Camaro’s First Grow Journal

Here we are not even 16 hours after being put in place and the C99 is already showing her taproot, this is going to be one hell of a mother!


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C99 she’d her shell first, blueberry gum #1 not far behind, as is the skunk. Blueberry gum #2 didn’t make it, and I’m not surprised, seed was black before I started and the only thing it made for a taproot was the size of a head of a pencil. Threw a Barney farm triple cheese bean in its place.
Not even 7 days since dropping seeds in my buckets and this lil girl has shot up this far already! Granted, the lights haven’t been off yet, still pretty aggressive growth soo far, and the triple cheese is playing a pretty strong catch up game, I expect it to shed its shell in the next day or so


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I'm in!

That bucket set-up is dope!
Thanks Preston, I tweaked the idea from an old system I had previously run, this 4 bucket system is for my mother’s, and I’ll be setting up a 6 site in my flower room, the room was larger with a 8 site system but I think it will be easier to manage this time around with 6 plus I cut the size of the room down to make it fit better where we are now. This was my 8 site before.


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Well I guess I’m about due for an update haha... these are the plants where they stand as of this morning.


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Well I guess I’m about due for an update haha... these are the plants where they stand as of this morning.
Top left is the blueberry gum, top right is the triple cheese, bottom left is the skunk which had part of its seed stuck on it longer than it should have which is why one leaf is yellow, and the bottom right is the c99!
Newest update this morning, dropped the light closer a couple days ago and 3 plants are now praying to the light gods :cool: Looking pretty healthy aside from the fact they’re starting to get stressed out from being under 24/7 light for nearly 2 weeks, tonight they’ll get the timer added in to start getting some rest


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Time for an update, and we’re starting to break some decent ground finally, unfortunately seeing a little bit of what I feel is a magnesium deficiency. Going to have to have to pick up some calmag I guess, I’ve never had to use it and had been putting it off forever but I don’t want these gals to suffer from it, they’re going to get everything they need this harvest


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Took the time tonight to drain my system out and flush it multiple times, probably ran around 80-90 gallons they it to get my ppm down to 195 from 850.. whoops.. I used botanicares nutrient calculator to calculate what to add and I figured my numbers for a 18 gallon resivoir ((5) 5 gallon pales, 4 have netpots and they’re not filled complete to the top) soo I started with 195 ppm water, added 50 ml of CalMag which brought ppm to 280, added 200 ml of grow bringing ppm to 990. Adjusted PH to 5.7 and that’s where they sit, now time will tell how they like their new nutes :cool::passitleft:
Ooph, 4 days is longer than I want to space out for an update.. the ladies are doing very well and are very vigorous, I know I’ve said I would throw the light timer on but they’re growing soo fast, I’m not ready to yet lol.. yesterday the pump got bumped while I wasn’t home and started pumping water on the floor, fortunately not much was spilt before being caught, not even enough to warrant adding more but I actually drained a little water down and diluted a tiny bit with fresh water to drop my ppms around 850, the blueberry gum was starting to see a little nute burn from being up around 1050ppm, but ever soo slightly. A few days ago I was starting to see a calmag issue from the triple cheese that was quickly caught and turned around. I topped the blueberry gum last night as she was starting to show her fifth node, others aren’t ready quite yet. They’re all growing with fairly tight node spacing, maybe it’s time to either raise the fluorescent a little to promote a little stretching, or it may be time to just throw the blurples over them. Regardless, here they are in all their glory, top left C99, top right Blueberry Gum, bottom left Triple Cheese, bottom right Skunk :passitleft:


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Chugging along nicely, don’t know if it will be today or tomorrow but I’ve decided this weekend the ladies are getting the blurples over them. The c99 is starting to go up in height, the blueberry gum is getting bushy especially after being topped, the triple cheese is going good but showing some deficiencies I’m unsure of, well, all the plants are sharing one in general I can’t quite get my hands on, and the skunk is coming along, slowly but surely, I can tell she’s not liking the colder temps at night that well. Almost feeling my issue currently is water temps a little lower than would like to be seen, checking right now, I’m currently at 17.1 Celsius which is definitely colder than I want to be, I’d like to see it sit between 19 and 20.. either way, here’s the ladies. Same order as usual, top left C99, top right Blueberry Gum, bottom left Triple Cheese, bottom right Skunk


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Well I’m currently having some issues with a couple of my plants, my blueberry gum has a few chew holes in 2 of the leaves. I found a spider on the lower part of the bucket a few minutes after seeing the holes.. I’m not sure if that’s what did it but I have not seen any more holes pop up since killing the spider.. the Triple Cheese has a couple leaves that almost appear to be wilting but curling up.. I’m really scratching my head at both issues if the holes are not from the spider


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Not sure if I was fighting a toxicity or what but tonight I drained my system out, flushed it out really well, got my ppm down to 170(pretty much straight tap water) and added 25ml of CalMag bringing my ppm up to 200, I then added my grow nutes @ 150 ml, I let everything mix for a while and ph was 7.1, I corrected it down to 5.6 over a period of a half hour, and I also cut the screens out of the buckets as they were restricting water flow and not allowing me to have the pump on full blast or it would suck the end bucket dry and over fill the resivoir, not a good feature lol.. Now I can have the pump on full blast and the buckets stay pretty even. I’m going to look into getting sm90 in the near future. I also added a quarter of a cap of Clorox just incase I was having any root issues. Per usual, top left C99, top right Blueberry Gum, bottom left Triple Cheese, bottom right Skunk. The issue can best be seen with the triple cheese, I’m hoping this nutrient change and bleach helps out


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