Cannabis Dosing: Delivery Methods & Dosing Guidelines

Well, I guess its an easy decision, isn't it? I must make some CCO. Its seems to me that its the most efficient way to find pain relief and healing. By efficient, I mean, it seems to be the most effective and the most cost efficient.

So, I will begin today... first I must accumulate the tools, and review the knowledge. I will also be having a good look at what strains my dispensaries have available.

Sue, this is your thread... would you prefer I move my newbie efforts to a new thread, or should I continue to chronicle my efforts here?
Well, I guess its an easy decision, isn't it? I must make some CCO. Its seems to me that its the most efficient way to find pain relief and healing. By efficient, I mean, it seems to be the most effective and the most cost efficient.

So, I will begin today... first I must accumulate the tools, and review the knowledge. I will also be having a good look at what strains my dispensaries have available.

Sue, this is your thread... would you prefer I move my newbie efforts to a new thread, or should I continue to chronicle my efforts here?

All of my threads are meant to be interactive learning resources. To have you work it out here would be invaluable. It's that behind-the-scenes thinking that we so desperately need to share.
And so, the learning continues..

Sue, last night my GW took a CBD cap before bed, as you suggested, and she slept well! She went to bed at 8pm and woke at 3am, and felt better on waking than she has for a long time. Could that be the CBD oil after only one night's use? Well, we are certainly going to continue it and see how it works.

Thanks Sue, once again, for your healing suggestion.


Yes indeed, it could be that. This year I found a strain that works to counter my daughter's battle with an anxiety disorder. We started her on a regimine of three capsules a day of a balanced CBD strain. Instantly she had relief from anxiety, depression, chronic pain, but she was still waking anxious in the morning. Then one day, on a whim, she took a fourth capsule in the early morning when she typically woke up to urinate and then went back to bed. That was when she found out that most of us wake up feeling refreshed. That one more capsule was what her system needed.

Start with low doses and work up slowly until she finds her point of maximum relief. I'm very pleased to hear of her positive response. After a couple days try doubling up that night dose and see if she can get further through the night. The future is looking a little brighter now, yes? :battingeyelashes: :love:
Start with low doses and work up slowly until she finds her point of maximum relief. I'm very pleased to hear of her positive response. After a couple days try doubling up that night dose and see if she can get further through the night. The future is looking a little brighter now, yes? :battingeyelashes: :love:

Actually, she got a good night's sleep, cuz she didn't go to bed until 8, so until 3 she got 7 hours. Much better than her usual 4.

We will continue with this.. Thanks
Ok, well thanks, this project has been buzzing around in my head and now, I want to do it.

The project: To make some CCO.

I am in a place where I can get 100% (or 99%) alcohol. Ethyl alcohol.

I'm not enthusiastic about using naptha, so I think alcohol is an early choice.

So an early question for you experienced oilers. When making your CCO, does the decarb process, or the oil extraction/rendering process, produce a huge smell?

We live in an apartment building, with a balcony, and the apartment has a fairly weak exhaust fan that services the bathroom and the kitchen. I'm 90% sure the fan is not connected with any other apartment.

So just how much fumes? How strong a smell is it?
Ok, well thanks, this project has been buzzing around in my head and now, I want to do it.

The project: To make some CCO.

I am in a place where I can get 100% (or 99%) alcohol. Ethyl alcohol.

I'm not enthusiastic about using naptha, so I think alcohol is an early choice.

So an early question for you experienced oilers. When making your CCO, does the decarb process, or the oil extraction/rendering process, produce a huge smell?

We live in an apartment building, with a balcony, and the apartment has a fairly weak exhaust fan that services the bathroom and the kitchen. I'm 90% sure the fan is not connected with any other apartment.

So just how much fumes? How strong a smell is it?

Danolo, I'm going to direct you to another thread. Have you been to the "How To Make CCO" thread? It's supported by experienced oilers who can quickly answer all of these questions. You'll get more response over there, or in my study hall, which is also supported by a large contingent of experienced oil makers. Most of them won't be looking here for questions on production processes.

I can tell you that the fumes are strong enough you want to work outdoors unless you have a good, safe ventilation system or you can open windows to get some decent cross-ventilation. If you have a distiller you can safely reclaim up to 80% of the solvent, cutting way back on the fumes you have to deal with, as well as cutting down on your expenses.

Smells of decarb of the plant material in advance of the oil process can be controlled with the use of a roasting bag. Smells of the decarb of the oil itself, as demonstrated by Tim in the How To thread, will create the most wonderful and pungent smells that will most definately be discernible as roasting cannabis. No way around that one, unless you have a good vent fan.
Danolo, I'm going to direct you to another thread. Have you been to the "How To Make CCO" thread? It's supported by experienced oilers who can quickly answer all of these questions. You'll get more response over there, or in my study hall, which is also supported by a large contingent of experienced oil makers. Most of them won't be looking here for questions on production processes.

Thanks Sue.. I'll continue over there...not good news about the smell...
Hey there Miss Sue! :hug:

I've got a question for you, but I'll probably bring it to the dosing thread, but I'll ask it here also.

I made the batch of the CBDutch infused oil caps with the plant material included in the caps. How often do you think I should take these? Should I take them orally and rectally, since the dr isn't sure what's causing the reoccurring cdiff. It's either celiac disease which would be shortly after the stomach, or crohns, which is located closer to the rectum. That way, hopefully the CBD would be able to get to both areas that could possibly need some extra love. It appears that I have already answered my question, but I'd love some more imput from anyone willing to give it. :love:

Ok, I'm going to try something to see if it works.
It worked!
It worked!

Here's my edited answer from earlier, retrieved from your thread.

Remember that I'm winging it like you are, but I've seen with my own eyes how these caps help a few people and myself, so I can share my feelings based on that, OK?

I'd recommend start with four a day, two orally and two as suppositories. When you decide to increase, do so with the suppositories. I believe that's the soundest approach. Cannafan has gut issues and she's maintained reasonable health now for an extended time, well over a couple years since her last troubles, if my memory serves. She did so with Tim's help with tacking and cajuncelt's guidance with suppositories. The suppositories can get more medicine into the system since they don't have to fight their way through the crucible of stomach acids.

Think about tacking. Submucosal is the preferred route by almost every physican working with cannabis. It's directly into the systemic bloodstream and slips right into the brain. BAM! Healing commences.

Edit: I don't know that I'd use the caps with plant material rectally. Make some that don't have plant material and use them. Until then, start with two caps, twice a day. After about a week, or until you have suppositories, increase by adding in a third time. I'd probably be getting you up to four doses like that a day through the gut.

You're lucky. Your doctor will be testing for results. You'll know if it's working. It may take a few weeks to begin to notice results. Be firm and stick with it regardless.
Do the extent that I have been able to figure out a first version of a repeatable and consistent dosing plan, here it is:

Daily dosing for last week including today:

Start the day: 1.5 mg thc plus 1.5 mg cbd mixed with coconut and lecithin. After breakfast take 2.5 mg cbd drop.
At the 11:am take a break run the body scan and optionally take 1/2 drop of sativa thc (0.75 mg)
At 12: pm take a break run the scan and optionally take 1/2 drop thc (.75 mg ) and/or 1/2 drop cbd (1.4 mg)
At 3:00 pm take a break run the scan and optionally take as at noon.
At 6:00 daily shut down: one drop cbd oil (2.5 mg)

Daily average intake: cbd 1.5 + 2.5 + 1.25 + 2.5 = 7.75 mg / day
Daily average intake: thc 1.5 + .75 + .75 = 3 mg day.

So my recommended treatment program has been:

Take one unit of startup mix once daily when you get up.
Take 1 unit cbd oil 15 minutes after breakfast.
Take 1/2 unit thc sativa up to 3 x daily if needed
Take 1/2 unit cbd oil at noon if needed.
Take 1 unit cbd oil Before bed.

It's taken awhile to figure out this dosing plan, to be able to write it down and to make it repeatable and consistent.

Sue, or anyone else who knows...can you direct me to a source that clearly describes how to tack CCO?

I have read two or three postings here but cannot find them now. There was mention of drying the gums, and heating (or cooling?) the gums and something else about a cuticle tool, etc.

I'd appreciate a clear detail step by step description.

It looks like I may have a good source for some CCO to treat my wife's RA...


Sue, or anyone else who knows...can you direct me to a source that clearly describes how to tack CCO?

I have read two or three postings here but cannot find them now. There was mention of drying the gums, and heating (or cooling?) the gums and something else about a cuticle tool, etc.

I'd appreciate a clear detail step by step description.

It looks like I may have a good source for some CCO to treat my wife's RA...


I'm pleased to read you may have found your CCO source Danolo. That has to be such a relief for you. :hug:

Those instructions are scattered about. supergroomer has been jumping in with really good directions in the study hall. If you go there, or contact him directly through a PM, he'll take the time to give you a quick tutorial. I'd consider sending him a PM, but please, don't hesitate to ask this in the study hall.

Motoco420's thread on making CCO has good pictures of where you're trying to place the tack. They turn up on either page one or two of that thread. Here, let me grab that picture for you real quick.


Here's a link to that post. He has good instructions there, but they don't include what they've learned about drying the gums. supergroomer uses this technique and he's been describing it long enough now that I feel he'd be your best contact on it.

How to Tack

It might be time to update the tutorial. Get in touch with supergroomer and good luck. Keep us updated please. We think of you all as family, so we care. :hug: :love:
Gee Sue, from the time I posted my question until you answered it was 16 minutes. You must live with your computer near you, like me.

Thanks for the connection, I'll get in touch with supergroomer and then I'll put together a cohesive procedure for my wife.


Gee Sue, from the time I posted my question until you answered it was 16 minutes. You must live with your computer near you, like me.

Thanks for the connection, I'll get in touch with supergroomer and then I'll put together a cohesive procedure for my wife.



I'm newly widowed, retired and living alone. I have a wealth of time available. I spend most of my days studying medicinal cannabis and posting here. I haven't had my shower yet, but I've been on site for three hours. It could be said I'm a bit obsessive about the work here, but it refreshes and rejuvinates me. I've gotten to be pretty quick at maneuvering the threads. Mr Teddy once joked that they wonder if I found a way to add more hours into the day. :rofl:

I'll admit, I think I've logged out less than a dozen times since signing on over two years ago. All three devices are connected to this site. I do live here. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Awww.....guys. :hug:
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