Camper2016's First Grow - Candy Cane Auto

And it's cool that so far ALL 4 are growing and showing leaves

Yep. Even cooler is when they start building those buds and begin to put that wonderful fragrance in all your air.

Which brings me to the next question: Do you have a ventilation system of any sort? I don't remember. Are you in a closet or a tent? I guess I could go back and see if this is addressed.
It's a closet in a backroom of the house, so it's out of the way. It's only me, anyway. I do not have a ventilation system; I have a fan. Supposedly, with Candy Cane it smells sweet not overly skunky...idk. Looking forward to finding out...want to smell that beautiful smell.
As you guys have seen, I have 4 girls in a 3 X 5 space. Should I rotate them to different spots under the light ballast? Not that it makes a difference with amount of light just different angle, spacing, air flow....???
Cool....original thought was that it was just off the the 1/4 turn....thanks!!!! new pic....I see new leaves...what do you see?
Hey....just askin...I'm on day 5 and have not switched off the lights yet. I've adjusted the height of the ballast and the light intensity but the lights have been on the whole time....should I start 18/6 or 20/4 or just keep it going because everything is going good. I live in Texas and usually it gets hot and so I would shut down for a while. But the excess heat hasbt been an issue and the lights arent as "hot" as I thought it mignt be...and I have inadvertently touched the ballast...and yes it's hot
Hi Camper!

I am all caught up on your journal now! My first grow was so exciting, and I learned everything here. I am on my third grow now, and it's even more exciting! My biggest problem was trying not to love them to death. It's hard to back off and let them do their thing. Sounds like you already understand that part!

Good luck, and happy buds in your future!
Pinky!! Hi....thank you....I will start shutting down today....yes the I love you too death syndrome I want to avoid. It's one thing to understand it but another to actually do it...all I have to do is just not F* it up...again, thank you for your replies....
Oh, wow that was very cool....thanks for the link Mr A...the post with you setting your camera taking a pic every 10 sec for 8 hrs....very cool...grew right out of the screen :goodjob:
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