Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

If you read what I've been writing I really do not count the high cbd strain or the indica. Starting with the high CBD strain is for safety of your mother. By starting off with high CBD strain it insures a much more safer approach so if your Mother doesn't take the oil correctly she barley gets high because of the high CBD's in the oil it helps control euphoric. You already mentioned your Mother has gotten high off a concentrate and at 83 that is a hazard especially with the meds she is taking. Euphoric and blood pressure meds or vicodin is a 'pass out cocktail'. Take the oils as recommended by themselves per instructions and no mixing. High THC, high CBD in the same spots (front) and nighttime towards the back teeth.

Your welcome to do/try anything you want as far as regimen goes, that being said please don't ask for information if your not going to use it. I don't want to come off being snide but I don't want to waste time if you do not want sound advice, don't ask. You said you where going to read previous post and learn. You wouldn't be asking if the oil is taken in the same spots. You would of also read if CBD is a stand alone I always have people tack that first. Again, don't take this the wrong way as you have a right to do what ever you want, just asking that you study and learn if that is what your seeking to do. Remember the PM? I told you what my method did as far as build up time. Your Mothers regimen is uber safe if followed correctly. We all want to help, but, sometimes our brain gets in the way.

I wouldn't vape until the meds your mom is on are weened off. If I where to vape make sure its at night, in bed, gone to the bathroom and its sleep time. Once off the blood pressure/pain meds (don't need them as the oil does the same thing) then vaping before meals, mood enhancer, sleep aid is something I like patients to do.

I posted your mothers regimen so others who are caretakers could see how an older person is dosed so they have an idea helping an elder.

I added all this up this is a higher dose than my mom is used to (7 1/2 grains). My mom has only been taking about 4 grains a day so far. I think I will start a little more slowly today until I have the chance to talk with you about it.
Thanks Motoco,

I hope I haven't offended you. That wasn't my intention. I appreciate your information and we are using it. My only concern was going from 4 grains to 7, especially since they were all new oils. But I see it as a needless concern as she hasn't gotten high since she's been tacking properly, and today was no different. So it is all good.

We followed your dosing today except for one of the daytime dosings. We got a late start. We'll do better tomorrow.

We found this oil to be a little thinner than the previous oil so it has been a little harder for her to tack. Is there any problem if we keep the oil in the fridge so it less viscous and easier to apply?

Thanks for all you help :)

If you read what I've been writing I really do not count the high cbd strain or the indica. Starting with the high CBD strain is for safety of your mother. By starting off with high CBD strain it insures a much more safer approach so if your Mother doesn't take the oil correctly she barley gets high because of the high CBD's in the oil it helps control euphoric. You already mentioned your Mother has gotten high off a concentrate and at 83 that is a hazard especially with the meds she is taking. Euphoric and blood pressure meds or vicodin is a 'pass out cocktail'. Take the oils as recommended by themselves per instructions and no mixing. High THC, high CBD in the same spots (front) and nighttime towards the back teeth.

Your welcome to do/try anything you want as far as regimen goes, that being said please don't ask for information if your not going to use it. I don't want to come off being snide but I don't want to waste time if you do not want sound advice, don't ask. You said you where going to read previous post and learn. You wouldn't be asking if the oil is taken in the same spots. You would of also read if CBD is a stand alone I always have people tack that first. Again, don't take this the wrong way as you have a right to do what ever you want, just asking that you study and learn if that is what your seeking to do. Remember the PM? I told you what my method did as far as build up time. Your Mothers regimen is uber safe if followed correctly. We all want to help, but, sometimes our brain gets in the way.

I wouldn't vape until the meds your mom is on are weened off. If I where to vape make sure its at night, in bed, gone to the bathroom and its sleep time. Once off the blood pressure/pain meds (don't need them as the oil does the same thing) then vaping before meals, mood enhancer, sleep aid is something I like patients to do.

I posted your mothers regimen so others who are caretakers could see how an older person is dosed so they have an idea helping an elder.
I wasn't offended, just trying to make sure we where on the same page. Just know your Mom's dosing regimen starting off with the CBD is the safest way to take the oil. Good job on the late start. It is better to miss a dose than to try to make up for it and change the regimen.
It would be a good idea also if you made her a chart with the day of the week mon.-sun. and the amount of doses she is on now so she or her caretaker can check them off. Especially on the daytime as the mind thinks of many things (great not thinking of cancer all the time) and they have a tendency to not remember for sure if they dosed or not.

Have you noticed if the oil smells sweet compared to the last oil? Are they all the same consistency? High CBD should be the thinnest, then the sativa dominant should be a little thicker and the Blackberry Kush should be the thickest. Remember the 1st oil had everything mixed into it so it would of been thicker as it had Indica in it also. Do the smell check. If the new oil you got smells on the sweeter side it was cut most likely with Glycerine. Why I wanted to stay away from flavors. Do you or a family member smoke MJ? If so have them take a rolling paper and put a small dab of oil in the middle and with something like a cuticle pusher spread the dot out into a line across the paper about a 1/4" from the end, add some ground up flower and roll it up. Smoke it and see the potency. If it is that running you could fridge it but might have to warm it up a tad. Sometimes tacking can be a bugger, due to temp, humidity, etc. Its a process at the start but once your mom understands the oil and how it works she'll be a pro in no time. The start, a strict regimen, hydrate and eat and she will be good as new in 2-3 months. Hope this helps

Thanks Motoco,

I hope I haven't offended you. That wasn't my intention. I appreciate your information and we are using it. My only concern was going from 4 grains to 7, especially since they were all new oils. But I see it as a needless concern as she hasn't gotten high since she's been tacking properly, and today was no different. So it is all good.

We followed your dosing today except for one of the daytime dosings. We got a late start. We'll do better tomorrow.

We found this oil to be a little thinner than the previous oil so it has been a little harder for her to tack. Is there any problem if we keep the oil in the fridge so it less viscous and easier to apply?

Thanks for all you help :)
Have you noticed if the oil smells sweet compared to the last oil? Are they all the same consistency? High CBD should be the thinnest, then the sativa dominant should be a little thicker and the Blackberry Kush should be the thickest. Remember the 1st oil had everything mixed into it so it would of been thicker as it had Indica in it also. Do the smell check. If the new oil you got smells on the sweeter side it was cut most likely with Glycerine. Why I wanted to stay away from flavors.

This new stuff smells tastes a tad bit sweeter to me. My mom thinks it's on the bitter side. I like it the taste of it. Tastes like bud :).

Yes. The CBD is the thinnest and the Indica the thickest.

I've tried tried all three oils today - tacking with good results today. It wasn't until this eve when I didn't tack the Indica, but just rubbed about 1/4 of a grain lightly against my gums. I got a little stoned :) Then I remember you saying something about tacking after getting high, so I tackled with some CBD and that helped.

I'll have my brother test out the quality.
Morning Rosiesky,

The viscosity seems correct and apparently its good. Tell your mom 'thanks for the taste test". I'm very curious to see how your mother feels in about a week after using consistent strains.

Did you notice when you took the cbd oil if it did anything for pain (don't know your age, but most have some sort of pain). About the only way to judge the quality of cbd oil. Glad your trying the oil. When you know how the different strains works you understand how the dosing regimen work, also it is much easier to relate to than just reading, nice job.

Most people make the mistake of not dosing correctly on the nighttime dose. End of the day and want to sleep. Make sure your mother takes the nighttime just like the daytime. Digesting the oil simply does not have the healing properties of the 'tacking' method. Mind over matter if you will 'fix the processor' and everything falls into place.

Thank you for the update; please convey to your mother 'props to her' becoming an 'oil head', lol. She must be a special lady and at 83 trying the concentrate. I'm overjoyed as most people her age still think 'reefer madness' should of won some oscars :). I'm very proud of her for trying the oil, you and your brother for getting everything she needs and helping her. Nothing better in the world than family helping family :circle-of-love:

This new stuff smells tastes a tad bit sweeter to me. My mom thinks it's on the bitter side. I like it the taste of it. Tastes like bud :).

Yes. The CBD is the thinnest and the Indica the thickest.

I've tried tried all three oils today - tacking with good results today. It wasn't until this eve when I didn't tack the Indica, but just rubbed about 1/4 of a grain lightly against my gums. I got a little stoned :) Then I remember you saying something about tacking after getting high, so I tackled with some CBD and that helped.

I'll have my brother test out the quality.
If you read what I've been writing I really do not count the high cbd strain or the indica. Starting with the high CBD strain is for safety of your mother. By starting off with high CBD strain it insures a much more safer approach so if your Mother doesn't take the oil correctly she barley gets high because of the high CBD's in the oil it helps control euphoric.

Does anyone know if the CBD competes for the same receptors as the THC? Or are they synergistic, working in tandem? I would think that they were synergistic since are part of a complete package (whole plant), however since the strains are so much higher in CBDs these days, I was wondering if anyone had come across any information on this subject.
OK here's what's going on. Because the other oil was thicker, when we tacked it, you could actually see a dark spot on the gums. With this new stuff, it is more like a golden/green smear. Is this normal? If this isn't I'm thinking we are going to have some made for us.

Morning Rosiesky,

The viscosity seems correct and apparently its good. Tell your mom 'thanks for the taste test". I'm very curious to see how your mother feels in about a week after using consistent strains.

Did you notice when you took the cbd oil if it did anything for pain (don't know your age, but most have some sort of pain). About the only way to judge the quality of cbd oil. Glad your trying the oil. When you know how the different strains works you understand how the dosing regimen work, also it is much easier to relate to than just reading, nice job.

Most people make the mistake of not dosing correctly on the nighttime dose. End of the day and want to sleep. Make sure your mother takes the nighttime just like the daytime. Digesting the oil simply does not have the healing properties of the 'tacking' method. Mind over matter if you will 'fix the processor' and everything falls into place.

Thank you for the update; please convey to your mother 'props to her' becoming an 'oil head', lol. She must be a special lady and at 83 trying the concentrate. I'm overjoyed as most people her age still think 'reefer madness' should of won some oscars :). I'm very proud of her for trying the oil, you and your brother for getting everything she needs and helping her. Nothing better in the world than family helping family :circle-of-love:
Sorry for the late response, got sidetracked with phone calls. I've seen oil both ways. This is the thing about buying oil, unless you have it tested (unless you watch it being made) there is always unanswered questions. Get it tested just for THC/CBD.

Excellent question on the cannabinoids and the receptors. Again no scientific proof but the Wife and I definitely are on the same page in thinking there are specific receptors for specific cannabinoids. Our reasoning is this; taking oil with no CBD/s and THC only pain was still present. Taking oil that had both THC/CBD the pain was gone. When we took the THC strain only first, then waited 45 minutes, then took the high THC/CBD blend and the pain went away. So if the receptors where full of THC cannabinoids when we took that first the CBD cannabinoids would of had to push the THC ones off the pain receptors. We definitely think each cannabinoid has certain receptors for each one. Many cannabinoids don't even register but we think there is a receptors for them. Also as a mention cannabinoids have different weights (how a centrifuge separates them) so possibly that is how they seat also in their receptor spots. We think it is the size of the keyway in the receptors.

Our opinion is all the flower has to offer goes together and works in unison. If you just used THC there is nothing to check it (CBD/CBN help control the euphoric). I was reading a blog from England. A lady patient was doing a test for a scientist. They actually injected THC/CBD into her blood stream. She reported it was the best she ever felt in her life. Then just the THC, she was on a paranoid death trip and that was the worse experience in her life. So yes, it all goes hand in hand, even the cannabinoids that are to small to register do their thing and work together. As far as whole plant goes we honestly don't know much about it except what we have read as we only have used flowers in our oils. I can say that using the flower only will have the highest potency and we haven't seen anything it hasn't helped/healed. I also know people tout the whole plant because the yield is much larger on the oil. for me whole plant is simply 'off topic' as I strive for the most potent med I can make for cancer/major illness. I've seen other sites that tout the whole package from tinctures to the concentrate and the wife and I are totally convinced the concentrated oil 'rules the roost' for the best of the best.

OK here's what's going on. Because the other oil was thicker, when we tacked it, you could actually see a dark spot on the gums. With this new stuff, it is more like a golden/green smear. Is this normal? If this isn't I'm thinking we are going to have some made for us.
Once we started tacking, it got easier and easier. I did it for her yesterday, because I wanted to get a feel for it. Now she'll start doing it today with my help.

The best thing is though, is that the oil really helped with the pain! For the first time, she felt a difference. And she actually ended up taking about 1/2 the pain meds she took the day before. THANK YOU MOTOCO!!!!!!!

I was wondering, how long we should stay on this dosing schedule before ramping it up?

As far as testing the oil, I can see the test results online for each Dama oil. The main company doing most of the testing in Seattle, Alnalytical 360, is owned my brother's friend. If we tested the oil ourselves, this is the company we'd use, so testing the new oil would be redundant I think unless I'm concerned that Dama tests one oil and then sells a diluted version to the public. I'll have to think about that.

We did test the old oil and found that it had a lot lower THC than we thought (about 40%) and virtually no CBD. No wonder we saw no pain relief.

QUOTE=420 Motoco;2239828]Sorry for the late response, got sidetracked with phone calls. I've seen oil both ways. This is the thing about buying oil, unless you have it tested (unless you watch it being made) there is always unanswered questions. Get it tested just for THC/CBD.

Excellent question on the cannabinoids and the receptors. Again no scientific proof but the Wife and I definitely are on the same page in thinking there are specific receptors for specific cannabinoids. Our reasoning is this; taking oil with no CBD/s and THC only pain was still present. Taking oil that had both THC/CBD the pain was gone. When we took the THC strain only first, then waited 45 minutes, then took the high THC/CBD blend and the pain went away. So if the receptors where full of THC cannabinoids when we took that first the CBD cannabinoids would of had to push the THC ones off the pain receptors. We definitely think each cannabinoid has certain receptors for each one. Many cannabinoids don't even register but we think there is a receptors for them. Also as a mention cannabinoids have different weights (how a centrifuge separates them) so possibly that is how they seat also in their receptor spots. We think it is the size of the keyway in the receptors.

Our opinion is all the flower has to offer goes together and works in unison. If you just used THC there is nothing to check it (CBD/CBN help control the euphoric). I was reading a blog from England. A lady patient was doing a test for a scientist. They actually injected THC/CBD into her blood stream. She reported it was the best she ever felt in her life. Then just the THC, she was on a paranoid death trip and that was the worse experience in her life. So yes, it all goes hand in hand, even the cannabinoids that are to small to register do their thing and work together. As far as whole plant goes we honestly don't know much about it except what we have read as we only have used flowers in our oils. I can say that using the flower only will have the highest potency and we haven't seen anything it hasn't helped/healed. I also know people tout the whole plant because the yield is much larger on the oil. for me whole plant is simply 'off topic' as I strive for the most potent med I can make for cancer/major illness. I've seen other sites that tout the whole package from tinctures to the concentrate and the wife and I are totally convinced the concentrated oil 'rules the roost' for the best of the best.[/QUOTE]
I just checked the date the oils were tested. One oil is almost 2 years old. One is a year old and the other 4 months old.

How long do these oils keep their potency?
Hello motoco and everyone. It was great reading through all these posts and getting much needed encouragement and hope. I am 31 and have been fighting liver cancer that was most likely caused by untreated hepatitis b. I have gotten liver resection November 2013 and had recurrence about a month ago. That was treated with RFA. Currently there is no longer any tumors, but the recurrence rate seems to be very high along with the mortality rate. I am planning on using rso but have a couple of questions:

1) in all your experience, was it necessary to drastically change the diet for your patients while treating them with rso or did they not change their diet? I currently on a strict diet and its just very tough physically, mentally, and socially.

2) i heard conflicting information about using rso with people that have either liver cancer or liver disease. Would tacking method allow rso to be used without putting too much stress on the liver?

3) lastly, would I need to do the full curative treatment for 90 days fory situation or should I just do maintenance doses?

Thank y'all so much in advance.
Heads up...extremely long day. Just got in and will answer your questions asap in the a.m. Hi Cookiedude, Welcome to 420 Magazine. Chat in the a.m. and get your questions answered.

Thanks Rosiesky. stay on this regimen for a complete week. The oil takes a while to get fully seated. More in the a.m.
I found a patent that was granted to the 2 large pharmaceutical companies (GW and Otsuka) for a cancer treatment involving an "invention related to phytocannabinoids". It was issued on July 29, 2014 so it is brand new.

What was reassuring to me I guess was seeing the therapeutic percentages of THC and CBD in these "Biotanical Drug Substances" were right in line with the high concentrations in RSO.

Phytocannabinoids in the treatment of cancer
US 8790719 B2

This invention relates to the use of phytocannabinoids, either in an isolated form or in the form of a botanical drug substance (BDS) in the treatment of cancer. Preferably the cancer to be treated is cancer of the prostate, cancer of the breast or cancer of the colon.

Patent US8790719 - Phytocannabinoids in the treatment of cancer - Google Patents
Appears that everything is coming together and your moms pain is improving. It gets better and better once everything is seated in her system fully. Great news about the pain; soon she will be able to sleep much better. In fact everything will start getting much better. Your doing an excellent job. Also please tell your Mother 'at 83 years old I have much respect for her to have an open mind'. She is the oldest the wife and I have helped and I think it is such a great inspiration for others!

Keep the same regimen until Thursday and then we are only going to bump up a grain of rice (the more on the gums the quicker the heal). Please make sure your mother knows how to apply the oil using some pressure with the dosing finger and no rushing.

One thing about not making/producing your own oil, you just never know. I don't want to plant anymore negative seeds as it appears the CBD is good otherwise the pain would be an issue.

The old oil was about half the potency of your current oil which makes a HUGE difference. Unfortunately this is the practice of many. It would make a kick ass tincture if that is what someone is looking for but the mixed bag of strains I would make it a topical (not for cancer though as I use the full on potency concentrate).

Again no verification; The oil has said to store for up to 5 years in a fridge/cool area sealed with a cap and stored in a 'freezer' zip-lock. I prefer a mylar bag (one of our sponsors 420 sells them) as they keep light out much better than a zip-lock.

Next order make sure to ask them for the freshest oil possible. Also let them know if you haven't already that your treating your mother for cancer and you will have it cross checked for potency at the request of your mother as she insist on it for her own safety. What this does is they will make sure its fresh and best. No feelings are hurt and no accusations are made, Mom knows best :)

Interesting on the Pharmies using the cannabinoids. Thing is I also have read they will still be using fillers, etc. Just curious why they want to use the cannabinoids? Thought this was all crap? They been keeping it suppressed for years and already knew the concentrate cured/healed back in the 30's. I wouldn't touch anything they make with a 10 foot pole. That being said if it is legit; Thank God, people don't have to suffer using chemo/radiation/opiates. Curious to why they are only for certain type of cancers (oh yea, they do like a large selection of meds). Wonder how they can do this as I see no scientific evidence? On one hand I very happy to see this as it is acknowledgment of the power of MMJ in a concentrated form, and on the other, I don't trust them and never will AND never will use anything they make in my lifetime. Their synthetic THC went over like a lead balloon :)

Folks; apologies if I offend someone about the pharmies. Just have seen to much death from chemo/radiation and it is just 'ugly and cruel' way to die. I know it may not be politically correct but if the truth be known about awareness, then lets be honest. I have never sugar coated chemo/radiation. I do not approve of it even using cannabis concentrated oil with it. Just my opinion. The side effect of chemo pretty much speaks for itself "cancer". If I can convince ONE person not to go this route it is a victory for me. Even if it is to late for the oil. Just sharing awareness. Again, sorry if I offend anyone.

Once we started tacking, it got easier and easier. I did it for her yesterday, because I wanted to get a feel for it. Now she'll start doing it today with my help.

The best thing is though, is that the oil really helped with the pain! For the first time, she felt a difference. And she actually ended up taking about 1/2 the pain meds she took the day before. THANK YOU MOTOCO!!!!!!!

I was wondering, how long we should stay on this dosing schedule before ramping it up?

As far as testing the oil, I can see the test results online for each Dama oil. The main company doing most of the testing in Seattle, Alnalytical 360, is owned my brother's friend. If we tested the oil ourselves, this is the company we'd use, so testing the new oil would be redundant I think unless I'm concerned that Dama tests one oil and then sells a diluted version to the public. I'll have to think about that.

We did test the old oil and found that it had a lot lower THC than we thought (about 40%) and virtually no CBD. No wonder we saw no pain relief.

QUOTE=420 Motoco;2239828]Sorry for the late response, got sidetracked with phone calls. I've seen oil both ways. This is the thing about buying oil, unless you have it tested (unless you watch it being made) there is always unanswered questions. Get it tested just for THC/CBD.

Excellent question on the cannabinoids and the receptors. Again no scientific proof but the Wife and I definitely are on the same page in thinking there are specific receptors for specific cannabinoids. Our reasoning is this; taking oil with no CBD/s and THC only pain was still present. Taking oil that had both THC/CBD the pain was gone. When we took the THC strain only first, then waited 45 minutes, then took the high THC/CBD blend and the pain went away. So if the receptors where full of THC cannabinoids when we took that first the CBD cannabinoids would of had to push the THC ones off the pain receptors. We definitely think each cannabinoid has certain receptors for each one. Many cannabinoids don't even register but we think there is a receptors for them. Also as a mention cannabinoids have different weights (how a centrifuge separates them) so possibly that is how they seat also in their receptor spots. We think it is the size of the keyway in the receptors.

Our opinion is all the flower has to offer goes together and works in unison. If you just used THC there is nothing to check it (CBD/CBN help control the euphoric). I was reading a blog from England. A lady patient was doing a test for a scientist. They actually injected THC/CBD into her blood stream. She reported it was the best she ever felt in her life. Then just the THC, she was on a paranoid death trip and that was the worse experience in her life. So yes, it all goes hand in hand, even the cannabinoids that are to small to register do their thing and work together. As far as whole plant goes we honestly don't know much about it except what we have read as we only have used flowers in our oils. I can say that using the flower only will have the highest potency and we haven't seen anything it hasn't helped/healed. I also know people tout the whole plant because the yield is much larger on the oil. for me whole plant is simply 'off topic' as I strive for the most potent med I can make for cancer/major illness. I've seen other sites that tout the whole package from tinctures to the concentrate and the wife and I are totally convinced the concentrated oil 'rules the roost' for the best of the best.
Adding to that Motoco, it's never too late for the oil - it may be too late for cure but the oil provides the best palliative care there is as well. I know because we helped someone that it was too late for the cure and they were cracking jokes and maintaining a positive attitude right up to the end. Even without the proper application it helped, sublingual was used at that time.
Good morning Cookiedude,

A youngster :) Welcome to 420 Magazine ! Glad to have you join us!

1. Its no secret the better the diet the better health. Fact of the matter is you don't have to change your diet if it is pretty well rounded. Meaning moderation and a well balanced diet. When using the oil it repairs your digestive system as it was meant to be. Instead of 3 squares a day simply change it to 6 times a day. This is so much easier on the digestive system. Just make sure it is a balanced diet with veggies, fruits, salads. The daytime oil will insure this happens as when it is fully seated in your system it curbs your appetite. When this happens you don't lose flavor/taste or your appetite, you simply get filled up faster. It is very important to keep drinking water and snacks in between meals. An example; for lunch you normally eat a whole sandwich, you will only be able to eat half, save the other half and finish it in between meals. The money you will save on groceries will go towards your meds. Your metabolism is raised on the daytime oil but your heart rate isn't but you dehydrate doing much of nothing and you burn up calories/nutrients so pay attention and drink/snack even if you don't think you need it. Once this is achieved your on a perfect healing regimen.

2. Where did you hear about 'conflicting' reports about liver cancer or liver disease using RSO oil? Unless it is made incorrectly using chemical carries such as ISO, Light Naphtha, etc. not fully cooked off/purged. Thing is using Everclear/Spirytus is that it all evaporates off during the decarboxylation process. Cannabis concentrated oil is an all natural med so it passes through your liver with no damage. Tacking (getting as much as you can on the lower gums) has the quickest most effective way of healing on the cannabis oil that the wife and I know of.

3. Right now after reading of 'no more tumors' is the perfect time to start. Start out with a grain of rice of day time and 1/2 grain of rice of nighttime (break up the grain of rice to 4 tacks (page 17 has a good example on how to do this) for a couple of weeks or until tested again. Then make a decision if you need more. I will tell you now you will most likely keep on the PM maintenance for life as this is how your health improves using the concentrated oil. You start feeling so healthy you will not want to stop. The daytime nighttime regimen is so complete it regulates how you live on a schedule. You will learn all this once started.

Best advice, don't wait and beat around the bush, take charge of your health now, get started and take all your health issues and rid of them.


420 Motoco

Hello motoco and everyone. It was great reading through all these posts and getting much needed encouragement and hope. I am 31 and have been fighting liver cancer that was most likely caused by untreated hepatitis b. I have gotten liver resection November 2013 and had recurrence about a month ago. That was treated with RFA. Currently there is no longer any tumors, but the recurrence rate seems to be very high along with the mortality rate. I am planning on using rso but have a couple of questions:

1) in all your experience, was it necessary to drastically change the diet for your patients while treating them with rso or did they not change their diet? I currently on a strict diet and its just very tough physically, mentally, and socially.

2) i heard conflicting information about using rso with people that have either liver cancer or liver disease. Would tacking method allow rso to be used without putting too much stress on the liver?

3) lastly, would I need to do the full curative treatment for 90 days fory situation or should I just do maintenance doses?

Thank y'all so much in advance.
My cancer is not as serious as most others. I have Squamous Cell Carcinoma, a type of skin cancer. I've had 4 rounds of MOH surgery and one, the last, where they just surprise you, jab you to numb you and then cut you. My wife even helped hold me. I didn't even know what was happening. But I guess it's better than doing the chemo again. Insurance company said there was a cheaper chemo available and wouldn't allow the prescription. The other chemo didn't work and gave me lousy side effects and lesions grew larger. I guess they'd rather pay for the cutting. Enough whining...

The oil is working for what I wanted it for mainly. The epilepsy. I tack a little on a toothpick and leave the toothpick in until it has melted away. Takes about 30 minutes for it to melt away. I tack twice a day. Less than a rice grain together. I feel it a little about a half an hour to an hour later. Not a buzz but a "good" feeling. Clarity, if I may use that word. Not the same feeling as when I smoke the medicine. It numbs the tip of my tongue when the last bit ends up there. I am so glad I found this place and you wonderful people. That includes you Cajuncelt!


Damn brother Jim. You're going through it over there. Have you tried tacking a smaller amount, but more frequently through the day?
Keep us up to date on the "C" word.
My cancer is not as serious as most others. I have Squamous Cell Carcinoma, a type of skin cancer. I've had 4 rounds of MOH surgery and one, the last, where they just surprise you, jab you to numb you and then cut you. My wife even helped hold me. I didn't even know what was happening. But I guess it's better than doing the chemo again. Insurance company said there was a cheaper chemo available and wouldn't allow the prescription. The other chemo didn't work and gave me lousy side effects and lesions grew larger. I guess they'd rather pay for the cutting. Enough whining...

The oil is working for what I wanted it for mainly. The epilepsy. I tack a little on a toothpick and leave the toothpick in until it has melted away. Takes about 30 minutes for it to melt away. I tack twice a day. Less than a rice grain together. I feel it a little about a half an hour to an hour later. Not a buzz but a "good" feeling. Clarity, if I may use that word. Not the same feeling as when I smoke the medicine. It numbs the tip of my tongue when the last bit ends up there. I am so glad I found this place and you wonderful people. That includes you Cajuncelt!


Wildjim I tack 3 times a day for pain and stomach healing. I have fought acid reflux for many many years and because of it I have
Barrett's esophagus. Not sure it's doing anything for that but I will agree with the just plain GOOD FEELING. I wife uses the oil for skin cancer also. She dabs some one the spot and covers with small band-aid. 6 to 8 days later it's gone. It's good to hear that it works for your epilepsy and over time I believe your skin cancer will be gone also. Happy Days
Thank you for your through answer motoco. I saw some concerns with the liver as everything gets processed through the liver, and some thought it would put strain on it. Good to know I won't have any problems with it. I do have some follow up questions:

1) so the maintenance dose is one grain of rice during the day and 1/2 grain at night? And this for rest of my life assuming the scans continue to come back clean? Also, that grain of rice during day time should be administered in one sitting correct?

2) i would love to hear about your experience with liver cancer patients if you have any.

Thank you so much again. I have been in a rut, almost given up and just waiting for cancer to come back and take me. All the horrifying stories about chemo scares me and I couldn't help but feel that was eventually gonna be me. It is reassuring to have some way to proactively fight cancer and have control and comfort knowing that I might be ok. I appreciate all your work
Good Morning Friends,

The wellness feeling is an actual cover-up for what the oil is actually doing as it heals in the background. Somethings like pain (if you have a high CBD strain) and other aliments are noticed sooner. I've seen people with auto immune issues/stomach area that has suffered all their life so bad they where going to the ER every week, yet be almost completely healed in 2 days as this person went out and ate five times in one day as she couldn't hardly eat before because of the pain. Her last meal of the day was Mexican food as she was never able to eat it. She weighed 110 lbs when she carried her baby up to full term. She was using the high cbd strain mixed with high thc strain. I know I used this example before but its just wasn't her as many others have had their auto-immune system repaired in fairly short order. Some things just take longer as the aliment has been untreated for a long time and man-made drugs just have not worked or compounded more side effects. Its the real deal.

wildjim only has so much oil right now so I totally understand making it stretch. By the way, props for not getting euphoric. Think the toothpick application might be a little on the dangerous side (objects in the mouth can be a chocking hazard/puncture) but if its working correctly for you then so be it. Just glad to hear your feeling better, especially for your main concern and that is the epilepsy. Also a mention on the skin cancer (future reference). You have to add some grapeseed oil (a drop or two per gram) so it goes on more easy without tearing scabs open. You have to take a small amount and rub it in thoroughly around the outside of the spot to penetrate the skin good. Then apply a liberal amount on the area itself and cover with a waterproof band-aid. Leave on 3-4 days then remove and re-apply until its gone. What to expect; it can look a lot nastier (many people think its not working or causing infection) and folks stop using it. First off what the oil is doing is extracting the cancer/toxins from the area so the area looks bigger than before and most think its spreading. The oil is doing what it is supposed to do. In three/four treatments it should be gone depending on the size and how long its been there. Also Jim it takes a good week to get seated thoroughly in your receptors. It gets better Jim. You have had issues for quite some time brother. Just good to hear things are improving.

Just great to see more and more joining in and talking about the concentrate and what it does. Exactly why when most people heal their aliments they go right to a PM dose to maintain a healthy life style for years to come. Your auto-immune becomes built back up to the way it was intended to work. Let it work its magic and get on with your life.

Cheers :circle-of-love:
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