Cajuncelt's Spring 2015 Grow - Blue Dream - Bubba Kush - Critical Cure - Etc

Black pepper contains pinene which reduces anxiety from THC. Calamus root is also used.

Ever ingest too much sativa & start freaking out, sniff a lil black pepper...
It burns some, but you'll straighten out.
Pepper does lessen the psychoactive properties. It helps people with low tolerance to THC.

So I'm wondering if I grew a strain with this expression, might it be something my daughter could use? First I'd have to convince her to try again. Cannabis gave her the first anxiety-free moments of her life until she had a panic attack while buzzed and her rediculously low tolerance levels worked against her big time.

Cannabis offers her sleep without nightmares and we don't want to go the anti-depressant route again. Part of my search is for a strain that she might be able to tolerate. This lovely specimen you just enjoyed has the added benefit of being incredibly beautiful, something I may be able to use to my advantage when presenting her with the possibilities.

Ok, the goals are set, let's see if I can pull it off. I'll amend the seed order.

Have a great day mon ami. Have fun in your garden. I'm enjoying these last couple days with mine. All down on Sunday. *sigh*
Sue, I'd suggest a high CBD strain to start. It'll probably only have 5% THC.
That & a careful dosing regimen, she shouldn't experience any euphoria.

Any specific recommendations Cajun? We know part of the anxiety disorder has been diagnosed as PTSD.
For the record... I suspect snorting pepper would instantly snap me out of pretty much anything. I'll take a pass on that one.

I was on my way out the door when I found this. Now I'm rolling on the bed laughing. Damn you! :rofl:
Just make it worse, why not? My sides hurt Tead! :rofl:
Black pepper contains pinene which reduces anxiety from THC. Calamus root is also used.

Ever ingest too much sativa & start freaking out, sniff a lil black pepper...
It burns some, but you'll straighten out.

Yep.... Stab yourself in the leg with a knife, gets rid of migraines every time, lol.... Sorry, had to, I'd imagine with a nostril full of pepper, I'd have other concerns than the freaking out, lol....
any recommends on a strain for a ADD wife with back pain ?
yer option is valued
For the record... I suspect snorting pepper would instantly snap me out of pretty much anything. I'll take a pass on that one.

Lol. I'm with ya on that.

Any specific recommendations Cajun? We know part of the anxiety disorder has been diagnosed as PTSD.

Yes, you need a low THC, but still need an indica-dom for the anxiety. The CBD will help with that as well. Shark Shock, most stuff by the CBD Crew, & Critical Cure by Barney's would ask work.
How is she going to ingest it?

My missus is finding her CBD oil great for her anxiety! Its really low THC at only 0.1 with 4.5 CBD. I dose along with her for preventative measures :)

Amen brother. I'm so glad to hear that, for both of you. Don't ever hesitate to give me a shout if you need anything, even info.

Ive been hungry for fruity pebbles since i seen that bowl.

Doesnt it look like a bowl of blackberry pebbles?
Id likely have poured milk into that bowl and ate it all gone..

Damn, now I'm craving Fruity Pebbles too! Lol.


Yep.... Stab yourself in the leg with a knife, gets rid of migraines every time, lol.... Sorry, had to, I'd imagine with a nostril full of pepper, I'd have other concerns than the freaking out, lol....

Truth is there are a small amount of ppl that really freak out, as in equal to an acid trip almost, with even a small amount of THC, especially strong sativas. I've had to be on the phone a long time trying to calm some down. Seriously. They would rather snort pepper than experience any psychoactivity whatever. Since everyone can agree anxiety is no bueno, it makes avoiding them feeling high while dosing medicinal levels of THC very fun.

any recommends on a strain for a ADD wife with back pain ?
yer option is valued

She'd probably benefit from concentrated oil (CO). The CO would be a sativa dominant for the ADD & mixed with CBD. The CBD will also help with any inflammation & pain.
Thank you for the strain recommendations. I'll fit them into my next grow plans.

Yeah, I was surprised to see my daughter's reaction to THC, so we need to avoid it. It wasn't helpful that I was using the sativas I grow for myself in the brownies she was using. Knowing what I know now, I can really sympathize with her.

And I don't believe they're snorting the pepper guys, just sniffing. At least I hope that's the case.

The idea of dosing is new to me. I started out strictly recreational and this is a new paradigm shift for me. Is there a recommended delivery system and dosing protocol for severe anxiety disorder?
Man I've drunk 3lt of orange juice once after a trip became to intense.... I know freaking out ain't a good thing.. I was just joking....
Sue check out the oil thread... I tack on my gums with the RSO and I have only had 1 panic attack since I started and the other head issues are truly amazing with no rx's... I'm sure Cajun can give you much better information but it really does work.....:circle-of-love:

My plan is to grow with making oil in mind. She's my primary concern at this point. We sat and discussed it this evening and she's open to it, so that barrier's out of the way. On to the next step.

Thanks Dennise. I haven't checked that thread out yet. I'm so glad it's helped you. It terrifies me as her mother that she can do everything right and have panic attacks in her dreams that are every bit as devastating. There has to be a solution for her.
My plan is to grow with making oil in mind. She's my primary concern at this point. We sat and discussed it this evening and she's open to it, so that barrier's out of the way. On to the next step.

Thanks Dennise. I haven't checked that thread out yet. I'm so glad it's helped you. It terrifies me as her mother that she can do everything right and have panic attacks in her dreams that are every bit as devastating. There has to be a solution for her.

Well there is your reading for your vacation. Between the oil making thread and the tacking thread, you have a couple hundred more pages of reading to catch up on. And then I would read both of those threads again. There is so much info you can not get it all in one reading. :peace:
Sue check out the oil thread... I tack on my gums with the RSO and I have only had 1 panic attack since I started and the other head issues are truly amazing with no rx's... I'm sure Cajun can give you much better information but it really does work.....:circle-of-love:

Yep. I agree D.
Tacking is what we started calling putting a rice brain size amount of the oil between your cheek & gum. It's called submucous ingestion. See why we call it "tacking" now? Lol.
A group of us use to gather on a medical thread here a couple of years ago. One of the members, Motoco, created an awesome "how-to" thread on how to make the oil.
Later, the thread kinda merged into "tacking" as well.
The Mods & Mr. 420 recently separated all the info out so it's more on topic, etc.
I would recommend it as a protocol for your daughter.
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