Canadian Growers Group & Friends

I've heard good things...I can hardly wait!!!:yahoo:I hope they don't take too long to finish....they don't hardly fit in my greenhouse anymore!!:nervous-guy:

Its a interesting Sativa.
Hey Chungo, I'm interested in how the Mulanje expresses herself here in Canada. I've read from Mulberry seeds she's a long flowering plant, but my experience with southern African genetics tells me she'll have a clear up high.
excuse my off topic question. but is the CFL still around. i never hear or see anything on sports channel about it
You must watch the U. S. version.
CFL is still going but not as popular as it once was.
I played Canadian football for 6 years, it was fantastic.
Been to the grey cup in Toronto and followed the Argos for years.
But in recent years it just doesn’t have the same appeal.
It’s on the decline I’m afraid.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey Chungo, I'm interested in how the Mulanje expresses herself here in Canada. I've read from Mulberry seeds she's a long flowering plant, but my experience with southern African genetics tells me she'll have a clear up high.

I don't know anything first hand about this strain but if you breed cannabis it is one you want to look at according to this site.
Hi guys!

Indoor cafe racers did great. First plant yeilded 132 grams.


My best indoor Cafe was just over 1.5 oz.

:yahoo: I'vrd learned so much from my friends.
Mucho gracias, amigos!

Hung it to dry untill 68 RH then put them into 2 grove bags at 65 RH for a week.

Check this thing out!

Grove bags are good.yet as Bill said, the buds go brown. My wife does alot of canning and mason jars as a side-line. We need 2 compost bins, which is a good thing!

This contraption sucks all the air out of a mason jar. The hygrometer was at indoor RH. It is now at 64% steady since I vacuumed it. Then I put to closet to avoid the light. Brown maqson jars are hard to find and pricey!


My second Cafe was harvestedl ast sunday. did the tops last week-end.
I doubt that I will get 1/2 yield of the first ye3t the smell is awesome.

All in all, that thing works!

I also have been using dehydrated cherries in my containers...bag or mason jars., I am still smoking my OUTDOOR Cafe Racers from 2 years ago. Adding a bit of hash to compensate for the taste and browning from the grove bags.

Best indoor ever!!!!!!!!:slide:
Cafe Racer yum.
thanks for sharing, I like that jar sealer, does that thing do wide mouth? it looks like a heavy duty tool, I want it now. me likey tools
Benefit of doubt, to trust someone even though you are not certain about the truth. It's never served me to well in my lifetime:laughtwo:. Yesterday a young lad ran into my ditch and jumped my culvert, so amazing he wasn't hurt. I need to get into some diamonds in terp sauce and drain the coffee pot then i'll send a pic.
lol I thought you went hard left and were talking about some amazing coffee pot chemistry. I appreciate you sharing that, I am really glad that the person or persons are okay, I have seen some real uneventful crashes that turned out deadly, I know that it doesn't take much to snuff out the magic of life, it is stronger than we thing however fragile, I hope they're doing okay today, my grandfather passed from kidneys shutting down after an accident. I hope that you have a great day, I am off to help others again, that's what I live for. First I better live for a shower though sniff sniff... 🫣 :eek::straightface:

I trimed the buds off this morning after 5 days of drying and put them into 7 cobs. Starting the heat next. Two plants with 233 gr of buds a little disapointing but they appear very sticky and I have been smoking last years KA5H and it's pretty fine.


This photo makes me hungry... Anyone else thinking about jerky sticks? I had a friend in highschool "Cheddar Rob" homie always had the caribou sticks
You must watch the U. S. version.
CFL is still going but not as popular as it once was.
I played Canadian football for 6 years, it was fantastic.
Been to the grey cup in Toronto and followed the Argos for years.
But in recent years it just doesn’t have the same appeal.
It’s on the decline I’m afraid.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
If the Montreal Allouettes won, the sport is definitly on a decline. :rofl:
The son of a friend of mine is a cheer-leader for the team. Must have been a great experience for him to participate in the cup.

Went to a casino fund raiser and they put on a show. .................. Holy shite do I miss being young and flexible! :slide:

Cheers, Bill!
You must watch the U. S. version.
CFL is still going but not as popular as it once was.
I played Canadian football for 6 years, it was fantastic.
Been to the grey cup in Toronto and followed the Argos for years.
But in recent years it just doesn’t have the same appeal.
It’s on the decline I’m afraid.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey Bill. Where is the link to your latest grow?
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