Bud Washing

lol not sure. If they do im sure they wash it first. Thise guys at the shop are all super nice but they are salesmen. They always want to sell me things i dont need. Which is why i will always come to these forums with my questions. No one has tried to sell me anything, yet. Lol

Doc Bud could sell you a kit of the best nutrients, soil amendments, and system for growing dank nugs for less than lower quality nutes at the hydro shop. From all the results I see here, a totally excellent system (excellent as in excels compared to other systems.)

If you have a legal grow consider sending Doc Bud a PM about the kit.
Disclaimer: I don't use the kit myself (I can be a stubborn old curmudgeon,) but I know my harvests would be way better if I did.
These were washed(and grown in Docs kit- thank you, Doc!!)...can you imagine what it would look like NOT washed? :rofl:
im kidding..no trich difference. Outdoor grows, wild grown cannabis gets rained on, and quite hard in some of the most potent herb locations in the world..:)
No lint, no dust, insects and their eggs, mold spores, dander, hair, etc..etc.(watch out for the 'etc' :))


Got to page 59, and just couldn't anymore. LOL!

I'm thoroughly convinced on the idea of bud washing. It's just as well, because my current grow will need it. First time running into a bug problem. Fan conked out, and I can't find a replacement. (going into winter) High humidity problems. Brought some untreated wood into the tent, which in turn became moldy. Now I have some PM spots on 3 of my plants.

So for me, bud washing is not a luxury, but a necessity. I have just one question...

Both bicarb and lemon concentrate with sulfites will have anti-fungal properties. Is the peroxide really necessary then, or is it just to make damn sure the problem is eradicated? Kind of like killing a spider with a flame thrower? The idea of peroxide scares me a little, but if the general consensus is that it is a must, then I will do it. Some other things to consider. The PM is not extensive. My tap water is high in chlorine.

What do you guys think? Peroxide, or not?
I would follow Doc Bud's advice and use H2O2 if there is ANY sign of PM or bud rot.
It might be a good idea to RO your water or at least let it sit for 24 hours so the Cl can evaporate.
I would follow Doc Bud's advice and use H2O2 if there is ANY sign of PM or bud rot.
It might be a good idea to RO your water or at least let it sit for 24 hours so the Cl can evaporate.

but wouldn't the chlorine be a bonus in my situation?
Got to page 59, and just couldn't anymore. LOL!

I'm thoroughly convinced on the idea of bud washing. It's just as well, because my current grow will need it. First time running into a bug problem. Fan conked out, and I can't find a replacement. (going into winter) High humidity problems. Brought some untreated wood into the tent, which in turn became moldy. Now I have some PM spots on 3 of my plants.

So for me, bud washing is not a luxury, but a necessity. I have just one question...

Both bicarb and lemon concentrate with sulfites will have anti-fungal properties. Is the peroxide really necessary then, or is it just to make damn sure the problem is eradicated? Kind of like killing a spider with a flame thrower? The idea of peroxide scares me a little, but if the general consensus is that it is a must, then I will do it. Some other things to consider. The PM is not extensive. My tap water is high in chlorine.

What do you guys think? Peroxide, or not?

if the plants are still alive, do a sulphur burn for the PM. This worked really well for a couple of HB growers recently..At harvest, if you have PM on the nugs, H2O2 wash in addition to the Baking Soda/Lemon Juice cocktail
Thanks Ziggy! Will go read up on sulfur burning now.

How the hell would you tell if you had PM on buds? Not trying to be funny. :thanks:
Thanks Ziggy! Will go read up on sulfur burning now.

How the hell would you tell if you had PM on buds? Not trying to be funny. :thanks:

TheBlaze, Supposedly you will know. .... you need to chop PM'd bud and throw it away. It can devastate a crop and quickly.

I think Doc and others that have burned sulphur say it will smell really fresh after the hours of treatment. And it takes care of the whole grow area really well. :thumb:
In almost all modern tap water in north America and in many other places there is No need to leave tap water out to age. They use chloramine now used instead of chlorine as chloramine doesn't evaporate easily. that is why they switched. I would post links but they are from competing sites and not allowed to post here.
Google yourself and see, then stop wasting time and space evaporating water.
If you really want to remove chloramine then you want a reverse osmosis system, or catalytic carbon filter, or UV treatment.
Hope that helps.
Where I live, there is both chlorine and chloramines in my city water. I filter it out of course.
Chloramine removal..this has been posted before, its a good read..:thumb:
"However, chloramine is very easily and almost instantaneously removed by preparing a cup of
tea or coffee, preparing food (e.g., making a soup with a chicken stock). Adding fruit to a water
pitcher (e.g., slicing peeled orange into a 1-gal water pitcher) will neutralize chloramine within 30
minutes. If desired, chloramine and ammonia can be completely removed from the water by
boiling; however, it will take 20 minutes of gentle boil to do that. Just a short boil of water to
prepare tea or coffee removed about 30% of chloramine. Conversely, chlorine was not as
consistently removed by boiling in SFPUC tests.
If desired, both chlorine and chloramine can be removed for drinking water purposes by an
activated carbon filter point of use device that can be installed on a kitchen faucet. If desired, both
chlorine and chloramine can be removed for bathing purposes by dissolving Vitamin C in the bath
water (1000 mg Vitamin C tablet will neutralize chloramine in an average bathtub). SFPUC does
not recommend that customers remove disinfectants from drinking water. Customers desiring to
do so should consult with their physician. "

San Francisco Water Power Sewer | SFPUC
I read somewhere that chloramine can be neutralized by the addition of humic acid to your water.

I wouldn't do this for bud washing, but for compost teas its a great quick fix. I personally use 2 carbon block filters in my R/O system for removing chloromines but figured I would mention it for those that may be curious about using humic acids to neutralize for compost teas.
They did not switch becasue it doesn't evaporate. It is used all over becasue it is cheaper overall than chlorine. It is bad on the pipes and is contributing to poor water systems all over America. It will be removed from our water supply within a few decades. Until then filter on.

I luckily live on Chlorine water that comes from the tap at 12 PPM and is pure as the driven snow as it is coming right off a mountain.
I've been cheap this winter and washing, and watering with run off,, my plants are happy and it saves a shit load of time. I've got a nice catchment system off my roof with a 100 g holding tank with mosquito bits in it. I've thought to ask if run of matters for washing, and what about the MB in my catchment,,, typical me i tend to do then ask. Anyway, bud washing for the win.
You want high humidity when you do the sulphur burn. in Doc Buds Q &A thread, recently..week or 2 ago. Good Luck!! :)

Hey DrZiggy, do you have a link to Doc Buds Q&A thread? Sounds like a good read. Thank you :circle-of-love::cco::circle-of-love:
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