etc)
thing is i quited cortisone about a month ago (everytime i talked to a doctor about this they told me to quit on it as soon as possible) Been using it for about 2 years now. I kinda try to keep a cycling routine (which is what helps me most) but it aint that easy
anyways. During day time in worst days I'd need to inhale from the Terbasmin but that was bad news in case i needed cuz the effects wld go away very fast, and even worse, everytime i'd take a hit (it's powder) it'd work less and less, and the mucus wld stay inside the lungs worsening the situation (thus ending up with the cortisone)
a couple weeks ago
by chance i tried (
smoking) a OG Kushberry, OG Kush x DJ Short's Blueberry, and voile
it works EXACTLY the same than the Terbasmin for daylight BUT, with a big positive, in case i'd need a second "hit", things don't get any worse just like it happens with Terbasmin. Plus, the cough is what i believe it's called "productive". Perhaps the cons include the "stoned" effect, cuz is a high THC strain, but with no doubt it worked for me with COPD
that is why now i came up to this thread, searching for best COPD strains, found Jeff's story, listened to Vey Linville, Dr Donald P. Taskin from UCLA, etc etc
but guess what, it's all problems. Wld like to find Tikun Olam's "Rafael" strain, only 1-2% THC but 15-17% CBD Tikun Olam's Strain: Rafael but unless u'r in Israel or pay the 340$ it cost 10 seeds from the Canada seed bank, u don't even hear/read about it. It'd be the sativa for the Avidekel, which it'd be indica, and more popular
also wld like to try the Harlequin, but again, it's a shame all this stuff is so "underground"
oh well, too long of a post, sorry about it. Just registered to tell u my story. For me a "simple" Kushberry has worked out to sustitute Terbasmine during day time. Period. Again and again. I've done on purpose when i'd need a Terbasmin shot. And it has worked out everysingle time. Now will try with Sensi Seeds high CBD oil and see what happens, if i can totally quit the Terbasmin (which indeed is cheap, but has lots of side effects i don't want)
if i cld surf regularly as i used to, being in the ocean, with 20º C average all year long, etc, i wld not need any of the terbasmin, but now i can't
and i just proven in my own body how the CBD-CBG-whatever- Kushberry has worked out for me. And so not gonna stop now, when i can even grow it. "Juanita la lagrimosa" is another option i want to try, but again, most of the strains have also high THC levels
and pls forgive my awful english and spelling as it is not my mother's tongue