Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

Here's the pics.
This Sucks Ass ! I was planning to flip to flower on Monday & now not sure what the hell to do. This is going to be a bad year for me from the way things are going. Wife dies in Dec., Stepmom in Jan., Uncle in Feb.. I spent all day in the ER for issues I'm having on Monday, Plant problems, etc., etc. Too much friggin stress & I'm ready to just give up !
Sorry ! Just seems like there's no end to it.
This Sucks Ass ! I was planning to flip to flower on Monday & now not sure what the hell to do. This is going to be a bad year for me from the way things are going. Wife dies in Dec., Stepmom in Jan., Uncle in Feb.. I spent all day in the ER for issues I'm having on Monday, Plant problems, etc., etc. Too much friggin stress & I'm ready to just give up !
Sorry ! Just seems like there's no end to it.
It is too much. Take a step back and breathe. It has started out badly but that is not an indication of how things will be going forward. You have suffered immeasurably loss Buds, I am so sorry. I hope that your health issues that took you to the ER are manageable! I also hope that Emilya or someone can help you bring your plants back to good health. Our plants should be joyous distractions from personal suffering and it sucks that your plants are adding to your stress. I really hope that it goes smoothly from now Buds.
This Sucks Ass ! I was planning to flip to flower on Monday & now not sure what the hell to do. This is going to be a bad year for me from the way things are going. Wife dies in Dec., Stepmom in Jan., Uncle in Feb.. I spent all day in the ER for issues I'm having on Monday, Plant problems, etc., etc. Too much friggin stress & I'm ready to just give up !
Sorry ! Just seems like there's no end to it.
Can you give us a close up of leaves with issues? And usually the bugs are more prevalent on the under side of the leaves.

If they're thrips or mites, you can deal with them before flower. The bugs have a  very short life cycle (like 3-5 days) so repeated applications of your treatment are called for to knock out the breeding cycle.

True soaps can be effective, and I know Emilya uses some of the SNS products. So, don't abandon the grow just yet. If nothing else it could be a good experiment to see what works for you.
The problem is that I don't see leaf damage. The droop definitely says something is going on, but I don't believe that it has reached the surface yet... I think the problem must be underground. I would schedule a root drench with SNS-203 mixed heavy. I suspect aphids.

Regarding things, it's always darkest before the dawn my friend. The sorrow you feel and the pressures from the world today are real, and its going to take some time to get through all of this. Give it time. Nothing is going to help better than the distraction your garden provides and I hope we can get you through this crisis too. Hang in there Buds... we are all here in your corner and pulling for your side. Hugs from Missouri. :love:
Yes if you can get some close up of the spots on the leaves we can all get a better idea, rite now I will have to side with Emilya, looks like a root problem, what do they look like? Weed can be a finicky plant but they are also very versatile , The problem can be fixed you just need to send the troops, out flank them and they will surrender and the battle will be won,, You have the whole militia behind you.( 420 Battalion)🪖 standing ready
Can you give us a close up of leaves with issues? And usually the bugs are more prevalent on the under side of the leaves.

If they're thrips or mites, you can deal with them before flower. The bugs have a  very short life cycle (like 3-5 days) so repeated applications of your treatment are called for to knock out the breeding cycle.

True soaps can be effective, and I know Emilya uses some of the SNS products. So, don't abandon the grow just yet. If nothing else it could be a good experiment to see what works for you.
At work now so can't take a pic. I have SNS products & Neem.
The problem is that I don't see leaf damage. The droop definitely says something is going on, but I don't believe that it has reached the surface yet... I think the problem must be underground. I would schedule a root drench with SNS-203 mixed heavy. I suspect aphids.

Regarding things, it's always darkest before the dawn my friend. The sorrow you feel and the pressures from the world today are real, and its going to take some time to get through all of this. Give it time. Nothing is going to help better than the distraction your garden provides and I hope we can get you through this crisis too. Hang in there Buds... we are all here in your corner and pulling for your side. Hugs from Missouri. :love:
Figures ! I have the SNS 209 & 217.
The 209 is called "Systemic Pest Control". It says on the back that it can be used as a drench. What do you think ?
Take a minute and go through your check list Buds, rh, temp, PH, nutrients, under/over watering, soil ph as it can build up, etc, to me I would start with over watering
I up-potted her to a 5 gal. last week. I thought it might be rootbound, but it wasn't. The roots I seen were pretty white.
She acted happy for a few days after the up-pot & then started drooping again. The hooked leaves made me think it was an "N" toxicity. I flushed her with 15 gallons of water & then fed at a lower dose & added less Nitrogen. She perked up for a couple days & now she's looking worse than before. I have found a couple of chewed on leaves on that plant.
I'll try to get some microscope shots up & some macro's of the leaves at lights on tonight.
At work now so can't take a pic. I have SNS products & Neem.

Figures ! I have the SNS 209 & 217.
The 209 is called "Systemic Pest Control". It says on the back that it can be used as a drench. What do you think ?
209 is always used as a drench, and can be used as a foliar. 203 is quite a bit stronger and strong enough to deal with aphids, one of our toughest pests.
Won't Peroxide work ? I usually use 1 qt. of Peroxide to a gal. of water to kill gnat larvae.
Temporarily, yes. It is a band-aid and has no lasting effect. Get the good stuff, SNS-203 and coat those suckers and their eggs in rosemaric oil. This, along with the 209, will kill them dead and will last a while. If it is aphids, you will want to reapply in about a week. They don't stand a chance if you keep at them.
Take a minute and go through your check list Buds, rh, temp, PH, nutrients, under/over watering, soil ph as it can build up, etc, to me I would start with over watering
I did change the RH & Temps 2 weeks ago. I lowered both little by little because I was planning to start flower on Monday. All through Veg I had my Temps running 84F - 88F & RH close to 70%. The plants loved it.
Once I turned the AC on & started running at 80F & brought the RH down to 30% - 40% is when things started.... I think.
I was just leaving the AC on 80F till after the stretch & then take it down to 77F.
I pH my Nutes to 6.3 & I use a Blue Lab so it should be pretty accurate.
209 is always used as a drench, and can be used as a foliar. 203 is quite a bit stronger and strong enough to deal with aphids, one of our toughest pests.

Temporarily, yes. It is a band-aid and has no lasting effect. Get the good stuff, SNS-203 and coat those suckers and their eggs in rosemaric oil. This, along with the 209, will kill them dead and will last a while. If it is aphids, you will want to reapply in about a week. They don't stand a chance if you keep at them.
Is a pint of SNS 203 enough ? They only have gallons on Zon, so I'll have to order it directly from SNS. I just wonder how long it will take to get here. I guess Peroxide Water & Neem for the time being until I get the 203.
Is a pint of SNS 203 enough ? They only have gallons on Zon, so I'll have to order it directly from SNS. I just wonder how long it will take to get here. I guess Peroxide Water & Neem for the time being until I get the 203.
A pint will make you like 32 gallons of spray, so it'll be fine for now. Their shipping is fast to my house usually within 2 to 3 days. I would do the peroxide now then hit them with the good stuff when it gets there. Worst case, you add a little oxygen to the soil.
I have encountered probs after an upcan before… and best way I can describe what happened to mine was... it seemed like the outer layer of soil blanketed the rootball such that it couldn’t breathe and this may have been exacerbated by my watering practices like watering outer perimeter too much so the old rootball was wearing soaking wet straight jacket of media…

tilting a grow bag doesn’t work as well as tilting a bucket to pee off the excess water… but it does still work. If you force a grow bag to sit at steep angle she will wizz, maybe prop her up at an angke overnight and see how big her bladder is

chin up Buds, wish I had more to offer but know you are loved and valued
I did change the RH & Temps 2 weeks ago. I lowered both little by little because I was planning to start flower on Monday. All through Veg I had my Temps running 84F - 88F & RH close to 70%. The plants loved it.
Once I turned the AC on & started running at 80F & brought the RH down to 30% - 40% is when things started.... I think.
I was just leaving the AC on 80F till after the stretch & then take it down to 77F.
I pH my Nutes to 6.3 & I use a Blue Lab so it should be pretty accurate.
Hey buds I've just got a bluelab truncheon but im not sure if i still need to ph? as it only does EC and ppm
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