GT, ill be using Hydroton for my medium. Correction on the clones I'm waiting for, they're Ice Bomb not THC bomb.
C1, props on both tents!, i like that 5 gallon setup for veg, might have to steal another idea from you guys haha and those plants are monsters!! Ill definitely be checking out everything else you guys got going on, on this site for sure.
Just curious as to what you guys are running for nutes? Ill be running GH with the Lucas Formula, actually ill just you the specs of my grow.
RDWC, Same setup as you C1
9.5 x 5 tent
2 - 600watt lights, one cheesy APOLLO and one Raptor XXXL hood with a Nanolux ballast
Medium - Hydroton
Strain - IceBomb
Nutes - GH FloraMICRO/FloraBLOOM maybe some Kool Bloom
Ill be vegging in 5 gallon bubble buckets for 6 weeks then transfer into system to flower.
-Question, do you think ill be able to veg that long in 5 gallon buckets?
I will be running CO2 bags a week into flower for the remaining time
Also going to do my best to keep the environment on point, 75*-79*f daytime, mid 60s night time.
Humidity during flower Ill be shooting for around 30-35%
Do you think ill be alright without a water chiller if I'm using H2o2 or something along those lines?
A few questions if i may...
>>> 2 - 600watt lights, one cheesy APOLLO and one Raptor XXXL hood with a Nanolux ballast
What is your other ballast?
>>> Medium - Hydroton
Can i sugguest using rockwool instead? Rockwool wicks nutrient solution into the root zone, whereas hydroton does not and can pinch and damage roots. Hydroton doesn't retain any moisture and just leeches salt buildup to the clay pebbles.
>>> Ill be running GH with the Lucas Formula
And why are you using the Lucas Formula? is it because you dont want to buy a third bottle of nutrients? Or because you read the articles on it and think that feeding your plants the same amount of fertilizer throughout their life cycle is beneficial (it isn't!) Plants require (especially cannabis) higher levels of certain elements at different stages of life. The reason that fertilizer brands make complete 3-part fertilizer regiments, is because the plants DO in fact require the elements that are found in the bottle that Lucas leaves out.
GH 3-part flora series is a very inexpensive fertilizer line, and is widely available across the world. The TechnaFlora line that Cannabis 1 is using is a local based company here in BC (local for me anyways) and is in fact a bit on the pricey side. They do however, make some really good synthetic fertilizers and i would highly suggest them after you've gotten a couple grows under your belt and want to spend money on a bit pricier brand.
>>> Question, do you think ill be able to veg that long in 5 gallon buckets?
Like C 1 said, i actually just harvested a White Widow from GreenHouse Seeds that i grew from seedling to harvest in a 5gal bucket with an airstone. Grew it for just over 7 months too! The quality of the product was not as good as the same genetics grown out in a recirculating top feed system with 6x daily irrigation. I highly suggest that method over DWC and RDWC!!
>>> I will be running CO2 bags a week into flower for the remaining time
Dont bother.. Co2 isn't needed at all. When people start growing, they think they need every bell and whistle to make it work.. K.I.S.S!! Keep it simple and you will be rewarded with a bountiful harvest with minimal work. C1 isn't using co2.. and look at those beasts in the RDWC!!
Especially when growing in a tent that isn't a completely sealed room, running co2 is actually a waste of money as the co2 can easily escape through the cracks in the tent and you drain your bottle before you see any results. And if you have to run your exhaust fan constantly to maintain a certain temp in the tent, you will just be exhausting your co2 anyways, so whats the point? save your money and buy a better ballast! (Or a second one if you dont have one. I didn't read you having a second one!)
>>> Also going to do my best to keep the environment on point, 75*-79*f daytime, mid 60s night time.
Humidity during flower Ill be shooting for around 30-35%
Those temps look nice, but i'm going to tell you right now.. you will initially have troubles battling heat in your tent until you figure out the perfect way to duct the heat from the room the tent sits in. Dont get too worked up if your temps are out of your goal range at first.
>>> Do you think ill be alright without a water chiller if I'm using H2o2 or something along those lines?
It really depends on what your room temps are at. Remember that water will eventually warm up to room temperature. To battle high water temps, i run a 12,600BTU portable AC during lights on in my 2 grow rooms that takes the exhausted air from my lights, which vents directly into my veg tent for added heat, then the AC which sits in the opposite corner my heat intake, sucks up the excess heat, and turns it into cool air to distribute between my 2 grow rooms.
I've never ran a water chiller, and i doubt i ever will.. I use Aquashield in conjunction with other products to brew a microbial tea that i apply one to two times a week to keep pythium and root issues at bay.
Make sure you run a live environment, not a sterile one, and you wont ever run into root issues!
So guys, i was drilling my holes for the RDWC last night, and sure enough on my very last hole i had to drill ( on the control res) the drill twisted in my hand a bit and i messed up the damn hole! so now i need to go get a new garbage can for the control res!!
just my luck!!