Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method


Thanks for all the info. I believe I understand tacking, I've read through a lot of the posts here about it. I'll have to give it a try to know for sure. If you had to sum up the reason for tacking, what would it be? I'm just trying to wrap my head around it :). Bioavailability. .. basically right?

Yes I work full time and my job stresses me out! My doctor is super supportive tho. My plan was to start out with my doses all after work (2-3 doses from 6pm-11pm) m-f .... regular as recommended on weekends. And if/when that got to be too much go on disability and do a regular regimen. I just know myself and I couldn't work the least bit high. I'll try tacking though maybe tonight or tomorrow night (not too late so I can see how it feels) and maybe I can work on it or on a high cbd low the oil if I find one.

I dunno that's what I was thinking but open to feedback. I'd go on disability now in a heart beat instead but I need the extra money the next month anyway to buy more oil ... although good to know to maybe just worry about 30 grams at a time.... and see how things progress.

Also I was on a somewhat light chemo pill for a few months but couldn't stand the fatigue (might have been worth it if tumor was shrinking but it wasn't, it just slowed the growth to almost none... and with the pain and disability of my tumor .... that isn't enough). I've been off for a few weeks now and in major pain (means it's growing). I try to take tumeric pills for pain but it's so bad now I'm using the Norco like 3-4 a day max. Hopefully will cut that in half and than sstop entirely with the oil.


Hi angelarae,

Sounds like your good to go. Thank you for the information. Have you tried 'tacking' yet? You have the 3 grams of Blue Dream (great for daytime use) if you like this oil/manufacturer see if they have a high CBD strain of oil. Perhaps the next time you get some get 2 grams of Blue Dream and 1 gram of high CBD strain. This will help shrink the tumor by removing the inflammation/pain. When or if you get the CBD strain your regimen would be starting off; 1st a.m. dose after breakfast, brush/rinse teeth, 1/2 grain of rice CBD strain followed 10 minutes latter by a 1/2 grain of rice Blue Dream. Two hours latter a half grain of rice of Blue Dream. After lunch a half grain of CBD followed 10 minutes later by a half grain of rice of Blue Dream. Three hours later half grain of CBD followed by half grain of Blue Dream. Of course you don't have a high CBD strain but perhaps you could make it a priority to get at least one gram starting off. If they have Harlequin that would be great. Until you get a high CBD strain use Blue Dream instead of starting with the CBD strain. So it would be 1 grain of rice Blue Dream, a 1/2 grain of rice second dose, 3rd dose a grain of rice Blue Dream , 4 dose a half grain of rice of Blue Dream. Starting out take a half grain of rice and break it down into 2 smaller doses taking one at a time followed immediately the second part. When taking a full grain of rice break it down like this; take a 1/4 grain of rice tack well, followed by another 1/4 grain of rice tacked the same way, wait 10 minutes and then take the 1/2 grain of rice. Take your time and make sure you get it on your gums properly. Learning the application is the most important part of your regimen. It might seem time consuming at first, your learning and want to be safe doing so. Once learned it becomes much easier. Doing it correctly you don't feel much of anything (you know what it feels like when you simply digest it), It is working properly. Just keep at it, stay on your regimen dosing times. Make sure you hydrate and snack in between meals, even if you don't feel like it. What to expect; a bitter taste, you get used to this and many who use the oil start liking the taste as they know they are healing. Nausea will happen if you don't drink and eat in between meals (dehydration/lack of nutrition). As mentioned, hydrate and snack and you will have no issues. If you get euphoric by accident; as soon as you feel like your getting euphoric take a small dab 1/4 grain of rice and tack properly and it will bring you back down. Not down enough? Tack another small amount. Always eat first before dosing as food particles can pick up some concentrate, goes to your digestive system and euphoria could happen. If you work, have errands, places to go, start off by learning on your days off. Drive locally, go to the store, basically carry on with life. You will find out the apprehension is about nothing. You should be cleared eye, bushy tailed and ready to go. You will find out the concentrate will do much more than what your using it for. Balances your hormones, builds your auto-immune system, controls sugar levels, blood pressure, depression/anxiety, basically aliments from A-Z. The stricter your regimen the faster the heal. Don't stress about the 60 grams regimen. You don't need it all at once and might not need the whole 60 grams. In my community the last 3 people who healed cancer only used 30-36 grams (flower only concentrate and the bud was 25-27% THC). A final mention; Keep using the Blue Dream as your main dose, get some CBD oil also. Then you will notice soon you have a hard time sleeping (sativa dominant is up) you will need as close to pure Indica as you can get. Master Kush is readily available in Cali. You have 3 grams of daytime so you need to get as mentioned a gram of CBD oil and 1 gram of Indica oil to complement your Blue Dream. The Indica will only be a 1/2 to a grain of rice an hour before bed and isn't really counted in the dosing regimen, just for sleep or to increase appetite as needed. If you can get the CBD/Indica oil you will have a great regimen and a complete oil package. Feel great during the day with a positive attitude with the daytime oil/cbd included and REM sleep at night all while your curing your aliments. Keep it simple, just stay regimented and what your health turn around. Be patient, most think the oil isn't doing much at the start, trust me, it will. Don't be overwhelmed, take a day at a time and watch the magic happen. Any questions I missed? Ask away.

Do you work? What type of meds are you on?
Your welcome. Bioavailability?, more like bioaccessibility, allowing the cannabinoids to pass through the blood brain barrier to the CB1 receptors via; to cross an organism,s cellular membrane. In a nut-shell, dosing on the lower gum allows the the oil to be adsorbed via the systemic circulation, allowing the cannabinoids to reach your CB1 receptors. A worthy mention; the Wife is a Office Mgr., accounting/bookkeeper and cannot in no way shape or form be euphoric at work. For me I basically chat with people all over the globe discussing aliments, etc. I do not want to be 'high' during the day, period. This is what is great about 'tacking'. No High, in fact with proper strains like your Blue Dream (sativa dominant) its really a complete opposite of euphoria, bright eyed and bushy tailed and achieving much more productivity at work if desired. Dosing high THC levels at night (Blue Dream) will keep the wheels turning upstairs and will discourage deep REM sleep (where the Indica comes into play). Try this; on your day off take a half grain of rice, divide into two parts (a cuticle pusher works great) tack a 1/4 grain of rice thoroughly, then the other 1/4 grain of rice first thing in your morning right after breakfast/morning routine. Then do the same after lunch. Repeat on your other day off. When you feel no euphoria, drive around the block, run some errands. You will soon find out there is absolutely nothing to worry about. fghtsmallcell/canjuncelt and others will testify taken correctly your day is much more productive than even when normal. Your regimen is that you want to dose after work when you should be sleeping with few interruptions as possible for REM sleep. You want to heal during the day while active. You really want a daytime regimen and its much more easy once you learn. Once your confidence is satisfied your heal begins. I've had quite a few people locally ask me 'can I really be healing and feel this good'?. By feeling this good, meaning a wellness feeling, not high. Yes is the answer. You definitely want your main dosing through the day. You will be amazed how you can digest this oil, go to the moon (always coming back) yet take it via your gums with absolutely no high and is the quickest way to heal I've seen to date. Just start as mentioned; a grain of rice a day, split into a morning dose and afternoon dose and split those while taking to insure no euphoria. Once that is learned you will see how easy it is to dose through the day even when stepping up the times you dose. There are easy workarounds for every situation and we can achieve resolve for you also. As we speak I know people going to work with stage 4 cancer and not missing a beat in life while maintaining their dosing regimen. No need to miss anything. Now if you want rest and de-stress then work until you can get your oil situated (strains I mentioned) and do so then.



Thanks for all the info. I believe I understand tacking, I've read through a lot of the posts here about it. I'll have to give it a try to know for sure. If you had to sum up the reason for tacking, what would it be? I'm just trying to wrap my head around it :). Bioavailability. .. basically right?

Yes I work full time and my job stresses me out! My doctor is super supportive tho. My plan was to start out with my doses all after work (2-3 doses from 6pm-11pm) m-f .... regular as recommended on weekends. And if/when that got to be too much go on disability and do a regular regimen. I just know myself and I couldn't work the least bit high. I'll try tacking though maybe tonight or tomorrow night (not too late so I can see how it feels) and maybe I can work on it or on a high cbd low the oil if I find one.

I dunno that's what I was thinking but open to feedback. I'd go on disability now in a heart beat instead but I need the extra money the next month anyway to buy more oil ... although good to know to maybe just worry about 30 grams at a time.... and see how things progress.

Also I was on a somewhat light chemo pill for a few months but couldn't stand the fatigue (might have been worth it if tumor was shrinking but it wasn't, it just slowed the growth to almost none... and with the pain and disability of my tumor .... that isn't enough). I've been off for a few weeks now and in major pain (means it's growing). I try to take tumeric pills for pain but it's so bad now I'm using the Norco like 3-4 a day max. Hopefully will cut that in half and than sstop entirely with the oil.

Good Morning Motoco,
I will be visiting my friend today and teaching him to tack. I was thinking 1/2 grain of rice 4 times a day to start?? And build from there. Thanks in advance
Good Morning fsc,

That would be perfect. Are you breaking down the 1/2 grain of rice? Safest starting out. Best of luck, scratch that...your skilled, you don't need luck, lol. Say Hi to Red fsc,

Good Morning Motoco,
I will be visiting my friend today and teaching him to tack. I was thinking 1/2 grain of rice 4 times a day to start?? And build from there. Thanks in advance
Good Morning fsc,

That would be perfect. Are you breaking down the 1/2 grain of rice? Safest starting out. Best of luck, scratch that...your skilled, you don't need luck, lol. Say Hi to Red fsc,

Thanks Motoco, yes, I will be breaking it down and setting all the rules in place. LOL

I'll try the tacking today (in a few moments here after my breakfast) and then again after lunch. Since I'm off today, if all goes well and I'm not really high, I'll go ahead and do this for a handful of days before increasing. When I go to get more oil I'll look out for a higher CBD and an indica strain... hopefully I'll have some luck. So for these first days just 1 grain of rice daily (1/2 after breakfast and 1/2 after lunch)?

And when you do the 1/4 grain, followed by 1/4 grain, you wait any time I'm between? Or just that you want to tack it separately?


Your welcome. Bioavailability?, more like bioaccessibility, allowing the cannabinoids to pass through the blood brain barrier to the CB1 receptors via; to cross an organism,s cellular membrane. In a nut-shell, dosing on the lower gum allows the the oil to be adsorbed via the systemic circulation, allowing the cannabinoids to reach your CB1 receptors. A worthy mention; the Wife is a Office Mgr., accounting/bookkeeper and cannot in no way shape or form be euphoric at work. For me I basically chat with people all over the globe discussing aliments, etc. I do not want to be 'high' during the day, period. This is what is great about 'tacking'. No High, in fact with proper strains like your Blue Dream (sativa dominant) its really a complete opposite of euphoria, bright eyed and bushy tailed and achieving much more productivity at work if desired. Dosing high THC levels at night (Blue Dream) will keep the wheels turning upstairs and will discourage deep REM sleep (where the Indica comes into play). Try this; on your day off take a half grain of rice, divide into two parts (a cuticle pusher works great) tack a 1/4 grain of rice thoroughly, then the other 1/4 grain of rice first thing in your morning right after breakfast/morning routine. Then do the same after lunch. Repeat on your other day off. When you feel no euphoria, drive around the block, run some errands. You will soon find out there is absolutely nothing to worry about. fghtsmallcell/canjuncelt and others will testify taken correctly your day is much more productive than even when normal. Your regimen is that you want to dose after work when you should be sleeping with few interruptions as possible for REM sleep. You want to heal during the day while active. I've had quite a few people locally ask me 'can I really be healing and feel this good'?. By feeling this good, meaning a wellness feeling, not high. Yes is the answer. You definitely want your main dosing through the day. You will be amazed how you can digest this oil, go to the moon (always coming back) yet take it via your gums with absolutely no high and is the quickest way to heal I've seen to date. Just start as mentioned; a grain of rice a day, split into a morning dose and afternoon dose and split those while taking to insure no euphoria. Once that is learned you will see how easy it is to dose through the day even when stepping up the times you dose. There are easy workarounds for every situation and we can achieve resolve for you also. As we speak I know people going to work with stage 4 cancer and not missing a beat in life while maintaining their dosing regimen. No need to miss anything. Now if you want rest and de-stress then work until you can get your oil situated (strains I mentioned) and do so then.

Hi angelarae,

Perfect! Take your time. No time is required doing the two tacks (one right after the other). A smaller amount is much easier to handle. After tacking and you pull your finger out, take a look-see and if any is left move to a spot right next to where you tacked and get the rest off. There will always be a little film left. I warm it up with a hair dryer and apply it topical somewhere. Taste to bitter? Take a small drink of ice water, gently swirl, spit it out but do not swallow. In fact don't swallow the saliva for 10 minutes, instead just spit it out. We are taking extra precautions at the start, it becomes easier. Any issues, post, I'll keep an eye out. Good luck and take your time.



I'll try the tacking today (in a few moments here after my breakfast) and then again after lunch. Since I'm off today, if all goes well and I'm not really high, I'll go ahead and do this for a handful of days before increasing. When I go to get more oil I'll look out for a higher CBD and an indica strain... hopefully I'll have some luck. So for these first days just 1 grain of rice daily (1/2 after breakfast and 1/2 after lunch)?

And when you do the 1/4 grain, followed by 1/4 grain, you wait any time I'm between? Or just that you want to tack it separately?

Hey Motoco,
Thanks for the info. It is a very confusing subject as most of us have no clue how to use the RSO properly. The oil I'm using is made from Blue Dream and OG Kush. The buds were mixed so the oil is a sativa dom which I believe is leading to a problem for me. I have been on the oil that I made for 2 weeks now. I started at a 1/4 grain of rice and now up to 3 grains a day. Issue is I can no longer sleep. So I took a day off the oil I slept on and off last night. I tried drinking a couple glasses of red wine and it seemed to help but not now. Also I was trying to tack a grain and a half at a time. I was getting high as most was just not tacking but mixing with my saliva. Most people would enjoy it but for me it makes me have a heavy feeling in my chest to the point I think it is hurting. I tacked today with no problems and will take melatonin tonight to see if it helps me sleep. I may need to get a pure indica for night time use just to sleep. Being in my state makes it very difficult to get. I do believe I have the correct oil to kill the cancer but if I can not sleep and if I use to much wine to sleep well which will kill me first, prostate cancer or liver failure. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi rfrains,

Understood; from the first post to here dosing properly/strains/daytime-nighttime regimen is all spoken of multiple times. Two weeks is about the time Sativa dominant oil keeps the wheels turning at night, this is why you also need Indica in your regimen not only for sleep but also to increase appetite/naps. Even if you use an Indica dominant during the day it will still keep you up at night with Sativa in it (unless its 90% plus). See if you can get some oil like Master Kush/Afgan Kush/Hindu Kush for sleep. Also what times are you dosing?

I certainly don't enjoy getting euphoric on concentrated oil. This is why tacking is the safest method. When you where doing a 1/4 grain of rice starting out did you get 'high'? The post above yours explains how to break down doses and many other post. I would never suggest to do one and half grains of rice at once. The proper way to do that amount is take a quarter grain of rice, split that in half just like the above post making sure it is tacked properly. This is when you wait 10-15 after the small doses then apply the grain of rice trying to tack as much as possible. If you wouldn't of even tried to tack it would of been worse.


Hey Motoco,
Thanks for the info. It is a very confusing subject as most of us have no clue how to use the RSO properly. The oil I'm using is made from Blue Dream and OG Kush. The buds were mixed so the oil is a sativa dom which I believe is leading to a problem for me. I have been on the oil that I made for 2 weeks now. I started at a 1/4 grain of rice and now up to 3 grains a day. Issue is I can no longer sleep. So I took a day off the oil I slept on and off last night. I tried drinking a couple glasses of red wine and it seemed to help but not now. Also I was trying to tack a grain and a half at a time. I was getting high as most was just not tacking but mixing with my saliva. Most people would enjoy it but for me it makes me have a heavy feeling in my chest to the point I think it is hurting. I tacked today with no problems and will take melatonin tonight to see if it helps me sleep. I may need to get a pure indica for night time use just to sleep. Being in my state makes it very difficult to get. I do believe I have the correct oil to kill the cancer but if I can not sleep and if I use to much wine to sleep well which will kill me first, prostate cancer or liver failure. Any suggestions would be appreciated. We can also adjust your amount right now for the daytime until you get your Indica. Also when you get your Indica we can adjust your daytime if you want to tone it down a little. If you mix to much Indica with your daytime you will be on couch-lock and also get depressed dwelling on cancer. We will get you on track.
I tack after breakfast then again around 5 pm after dinner. Nour set time in the morning as I try to get to sleep and getting up latter and latter.
Yes I need help in the proper tacking.
Hi rfrains,

Tacking the daytime after dinner is the biggest issue. Lets do this, I will lay out your regiment for dosing. Your schedule is out of sorts and we need to get that back up and running as a strict dosing regimen is required. First things first and right now 'tacking' is the most important. Next time please don't wait so long before having issues, why we are here to help and getting off to a good start is important as not to waste time.

Your welcome


I tack after breakfast then again around 5 pm after dinner. Nour set time in the morning as I try to get to sleep and getting up latter and latter.
Yes I need help in the proper tacking.
Good morning to evrybody my name is Luigi from Italy
I don't know if this thread the right place to ask

Sorry in advance for my English, I'm italian and my English is not so good
I need help. Three weeks ago we started do give to my father who have 4Stage Lung Cancer
with metastasis in lymph nodes and liver the oil.
At the beginning everything seems to work good and we arrive to give him 0.5-0.6 gram for day
in two weeks.
Before this he had continous pain at the abdominal region but with the oil the pain was dissapperaed
The problem was that he start to loss appetite and avoid meals I wa worried and i stop oil for a couple of day
Immediately after the stop he shows problem of panick attack and ansiety and also dissociation and lost of short
term memory.
So i restart with the oil slowly 0.2 grams for dy things are going better but he still have panick attack e and
sometimes dissociation.
I don't no what to do i have to continue to increase the dose or i have to stop ?
i hope someone like Motoco or other can help me.
My oil ismade with Somango strains very high in THC bur low in cbd
Thanks in advance
Hi jerry,

Welcome to 420 Magazine. What method is your Father taking the oil? Digesting, capsules, tacking? Sounds like a sativa strain which in about 2-3 weeks appetite loss starts to occur. How many times a day is your Father taking the oil and what time's during the day. Did you make the oil concentrate? If not can you find out how the oil was made; what type of solvent was used, etc.

Short term memory loss is normal on the oil. It is not permanent and quickly goes away. The anxiety/panic attack when stopping the oil is from dwelling on the cancer. That is normal also. Also lack of food and water can cause panic attacks also.

If you could please copy your post and simply paste it here; in 'Post Quick Reply'.

I have some appointments coming up starting in about one hour and will be free in about 4 hours.

Don't stop taking the oil, just make sure he starts taking the oil on page one of the link I'm sending you to. We will chat latter as soon as I'm free. Yes, take smaller amounts right now, a half of grain of rice every two hours as instructed on page one of the dosing tutorial. No latter than 2-3 in the afternoon until I have time to research the strain you mentioned. We will get you back on track in no time. Please answer the questions I asked so I know what I'm working with.

Thank you


Good morning to evrybody my name is Luigi from Italy
I don't know if this thread the right place to ask

Sorry in advance for my English, I'm italian and my English is not so good
I need help. Three weeks ago we started do give to my father who have 4Stage Lung Cancer
with metastasis in lymph nodes and liver the oil.
At the beginning everything seems to work good and we arrive to give him 0.5-0.6 gram for day
in two weeks.
Before this he had continous pain at the abdominal region but with the oil the pain was dissapperaed
The problem was that he start to loss appetite and avoid meals I wa worried and i stop oil for a couple of day
Immediately after the stop he shows problem of panick attack and ansiety and also dissociation and lost of short
term memory.
So i restart with the oil slowly 0.2 grams for dy things are going better but he still have panick attack e and
sometimes dissociation.
I don't no what to do i have to continue to increase the dose or i have to stop ?
i hope someone like Motoco or other can help me.
My oil ismade with Somango strains very high in THC bur low in cbd
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance for your quickly reply I've copied here sa you said

Good morning to evrybody my name is Luigi from Italy
I don't know if this thread the right place to ask

Sorry in advance for my English, I'm italian and my English is not so good
I need help. Three weeks ago we started do give to my father who have 4Stage Lung Cancer
with metastasis in lymph nodes and liver the oil.
At the beginning everything seems to work good and we arrive to give him 0.5-0.6 gram for day
in two weeks.
Before this he had continous pain at the abdominal region but with the oil the pain was dissapperaed
The problem was that he start to loss appetite and avoid meals I wa worried and i stop oil for a couple of day
Immediately after the stop he shows problem of panick attack and ansiety and also dissociation and lost of short
term memory.
So i restart with the oil slowly 0.2 grams for dy things are going better but he still have panick attack e and
sometimes dissociation.
I don't no what to do i have to continue to increase the dose or i have to stop ?
i hope someone like Motoco or other can help me.
My oil ismade with Somango strains very high in THC bur low in cbd
Thanks in advance
Thanks for all Motoco
I' ve try to explain how we have dosed the oil to my Father
First time we started three times a day ingesting orally. We started with 1/4 grain rice every time and in two weeks
we arrive at 0,6 gram divided in three times a day.The big pain was dissapearead but dad was too stoned and dosen't and hydrate enough.
So we suspend for a couple of day the somministration and he started to have panick attack, ansiety and disociation.
When I started give him oil again in a small doses divided in six times a day things start to improving less frequently panic attack and disssociation.
I've observed panick atacks seems to occour when he finish the effect of the oil.
It seems like if is body need an amount of cannaibinoid in his system someone call cannabinoid deficiency.
So I yesterday I've increased the dose to 0.4 grams divided in 6 time and start to tacking,eating and hydrating correctly and things improved remarkably
I think he need a liitle bit more increasing but we are going back on the right track
Thank very much for all the advice you're really great
Jerry 7027
Hi jerry,

Thank you for the information! Its very important to learn to 'tack' correctly before increasing the amount of oil. Just stay on the dosing regimen your doing now for a week. Once learned to 'tack' correctly you can increase the dosage. Just a tip; it really isn't how much oil you take it is how much you take correctly. Getting euphoric digesting the oil can make things worse. Don't worry, your on the right track now. Just keep up with the good job of 'tacking', eating and drinking water. Alway make sure you always eat before you take the oil on main meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between meals always wait 30 minutes after you dose before eating snacks or hot liquids. You can drink cold water 10 minutes afterwards. If the taste of the oil is bitter (it should be) simply take a small drink of ice water without swallowing and gently spit it out and the taste dissipates much quicker. Remember, the better you tack, the quicker the heal. Great job Brother!


Thanks for all Motoco
I' ve try to explain how we have dosed the oil to my Father
First time we started three times a day ingesting orally. We started with 1/4 grain rice every time and in two weeks
we arrive at 0,6 gram divided in three times a day.The big pain was dissapearead but dad was too stoned and dosen't and hydrate enough.
So we suspend for a couple of day the somministration and he started to have panick attack, ansiety and disociation.
When I started give him oil again in a small doses divided in six times a day things start to improving less frequently panic attack and disssociation.
I've observed panick atacks seems to occour when he finish the effect of the oil.
It seems like if is body need an amount of cannaibinoid in his system someone call cannabinoid deficiency.
So I yesterday I've increased the dose to 0.4 grams divided in 6 time and start to tacking,eating and hydrating correctly and things improved remarkably
I think he need a liitle bit more increasing but we are going back on the right track
Thank very much for all the advice you're really great
Jerry 7027
Thank you for all the advice today things seem to go slowly on the right track still a couple of short panick attack usually when he wakes up after sleeping following a dose.
Still some problem with eating but things are going better i think we need to improve "tacking"
We will start to wash and spit out ten minutes after dosage
Thanks for all Brother!
Your welcome,

Keep practicing the tack and all will be good. If by mistake he does get euphoric, simply tack a small dose properly and hewill come down. Remember, water, food/snacks. Keep us posted.


Thank you for all the advice today things seem to go slowly on the right track still a couple of short panick attack usually when he wakes up after sleeping following a dose.
Still some problem with eating but things are going better i think we need to improve "tacking"
We will start to wash and spit out ten minutes after dosage
Thanks for all Brother!
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