Canadian Growers Group & Friends

Benefit of doubt, to trust someone even though you are not certain about the truth. It's never served me to well in my lifetime:laughtwo:. Yesterday a young lad ran into my ditch and jumped my culvert, so amazing he wasn't hurt. I need to get into some diamonds in terp sauce and drain the coffee pot then i'll send a pic.
Within 150 feet or so. In one side, over my culvert and out the other side and never even got a scratch!



Within 150 feet or so. In one side, over my culvert and out the other side and never even got a scratch!



Good thing you weren't putting out the garbage when it happened :Namaste:
Glad everyone is OK.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hi guys!

Indoor cafe racers did great. First plant yeilded 132 grams.


My best indoor Cafe was just over 1.5 oz.

:yahoo: I'vrd learned so much from my friends.
Mucho gracias, amigos!

Hung it to dry untill 68 RH then put them into 2 grove bags at 65 RH for a week.

Check this thing out!

Grove bags are good.yet as Bill said, the buds go brown. My wife does alot of canning and mason jars as a side-line. We need 2 compost bins, which is a good thing!

This contraption sucks all the air out of a mason jar. The hygrometer was at indoor RH. It is now at 64% steady since I vacuumed it. Then I put to closet to avoid the light. Brown maqson jars are hard to find and pricey!


My second Cafe was harvestedl ast sunday. did the tops last week-end.
I doubt that I will get 1/2 yield of the first ye3t the smell is awesome.

All in all, that thing works!

I also have been using dehydrated cherries in my containers...bag or mason jars., I am still smoking my OUTDOOR Cafe Racers from 2 years ago. Adding a bit of hash to compensate for the taste and browning from the grove bags.

Best indoor ever!!!!!!!!:slide:
Here's my plants Bill. I wish i would have started and light depped them a month sooner.

I was 2 weeks late myself. May be a good thing.

Check out my @SeedsMan Banana jealousy grow. Not even budding yet but I have high hopes!:rofl:
Hi guys!

Indoor cafe racers did great. First plant yeilded 132 grams.


My best indoor Cafe was just over 1.5 oz.

:yahoo: I'vrd learned so much from my friends.
Mucho gracias, amigos!

Hung it to dry untill 68 RH then put them into 2 grove bags at 65 RH for a week.

Check this thing out!

Grove bags are good.yet as Bill said, the buds go brown. My wife does alot of canning and mason jars as a side-line. We need 2 compost bins, which is a good thing!

This contraption sucks all the air out of a mason jar. The hygrometer was at indoor RH. It is now at 64% steady since I vacuumed it. Then I put to closet to avoid the light. Brown maqson jars are hard to find and pricey!


My second Cafe was harvestedl ast sunday. did the tops last week-end.
I doubt that I will get 1/2 yield of the first ye3t the smell is awesome.

All in all, that thing works!

I also have been using dehydrated cherries in my containers...bag or mason jars., I am still smoking my OUTDOOR Cafe Racers from 2 years ago. Adding a bit of hash to compensate for the taste and browning from the grove bags.

Best indoor ever!!!!!!!!:slide:
:thanks: soo much for sharing, I was admiring the stats of them seeds on Blimburn:volcano-smiley: I often do the old window shopping on what genetics are available. I have noticed that they rotate what is available sometimes, that is not unique to them but important information none the less. I look forward to seeing more of this, please you and everyone send me a message, I promise you will get one back, I wish you the best @scottreid1966 and everyone. :blunt:

I trimed the buds off this morning after 5 days of drying and put them into 7 cobs. Starting the heat next. Two plants with 233 gr of buds a little disapointing but they appear very sticky and I have been smoking last years KA5H and it's pretty fine.


Beautiful :thumb: Excellent work my friend :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I look at all these great looking outdoor plants on here and then I think of all the trimming. These Sativa dominant and pure Sativas appear to me to be less work in the trimming dept. as I spent about a hour trimming up these last two plants. Two years ago I grew a Indica plant outside which was about 6.5 feet tall and looked like a sculptured x-mas tree with big buds and just remembered I spent two days trimming it up. I have been giving that 28 ounces away as the quality was poor (I even made oil out of some and gave that away). I have 2 large GT 3.0 Sativas in the light box now and they where flipped 5 days ago. I mainlined these plants outdoors to 8 main stems and aggressively tied them down to about 16 in. in their veg stage as I planned on putting them in the light box as they stretched last year to about 30 in. Both plants have spit at the first bifurcation and ea. has been tied up with a couple of zip ties to hold together with no ill effects. This variety seems to grow tall colas. I am trying some water based Sensi fertilizer to see if these colas fatten up at all. It will be interesting to see what I get....... All the best of luck to everyone on their grows.
My plants are a gift from Aruba and i want the best i can get out of them outdoors. I wish harvesting was my big concern. This morning at 9 my temp was 14.8, dew point 14.3 and 97% humidity. WAY to common for me this time of year! My plants are an indoor outdoor hybrid now. I probably have more hernia netting in me than the North Atlantic Fishing Fleet so i pinched my plants off at 10 gallons, just about all i can handle when wet. I dislike trimming with the best of them but if i pull this off i'll be happier than a pig in shit with it!:yahoo:
My plants are a gift from Aruba and i want the best i can get out of them outdoors. I wish harvesting was my big concern. This morning at 9 my temp was 14.8, dew point 14.3 and 97% humidity. WAY to common for me this time of year! My plants are an indoor outdoor hybrid now. I probably have more hernia netting in me than the North Atlantic Fishing Fleet so i pinched my plants off at 10 gallons, just about all i can handle when wet. I dislike trimming with the best of them but if i pull this off i'll be happier than a pig in shit with it!:yahoo:
Tough conditions for growing my friend.
Hope it goes well for you.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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