Bud Washing

I have a hard time thinking once legalization happens that the gov won't step in on every single solitary thing throughout the grow. Bottom line, you'll have to grow and use the chemicals the gov prescribes. This part of the process will hopefully wake some people up about the overreaching, gigantic, abusive, bureaucracy known as the federal gov. I'd sleep much better if the fed would get out of my life and do what the Constitution originally stated for the states and the fed. This federal monstrosity needs to learn that what we do in our respective states is OUR business not the federal governments. The 10th Amendment was put in there for the very reason the we are beginning to see right before our eyes with this federal gov. They are the most insidious incestuous group of people you'd ever want to meet. If I was invited to the White House and told I would get a personal tour by the President and his wife, I couldn't turn it down fast enough because these people have no respect for what I hold dear. The Progressive movement is literally the most dangerous ideology any human being could adopt. "It doesn't mean what you think it means" from Princess Bride.
I have a hard time thinking once legalization happens that the gov won't step in on every single solitary thing throughout the grow. Bottom line, you'll have to grow and use the chemicals the gov prescribes. This part of the process will hopefully wake some people up about the overreaching, gigantic, abusive, bureaucracy known as the federal gov. I'd sleep much better if the fed would get out of my life and do what the Constitution originally stated for the states and the fed. This federal monstrosity needs to learn that what we do in our respective states is OUR business not the federal governments. The 10th Amendment was put in there for the very reason the we are beginning to see right before our eyes with this federal gov. They are the most insidious incestuous group of people you'd ever want to meet. If I was invited to the White House and told I would get a personal tour by the President and his wife, I couldn't turn it down fast enough because these people have no respect for what I hold dear. The Progressive movement is literally the most dangerous ideology any human being could adopt. "It doesn't mean what you think it means" from Princess Bride.

As a grower, your REACTION to your own SUSPICION of what the federal government MIGHT do, seems very out of place in a thread about bud washing.

As a Progressive who supports rolling back the Conservative prohibitions on cannabis, I find your analysis of Federal Overreach misdirected (and that's about as polite as I can say it.) You'd be the one saying "Shut the fuck up Donny" from The Big Lebowski
As a grower, your REACTION to your own SUSPICION of what the federal government MIGHT do, seems very out of place in a thread about bud washing.

Maybe... um... lemme think... Maybe Bud Washing enhances the paranoia-inducing qualities of THC? LOL

Sry, that's the best I could come up with.

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Does anyone have any experience with washing buds that have been 'tented' by spider mites?

I have a plant with nice buds that was going ot harvest tonight, and just noticed she is totally infested with spider mites and 10-20% of the buds are 'tented'. I am going to wash the buds but wondering if it work on tented ones or do they just need to be trashed?

Does anyone have any experience with washing buds that have been 'tented' by spider mites?

I have a plant with nice buds that was going ot harvest tonight, and just noticed she is totally infested with spider mites and 10-20% of the buds are 'tented'. I am going to wash the buds but wondering if it work on tented ones or do they just need to be trashed?


They'll wash right off. Don't worry yourself.
I don't foliar feed, so the medium that sticks to the leaves when I turn the plant upside down transplanting to bigger pots never really falls off the plant. That in itself is a good reason for me to do this. I had to do a bud washing this time because crystals from a sulfer evaporator fell onto a small clone of mine, but I didn't realize how much debris was on these:


Lost a few hairs, but it's worth it to me. There wasn't much pot here (estimated between 1/4-1/2 oz. when dry):


I rubbed my hand in the bottom of the first bucket after I slowly emptied it. Then I rubbed my fingers together to dry them, and there wasn't much grit or stickiness to my hand so I'm assuming there wasn't much trich loss there. I cut the branches off one by one and immediately ran them through the buckets and hung them, by the way.

Great thread Doc I enjoyed the read,

Was looking at the freezer cure when I came across this may have to do this instead first. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and wisdom, and we All know how wisdom is gained right... by understanding how to apply the knowledge you've acquired. Thanks again Doc:bravo:.
Oh b4 I get so :lot-o-toke: that I don't even know how to articulate my thoughts on paper I do want to comment on Chinnubie post. When has the "Fed Gov'nt" become a single focused individual? From what I've seen there are more heads in it than what's on a MJ plant. With that being said the federal government is nothing more than a microcosm of this great land as a whole and if we as individuals can't come together under a common cause we may as well give up, because we will destroy what we were charged to nurture. I'm finished preaching.

Join the service, you'll see what I mean, when you Have to trust that, that man of a different skin color or culture or economic upbringing wants to get you home to your family as much as you want to get him his too. "Individuals working together for a common cause".

That's what we do here isn't it?

Here have a :passitleft::peace:
I just washed my buds, thanks to this thread. Thanks everyone for the awesome knowledge. Now that I think about it. It seems so obvious, why didn't I wash sooner? I live in the hood, and my local Mexican Market only had lime juice, but I think its the same as lemon. Turned out good!!


I washed my first bud today to practice and get over the "FEAR" of wetting up my lil "the PRECIOUZ from lord of the rings"! I'm doing the entire harvest when its completed in a couple days. I just used [1] lemon juice hot water for 30 sec, and [2] rinse in room temp water for 30 sec. Some wash is much better than NO wash.... I'm sure eventually all the 420 Masters will PERFECT the TECHNIQUE!!!

I washed my first bud today to practice and get over the "FEAR" of wetting up my lil "the PRECIOUZ from lord of the rings"! I'm doing the entire harvest when its completed in a couple days. I just used [1] lemon juice hot water for 30 sec, and [2] rinse in room temp water for 30 sec. Some wash is much better than NO wash.... I'm sure eventually all the 420 Masters will PERFECT the TECHNIQUE!!!


what is it with people not wanting to use the baking soda? it's very important to use the baking soda! why not do it right? you guys should trust me by now.....
I just harvested my first crop ever and washed it all. And yes I used baking soda, its been curing about a month now and let me tell you it is the best I have ever smoked!!!! Have been smoking for about 35 years.. Thanx Doc!!!!!!! Very good article and a lot of good info!
Hey guys, koncept here. Been lurking this thread throughout my entire first grow and I'm going to wash most of my harvest!
I have not had bugs, I used spray for the first few weeks of veg and my buds developed a pond like smell halfway through the grow (hot water in dwc) but the main reason I'm washing my buds is because of my damn CAT...an all white monster of a CST who has deposited atleast 10 hairs per bud...no lie, its everywhere!
I'm totally used to smoking cat hair in joints because its everywhere, we groom him all the time. It it just fetrs everywhere. I was in a coffeeshop in Amsterdam, wearing brand new clothes with my cat at home in England and STILL found one of its hairs in my joint!
But yeah I will be washing, the question I really want to ask is this....

What light should I keep on !y buds while during for a day or 2? I don't really want to have my big LED light on. Can I use Normal household bulbs?

Harvest time is in 16 hours!
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