Cannabis Dust: Simple Consumption, Unexpected Potency

I already tried dust and it did nothing for me, remember? That's why you suggested I try the suppository route. :battingeyelashes:

HashGirl, did you try with or without a capsule, and what dose? There’s so much going on right now that slipped my mind. :battingeyelashes:

MagicJim upped his dose to 1/4 tsp (loosely-packed) and says his Blue Dream/Crazy Miss Hyde mix of Dust is like adrenaline. He can’t fall asleep for three hours after taking it. With the pinene in Blue Dream I’m not surprised. :laughtwo:

I suddenly have a collection of Dust.

Today I’m trying MagicJim’s FX4. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I have tried it three times the first two times with varying results yesterday I took 0.36 eating a avocado half hour before it almost had no result at all. It was a little puzzling the first two times with lower dosages I had better results. I think for me I will probably be sticking to brownies seem to work best for me. But I'm not done with the dust yet still have about three or four grams ground up and decarbed and not one to want to waste good medicine.
I have tried it three times the first two times with varying results yesterday I took 0.36 eating a avocado half hour before it almost had no result at all. It was a little puzzling the first two times with lower dosages I had better results. I think for me I will probably be sticking to brownies seem to work best for me. But I'm not done with the dust yet still have about three or four grams ground up and decarbed and not one to want to waste good medicine.

Oh, there’s never any waste smokey. :laughtwo: Dust can be combusted or added to some edible.

I’m not sure what would be causing the inconsistency in effects, but it does seem to creep in. We may be dealing somewhat with the biphasic nature of cannabis, making this more dose-dependent than we initially thought.

I’m feeling effects of FX4. :yummy:

Dust doesn’t take effect for me in the same way other methods do. It’s more of a sustained creep over a period of hours. Even if I don’t notice the buzz so much I’ve noticed it tamps down most of my urge to reach for something to combust, and does so for a few hours.

Most days I don’t start eating until 11 AM. That makes it a challenge to test the effect of a healthy fat in advance of a cannabis dose. I also don’t often wait until 11 AM for my wake ‘n bake. First world problems. :laughtwo:
I seem to have noticed that everything loses some impact the later in day it is consumed. Even my weak weed, vaped dry weed, has a much bigger impact at 9 in the morning vs 9 at nite. Anybody else??

That first influx of cannabinoids wakes everything up and you get a big, “Hello!” After that there’s a certain tolerance for the cellular reactions, more a familiarity than anything else. It’s just that the system grows used to the feeling of euphoria to the point that it feels “normal.”

When we started playing with cobs Tangwena warned us that a second cob chew later in the day offers a less-satisfying effect, and we learned to time the consumption for maximum effect for the day ahead. That’s pretty much my approach for all cannabis consumption. I smoke when I want a couple quick hits to get that immediate lift, but the baseline for all my days is edible cannabis, in one form or another.

The beauty of Dust is the simplicity of it. Start adding things like lecithin and we might as well make an oil and use capsules. And lecithin tastes nasty. Lol!
The day before I took 0.26 and had good results slow ramp-up over about a 3-hour period. But still not where I needed to be I ended up eating half a brownie.

So the next day I up my dose to 0.36 and eat the avocado approximately 30 minutes before but did not get hardly any results. Now with the previous two doses I did keep it in my mouth much longer as it was a smaller amount was easier to do. With yesterday's dose being larger well it doesn't taste very good and very dry in the mouth so I did not keep it in my mouth is long and washed it down with some water now that may have been the difference. So I ended up eating a whole brownie to get me where I needed to be.
I might try lecithin next I I'm not sure how to incorporate it. I do add it into the infused oil I use to make brownies with.

I use it in all oils, and I always think, “more isn’t a bad thing” so there’s often more than called for. :laughtwo: I don’t bother measuring.

I’d been wondering how much effect it has to keep Dust in the mouth, interacting with the biology of the oral cavity as well as getting absorbed sublingually. That makes a lot of sense. With cobs you chew, and it can be half an hour before I’m done with the last tiny bits of stem.

Sublingual admiration is favored in the medical community because it’s a relatively fast-track to the brain, where most of the receptor action getting you euphoric goes on.

And smaller amounts are definitely easier to keep in the mouth. :laughtwo: It’s an acquired taste. Lol!

Smaller doses, held in the mouth. Times..... how long? I can’t get a decent recall on how long I chewed with previous doses. Dust is easier to swallow than cob. I’ll pay closer attention next time.
I hear ya - I use my dust in peanut butter so I can add it then - I don't know if there is powdered lecithin.

There is, but it’s a soy product. Most soy on the planet is GMO, so read the label.
I use it in all oils, and I always think, “more isn’t a bad thing” so there’s often more than called for. :laughtwo: I don’t bother measuring.

I’d been wondering how much effect it has to keep Dust in the mouth, interacting with the biology of the oral cavity as well as getting absorbed sublingually. That makes a lot of sense. With cobs you chew, and it can be half an hour before I’m done with the last tiny bits of stem.

Sublingual admiration is favored in the medical community because it’s a relatively fast-track to the brain, where most of the receptor action getting you euphoric goes on.

And smaller amounts are definitely easier to keep in the mouth. :laughtwo: It’s an acquired taste. Lol!

Smaller doses, held in the mouth. Times..... how long? I can’t get a decent recall on how long I chewed with previous doses. Dust is easier to swallow than cob. I’ll pay closer attention next time.

Just a pinch between the cheek and gum? LOL Never expected my Copenhagen days would help me get high. :p
I will be trying again today same dosage as yesterday 0.36 gm but will be making an effort to keep it in my mouth a lot longer this time we'll see if that makes a difference.

There is, but it’s a soy product. Most soy on the planet is GMO, so read the label.
That's what I use in my infused oils soy lethicin and I don't measure just a couple of glug glugs. I can't find any sunflower lecithin now I will have to check the stuff I have at home and see if it is GMO I really tried in avoid any food genetically modified.
Thanx, everyone, for sharing your experiences. The diverse results are fascinating. The uniqueness of humankind never fails to amaze me. Rationale is often perplexing but occasionally we’re able to ferret out a reasonable cause of these idiosyncrasies.

Simple genetics can sometimes come into play. Did you know assimilation can vary widely among ethnic groups; orientals possessing the greatest efficacy.

More often, we can point to maladies in digestion, assimilation or metabolism as the root cause. As we older generation can painfully attest, time can rob us of efficient anatomical functions in many areas, digestion no exception. I, for one, suffer from an impairment that makes timely delivery of bile impossible for proper digestion of fats. I’m convinced this is the reason that cannabis infused oils are largely ineffective for me.

I, like many of you, face inconsistencies with the use of dust, albeit not as drastic as some reports here. I’ve tried desperately to link this to foods, timing and types, but, alas, Ive just not been able to develop a reasonable correlation. Not only do I suffer mild potency discrepancies but the personality of the same strain can vary at times. I’m not quite to the point of labeling it as idiopathic but it is puzzling.

Again, while I’ve not been able to link the variations to food, I am seeing patterns related to different daily activities in which I’m engaged. I’ve noticed while performing physically demanding tasks that require concentration, effects of medication are not prominent. But when later taking a quick respite, the effects quickly become regenerative.

Also, when facing despair, I often find cannabis dust just not as effective as I wish it would be. It’s almost as if I’m subconsciously mentally blocking the effects that I desperately need in these trying times.

I feel fortunate to now have 16 different strains in my larder and have finally tested them all In dust form. I’ve lesrned that all do not lend themselves equally to this modality. Strangely, I’ve found heavy indicas far less effective. Reasoning unknown. In the past I’ve enjoyed Dance World in different forms but the dust offers little effect.

Two strains that have risen to the top of my list are Honduras and Cherry Wine, a high CBD hemp. I did a double decarb on the Cherry Wine, as Ardent suggested, and either something magical happened or it went hot when it was grown. It is most definitely NOT non-psychoactive!! The Cherry Wine has become a very comfortable companion for whatever may be on the days agenda. Most enjoyable.

The Honduras offers a somewhat more euphoric personality but is one of the more inconsistent strains I’ve used. Occasionally it leans a little to the side of anxiety but is more often than not an enjoyable experience.

Again, thanx for all the feedback and I’m looking forward to more “case studies”. I’ve felt a bit remiss for not sharing my experiences with all so here’s the rectification!! Just look over my lack of brevity, please.
This is my favorite thread ever! Last night I cooked a ounce of LA confidential and ground it up finer than the first time. I made a hot chocolate in milk for my son and in almond milk for me, because we were low on cow milk. Add 1tbl LAC to each, stirred in nicely. Effect was very VERY strong! He didnt finish his, I added it to my coffee this am, effect remains...very strong! I'm amazed by this and while I think it uses more weed, I'll be switching to it as my main source of intake. I think less than a tablespoon per dose is in order though... CHeers, have a great weekend! :yahoo:
There is, but it’s a soy product. Most soy on the planet is GMO, so read the label.
I tried the lecithin granules in cococanna oil - nowhere near as effective as liquid sunflower lecithin. What about taking a tsp of liquid lecithin before / after you take your dust capsules. For me, I find that honey and almond butter work very well as a catalyst to trigger your edibles. I have also tried mango and dark chocolate (90%) and have had some success. One thing I don’t understand is sometimes edibles do not seem to work. This will happen to me about once every six days. I do the same dose at the same time each day (Gorilla Dust). Disappointing.
This is my favorite thread ever! Last night I cooked a ounce of LA confidential and ground it up finer than the first time. I made a hot chocolate in milk for my son and in almond milk for me, because we were low on cow milk. Add 1tbl LAC to each, stirred in nicely. Effect was very VERY strong! He didnt finish his, I added it to my coffee this am, effect remains...very strong! I'm amazed by this and while I think it uses more weed, I'll be switching to it as my main source of intake. I think less than a tablespoon per dose is in order though... CHeers, have a great weekend! :yahoo:

If I were to eat a tablespoon of dust someone would have roll me over in a ditch and call me done!!o_O

And oldsmokey’s normal dose is 2 grams?!?!? WOW! You fellows’ tolerance levels must rival Willie Nelson’s! :snowboating:
Sublingual admiration is favored in the medical community because it’s a relatively fast-track to the brain, where most of the receptor action getting you euphoric goes on.
Can you explain the difference between sublingual intake compared to ingestion as it relates to the liver? I thought the first pass conversion by the liver to 11-hydroxy THC was primarily responsible for the euphoria rather than a fast-track to the brain.
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