Bud Washing

this is no joke?
I just seen this mentioned in a grow journal, here I'm reading this one trying to learn wtf this is
I paused the video from the first page of this thread, still got two minutes left in it, jumped up here to post but I'll be going back to read this entire thread!

but seriously? How many people actually employ this bud washing?
"some of you are probably screaming right now" he says in the video
This video is giving me a heart attack, my blood pressure is through the roof! Talk about roller coaster, and its not even mine to worry about like that!
It's like a cruelty to animals video, little hard to stomach.
But legit, a thread this big, a video where dood is ACTUALLY givin er in the water (OH MY GODS) 2 comments and nobody screamin about possible issues?
I'm all for better smoke and everything, but I dunno
I mean really, one could put an appendage in a light socket cuz it'll feel way better than the real thing.
In theory, I get whats going on.
In practice, scares the poops outta me!
Guess I got some reading to do. Now warp my mind and try to wrap it around this washing thing.

"please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, do NOT unlatch the restraints while the ride is in motion or attempt to unlatch them yourselves. Do NOT attempt to exit the vehicle while it is in motion, Please wait until it has come to a complete stop.
Now who likes to hang upside down??!!?!!"
this is no joke?
I just seen this mentioned in a grow journal, here I'm reading this one trying to learn wtf this is
I paused the video from the first page of this thread, still got two minutes left in it, jumped up here to post but I'll be going back to read this entire thread!

but seriously? How many people actually employ this bud washing?
"some of you are probably screaming right now" he says in the video
This video is giving me a heart attack, my blood pressure is through the roof! Talk about roller coaster, and its not even mine to worry about like that!
It's like a cruelty to animals video, little hard to stomach.
But legit, a thread this big, a video where dood is ACTUALLY givin er in the water (OH MY GODS) 2 comments and nobody screamin about possible issues?
I'm all for better smoke and everything, but I dunno
I mean really, one could put an appendage in a light socket cuz it'll feel way better than the real thing.
In theory, I get whats going on.
In practice, scares the poops outta me!
Guess I got some reading to do. Now warp my mind and try to wrap it around this washing thing.

"please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, do NOT unlatch the restraints while the ride is in motion or attempt to unlatch them yourselves. Do NOT attempt to exit the vehicle while it is in motion, Please wait until it has come to a complete stop.
Now who likes to hang upside down??!!?!!"

Once you try it, you'll never skip it. Many of us....dozens, scores, maybe even a hundred people, are doing this each and every harvest. I'll never smoke bud that isn't washed. I tried to just last night...never again.
Yes it is such a big difference you will never want to go back. Other people give me unwashed
Bud and I usually give it away since it tastes aweful.
Hundreds have tried it here and not one said anything negative.

I don't foliar feed my plants or put anything on them at all in my Indoor grow and it still makes a huge difference. I can't imagine how much difference it would make to you people who spray nasty fish sprays...
Here's an example of a well-washed nug. It was trimmed and dropped into a sinkful of warm water with lemon juice and baking soda, to soak for a few minutes. I furiously swished the branch around in warm water until I was satisfied that it was clean, then submerged it in cool clean water while I did the rest.

Then I hung it to dry for a few days and took pics. :cheesygrinsmiley::slide:

And it'll knock yer socks off, along with anything else you don't have a firm grip on. :laugh:

Y Griega



... there may be some missing trichs ... it's hard to tell. :cheesygrinsmiley:
this is no joke?
I just seen this mentioned in a grow journal, here I'm reading this one trying to learn wtf this is
I paused the video from the first page of this thread, still got two minutes left in it, jumped up here to post but I'll be going back to read this entire thread!

but seriously? How many people actually employ this bud washing?
"some of you are probably screaming right now" he says in the video
This video is giving me a heart attack, my blood pressure is through the roof! Talk about roller coaster, and its not even mine to worry about like that!
It's like a cruelty to animals video, little hard to stomach.
But legit, a thread this big, a video where dood is ACTUALLY givin er in the water (OH MY GODS) 2 comments and nobody screamin about possible issues?
I'm all for better smoke and everything, but I dunno
I mean really, one could put an appendage in a light socket cuz it'll feel way better than the real thing.
In theory, I get whats going on.
In practice, scares the poops outta me!
Guess I got some reading to do. Now warp my mind and try to wrap it around this washing thing.

"please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, do NOT unlatch the restraints while the ride is in motion or attempt to unlatch them yourselves. Do NOT attempt to exit the vehicle while it is in motion, Please wait until it has come to a complete stop.
Now who likes to hang upside down??!!?!!"

Here are other well washed nugs, they are grown in Doc Buds High Brix Blend Kit :)

Thank you, Doc!
If I'm not willing to drink the wash water from my buds..Im certainly not inhaling all the crap thats on 'em..

..and if youre concerned about missing terps and trichs? I think GT might be missing some...


..take another hit of washed herb and you'll be counting stars..:)

And lets also keep in mind that folks have tested washed vs unwashed and there was no difference on lab tests for potency, etc.

There is no downside to washing buds. None.

Only those who haven't heard of the process or those too stupid or lazy to try it for themselves don't wash their produce.

Just think of it as lettuce and spinach grown in the same conditions. Do you give it a rinse before you eat it? :high-five:
Well I think I've heard enough.
You can add one more convert to the tally

I've still got more reading to do, (had a journal entry I planned to do today...this interrupted big time! in a good way!!)
I'm not too worried about lost trichs, I'll sacrifice that lamb for the greater good of me, but I need to educate myself further on the process and how to accomplish this myself.
SO many questions about it and my setup
I just made me a nice little drying box, now I don't know about the extra moisture and will what seems like a much wetter product now mold or more time or

Talk about thrill ride, my eyes are wide open now. I had no idea I was smoking that much OTHER stuff. Always kinda figured, but hey we've all plucked a carrot fresh in the garden and wiped SOME of the dirt off on our jeans before chompin in.....
yuuummmmmmm fresh black dirt carrot

We do not consume carrots this way though, we prepare food in sanitized cooking areas. But we still pluck and eat the odd one in the garden.
Or berries!
We would not tolerate any unwashed product on the shelf in our stores. Then we take it home and re-wash it even.

I may be way out to lunch on the assumption bus here, but I highly doubt very many (if any) large scale growers in my travels properly dry AND cure.
In my very limited experience drying and curing or even growing, I'm learning more about how much care or types of attention went into the dry/cure process.
Washing? Absolutely no way is anyone washing their crops on anything I've experienced. I wouldn't know if I smoked anything that has been washed either, mind you.
I would expect someone to have been proud or boastful of the greatness in it being washed and "here try it", just as they have with strain names or some other bs hype.

In my quest for quality herb, between deciding to grow my own and coming to this community... It would be a toss up for what the better decision was.
I'm not tossin that coin, its all baby steps in the process of achieving fantastic smoke.
And thats why we're all here. We would walk a million miles just to...

Meanwhile... here on the information superhighway.....

When you get to the learning curve... GRAB something, lean into it and PIN IT!

Last November, my goal was to "have quality", so far I'm hitting that target, and with junk genes to boot.
Today, my goal was re-defined.
I will "ENJOY quality"

And I will share this washing knowledge. Maybe one day a RARE puff of non-washed will be nostalgic and memory inducing like the black dirt carrot.

Thank you guys!:Namaste:

Special Shout to Doc, you get a mention in virtually every video or shred of information on the topic haha

THE MAN! THE LEGEND OF DOC BUD @420magazine.com!
Thank you, friend, for playing your part in paving MY road to wicked smoke!
re-read my own post there....

the quote in my sig highly applies here

if we never washed, we'd never feel good about it or from actually doing it.
if we never ate the black dirt carrot, we wouldn't wash the bulk of carrots we consume.

I will POSSIBLY try a side by side for myself with the harvest next week. No promises. I'm strapped for time and experimenting and documenting might be biting off more than I can chew right now. I'm thinkin it'll be full commit 2 whole plants gettin washed.
Nervous about screwing up 2 plants, but if they're the TWO dragons I gotta slay to save the green princess I call JADE HOLLOW (Green Crack journal in sig)
then so be it.
And lets also keep in mind that folks have tested washed vs unwashed and there was no difference on lab tests for potency, etc.

Where can I find these results posted?

The only lab tests I've seen on washed buds was done by a former member here. His results were taken from two seperate plants, harvested a cycle apart.

There must be others with lab tests of washed/unwashed from the same part of the same plant, can someone link them please?
Where can I find these results posted?

The only lab tests I've seen on washed buds was done by a former member here. His results were taken from two seperate plants, harvested a cycle apart.

There must be others with lab tests of washed/unwashed from the same part of the same plant, can someone link them please?

MassMedMan mentioned his results on page 79 -- He had links to the actual tests somewhere around the same date - I looked at them at the time
Bud Washing

Found the test results Samples tested for Mass Med Man

- - - -

That said, I don't think the tests prove anything - 14.7% does not mean 14.7% of the whole sample.

14.7% is the percentage by weight of THC relative to the essential oil extracted from the bud.

Debris washed off the flower or present on the flower does not effect the internal mix of the oil in the trichomes.

Trichomes knocked off by washing or left on by not washing do not effect the internal mix of the oil in the remaining trichomes.

- - -

How high you get is a mixture of the potency of the oil (% THC) and the volume of trichomes full of oil that are consumed.

Debris will not affect that equation except for one is likely to taste and enjoy consuming more buds when there is less debris.

The amount of trichomes on the bud will only affect that equation if one runs out of trichomes/buds to consume.
And lets also keep in mind that folks have tested washed vs unwashed and there was no difference on lab tests for potency, etc.

There is no downside to washing buds. None.

Only those who haven't heard of the process or those too stupid or lazy to try it for themselves don't wash their produce.

Just think of it as lettuce and spinach grown in the same conditions. Do you give it a rinse before you eat it? :high-five:

Actually, my un washed test sample came back lower in potency then my washed. So, according to my (the lab) testing, albeit limited --

Washing increased potency, for my samples of the same plant.

I don't think that's the case though, but the test results are there.

I'm thinking about doing that test again, just to have another set of numbers to look at. The four new strains I'm running this year will all be tested.

But, you can't argue with lab tests. Well, you can..

This is one washed two days ago,,,, am i missing anything?? Maybe some of that nasty fish stuff i spray,, hahaha,,

Stay green, keep washing!!
Fear not added moisture from washing.

Experience of many shows that drying time (if changed) is faster, rather than slower, when washed.

That is not always a good thing.

Not sure what to make of these 2 comments, I don't understand the first and the second conflicts.
I should expect it to be quicker to dry? but that's not good?
My morning is still a little too foggy today, if you guys could, I need some clarification on those comments please:tokin:

Next question, harvest is in about a week. 2 girls that impregnated themselves.
Ultimately not a huge concern, but I would like to salvage the seeds she bears.
Genes are nothing special, 10yr old bag seed (that bag was loaded with seeds, as are these 2 girls)
Sampling a gram has very comfortable effects, so I'm indulging maybe a bit.
Typically a gram a day, 1.5 when indulging. But I wake up foggy in a haze, eyes like effort to open. Ass handed to me.
Maybe these seeds are something I should be keeping tucked away for a rainy day, experiments and gettin the occasional spanking.
It would be a shame to wash them away, damage viability, or activate them in the washing.
Will the wash hurt them or should I attempt plucking some?
Does it come down to either clean smoke or seeds, can't have both?

Thanx in advance guys!:thumb:
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