Congrats 420 Motoco on your nomination for MOTY...with all of your's and Mo's hard work, you certainly deserve it.
I have been using the oil for 1 week now and have been noticing some small changes. I mentioned to you before that my normal routine was to eat only 1 meal/day (dinner). I now am eating 3 meals and sometimes a snack or 2 in between, but breakfast and lunch are small in size and my dinner is smaller than it used to be. I find that I get hungry more often than I used to, but I am getting more active, so I guess my body is telling me to stoke the fire (with calories) as I am burning more off.
I purchased a Fitbit Flex bracelet not too long ago as I wanted to actually be able to quantify if my activity levels (steps taken, calories burned, sleep patterns, etc.) were going to change once I started on the oil. Well, I've noticed that I don't wake up as often during the night as I used to (nothing major, but there is a trend in the right direction) and I find that I am able to take more steps each day and I actually feel like I want to do more (my mind tells me "get off the couch and move around more"). Tonight for the first time in well over a year, I got on my recumbent bike and pedaled for 20 minutes. That was a big accomplishment for me. Those CBDs must be doing their work, as my pain doesn't stop me in my tracks as it did before.
In about 2 weeks I will be doing my normal monthly lab work and am curious to see if my kidney function results (serum creatinine and BUN) have improved, as I have been peeing like a racehorse lately (lots). I had a kidney transplant 6 years ago, but have had problems with chronic rejection issues from the get go.
As per your instructions, I've been using 1/4 grain of daytime oil twice/day and 1/4 grain of nightime oil about 1 hour before bed for this past week. Should I start increasing to 1/2 grain for each of my doses now?
Thank you so much Motoco and to all of you who have given me advice and encouragement during my journey in discovering the world of concentrated cannabis oil. This forum is a terrific place and I am so glad that I found it and decided to jump/join in.
And to FSC...congrats on your nomination for MOTM. It's a very impressive nomination for someone who hasn't been on this site for very long. You have shown your dedication and willingness to go the extra mile. I wish you luck.