Bud Washing

I washed mine in hot water, baking soda&lemen juice then into two room temp rinses and hung in cool place with 50-55% humidity under reg florescent lights for about a week then they went into jars for curring.. It turned out AWSOME!!!! Sorry my mistake, Only under lights for 24 hrs then in complete darkness except for checking on them.
Does anyone have any experience with washing buds that have been 'tented' by spider mites?

I have a plant with nice buds that was going ot harvest tonight, and just noticed she is totally infested with spider mites and 10-20% of the buds are 'tented'. I am going to wash the buds but wondering if it work on tented ones or do they just need to be trashed?


I had spider mites on my last grow and I hosed them off first, then washed them and everything was fine. They dried great and cured with no limitations. Should be fine if the smoke is for yourself. For a med person exclusively...not sure about it.
Washed most of my harvest yesterday, will post a smoke report asap
Literally nobody on here has had a bad word to say about it so I'm not worried. I just cant wait to smoke both.of them to compare the difference!
Literally nobody on here has had a bad word to say about it so I'm not worried. I just cant wait to smoke both.of them to compare the difference!

There is a problem... Once you do it, its like the Red Pill in The Matrix...
..and your standard will be raised alot...now imagine that with HB soil grown, using Doc Buds HB Kit.....

Thats the Matrix meets Star Trek..
To go where few have gone before... ( yes, its paraphrased :)...youll be a so called member of a special grow group that produces consistant reproducable results..better than anything youve tried. Thats my humble opinion :)
I just washed my buds, thanks to this thread. Thanks everyone for the awesome knowledge. Now that I think about it. It seems so obvious, why didn't I wash sooner? I live in the hood, and my local Mexican Market only had lime juice, but I think its the same as lemon. Turned out good!!



So my buds have been curing for a couple days. Decided to give it a smoke. Holy S*** its true. This is some of the smoothest, best tasting smoke I have ever had. Thanks again!!

How much faster have peoples buds been drying after a bud wash? Because mine seem to be drying very fast and I think they will be ready in a couple of days...the outside of the bud is already crispy dry. Just a bit worried they will dry to fast and still have too much chlorophyll, probably me being paranoid but that's how you stay ahead of the game lol
How much faster have peoples buds been drying after a bud wash? Because mine seem to be drying very fast and I think they will be ready in a couple of days...the outside of the bud is already crispy dry. Just a bit worried they will dry to fast and still have too much chlorophyll, probably me being paranoid but that's how you stay ahead of the game lol

I think you're probably right.

I spray foliars so I have to wash, but I was surprised at the effect on the cure. I think they do "dry" faster, but I haven't done a non-wash dry, so I don't actually know. Mine go 4-5 days hanging in the bloom room with its humidity and temp, before they're ready to jar. It's typically 70% and 80 degrees.

But I'm not sure they're as "dry" as we think. I've seen the sugar leaves of many strains cure to a pliable leathery texture that I'm not used to in unwashed bud. I think the plant gets internally hydrated when we wash it, and it produces a better, actually slower cure internally.
I'm going to leave it until the stems are fully snapable and take it from there, hopefully its nothing s good cure can't sort out...if there is anything to sort out.
I think you're probably right.

I spray foliars so I have to wash, but I was surprised at the effect on the cure. I think they do "dry" faster, but I haven't done a non-wash dry, so I don't actually know. Mine go 4-5 days hanging in the bloom room with its humidity and temp, before they're ready to jar. It's typically 70% and 80 degrees.

But I'm not sure they're as "dry" as we think. I've seen the sugar leaves of many strains cure to a pliable leathery texture that I'm not used to in unwashed bud. I think the plant gets internally hydrated when we wash it, and it produces a better, actually slower cure internally.

One of the chief characteristics of high brix produce is that it doesn't rot or spoil....it dehydrates. High Brix tomatos can be put out for days and days without spoilage...they just dehydrate. My weed remains plyable and bendable months after being jarred, even though it's dry. It's the oils, not the water that makes it that way.

The wash doesn't change the drying time for me.....takes 7 days most of the time. I run the drying room at 65 degrees and 55-60 on the rH.
OK well after 4 days of hanging the outside of my buds are completely dry...there actually crispy! The stem is still not snapping however, I'm gonna stick them in jars today and begin the curing process as I don't want the outside to get any drier!

Lovely smell and look to the buds, cannot wait to give a smoke report!
does anyone see a difference in fully manicuring before you wash? i apologize if this has been discussed, 23 pages is a lot! i have a harvest coming up within the next week and I want to make sure I have the right products available to properly wash them. I did not use foliar sprays. I do have cat hair on them, though :p I had fungus gnats around but not too bad. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I would think the wash would be more effective after a full trim, I kept my sugar leaves on for the wash but it probably would have been more effective if I had trimmed first.
I agree with Hiddenkoncept. For my first grow, I left the sugar leaves on for the wash and then trimmed the buds after they had dried enough to be trimmed. It was a major PITA to trim all of those sugar leaves folded up against the buds and they were sticky as all get out. For my second grow, I trimmed the sugar leaves before I washed and it was much less labor intensive and not nearly as sticky of a job.
I agree with Hiddenkoncept. For my first grow, I left the sugar leaves on for the wash and then trimmed the buds after they had dried enough to be trimmed. It was a major PITA to trim all of those sugar leaves folded up against the buds and they were sticky as all get out. For my second grow, I trimmed the sugar leaves before I washed and it was much less labor intensive and not nearly as sticky of a job.

Thanks for this, I did wonder if it made it harder to trim after the wash, I found it very difficult to get all the sugar leaves off
yeah, that's what i was kind of thinking. thanks guys. what seems to be the best solution to wash in? doc bud seems to have a nice way of doing it but is all of that necessary with no foliar sprays?
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