Burning Lights on Cold Winter Nights

Day three of flower cycle.

WW- is looking like a champ. Any comments welcome.

Kabbalah- looks like she is loving the light cycle, to be honest I dont I will do the 24-0 again.

New grow- both are autoflower Kabbalah, making sure I start them correctly this time ;)
You where on 24-0 ? That's nuts man .. thats only sponsoring the electric company and buying into more light is better... which it is not.

Plants need rest, and time to develop roots. They do this in the night cycle. Do yourself a favour .. try GLR .. continual 12/12 .. but in veg, you take out one hour of dark in the middle of the night-cycle .. so it becomes 12 on, 5,5 off, 1 on, 5,5 off. I have my plants under 18/6 in veg now, and I see no appreciable difference, and will move them back to GLR.

If you do not like shorter plants, then go for 18/6 ;) (Shorter not being under-developed .. see my forest in the big tent .. went on GLR ;) )

Thanks for your input. Where were you hiding when I needed that advice about two weeks ago? Live and learn I guess, being my first gro I am satisfied so far, of course I want better for myself and plants.

- I would agree as I said above ur post, I feel the 24-0 is unnatural. And won't be going back.

Respect the past, mind the present, always plan for the future.

All the best.
Awesome set up! And hello too haha I ran a 125w hydro farm light my first time and it done pretty decent I still remember the first chop of ak47 from vision seeds it was real good! You've got a good grow going my friend
Light cycle is really dependant on your needs and your space. 24/0, imho, is not a sane scheme. It robs the plant of her nightcycle, in which it develops roots and rests. Imo, this is just as important as having enough light.

18/6 is a normal lightcycle, you would use this when you have plenty of vertical room, and want the most from your plants. Plenty of light is needed here too, as taller plants means your lights will hang higher = further from lower buds.

I use GLR. GLR is 12 hours of light, 5,5 hours dark, 1 hour light, 5,5 hours dark. This limits the plants growth a little, making her more bushy, which is nice in smaller growspaces. The one hour of light in the middle of it's night cycle, will trick the plant into staying in veg. It takes about 4 days after switching to flowering, for them to show it.

I mainly use it for cost saving on the utility bill, but it works pretty well, and I see no real reason to start wasting more energy .. as I seriously would not know how my vegging plants can be improved, except more sane LST and pruning.

If you have auto's, mind you that they will determine for themselves when they will flower, regardless of your light schedule. You can place em under 24/0 and have them go to flower.

You avoid issues in this case, by making sure you flip to 12/12 (or 11/13) at 3,5 week veg for your auto. Either that, or veg the WW outside your tent when your Auto goes to bloom. All you need for decent veg, is 3 23w household CFL's @ 6500K colour temp. Forget all other nonsense like fans and stuff in that case .. they are not needed that much that they will f-up your plant ;)

..ehrm .. here ? ;)
Hey everyone,

I thank you for your ideas and advice. I had found a bit of info that said for seedlings use 24-on. Beg use 18/6 and flower for 12/12. I had planned on this rotation, and do fully agree with giving the plant a rest/growth period with lights off.

..and you seem to have forgotten to switch to 18/6 ;)
First grow I only had lawn fertilizer pellets laying around .. so I top-dressed with that, and watered it in ... each successive watering, they starved a bit more .. flushing made it worse .. I mucked up :)
looking very nice dch,, good job pal,, cheers
:goodjob: looking just fine dch,, cheers
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