BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

I have been snapping away the pics since I started this journal and have really been amazed at how different things can look through a camera. I just have an old point and shoot, so I decided I wanted to try different things to see if I could get better results. So first I tried a tripod. Here's what I got of Critical 47:






Well that was cool and all, but I had the chance to hijack one of these fancy DSLR cameras and see what I could produce. I know nothing about these things, so I set it on auto mode and let it rip. Here's what became of it:




re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

Just look at that. Really nice finish on that 47. The tripod pics without the dslr look the best to me crazily enough.

Yeah, the DSLR seems to give it a fake frostiness that isn't there in person. The 6 year old point and shoot gives it the most true representation when done right. I could probably play with the DSLR settings and get better shots, who knows. I am going to play around with everything next time I have to drench.

Yeah, Critical 47 is a small plant, but was fast to develop. I am very happy with it and can't wait for it to finish here, hopefully in time for Christmas. It was a freebie that I was ok with trashing in case my first grow was a bomb. Really glad it has come through.
re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

With my old eyes, taking lots of pics and sorting them on a monitor allows me to see them in more detail. I've spotted more than a few things in my pics that I never did just visually inspecting.

nice plants.

re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

@BrixNewb :thumb: :bravo:
re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

Thanks everyone. It's my first grow and I have to say that I am happy with how it's come this far. I also have foxtailing on Stacked OG Kush. I have always thought foxtailing was so beautiful. Only able to get one good snap tonight. More tomorrow if I have time.




re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

I can remember my own first HB plants and how great it felt to be turning out such fine results. :bravo:

That's one of the foundations of this method - you just have to be able to follow some instructions. If you can, things will go remarkably well. :cheesygrinsmiley: You'll find yourself giggling. :;): Huh, right? You've giggled, haven't you ... ?
re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

I can remember my own first HB plants and how great it felt to be turning out such fine results. :bravo:

That's one of the foundations of this method - you just have to be able to follow some instructions. If you can, things will go remarkably well. :cheesygrinsmiley: You'll find yourself giggling. :;): Huh, right? You've giggled, haven't you ... ?

Well now I have had my fair share of hiccups, but those had nothing to do with the kit. Although I have had my issues the plants in the kit have just kept on chugging along. I can't say I have giggled, not much of a giggler, but I sure have smiled to myself in amazement. The kit does indeed work. Follow the instructions and keep it moving. Plants show stress? De-Stress foliar. Plants all messed up? Rescue drench. Other than that it's pretty boring.
re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

Well now I have had my fair share of hiccups, but those had nothing to do with the kit. Although I have had my issues the plants in the kit have just kept on chugging along. I can't say I have giggled, not much of a giggler, but I sure have smiled to myself in amazement. The kit does indeed work. Follow the instructions and keep it moving. Plants show stress? De-Stress foliar. Plants all messed up? Rescue drench. Other than that it's pretty boring.

after growing by the book 2,3x it is boring...the results keep improving, the herb and produce become even more WTFIDS amazing! ...its why I play with it.. :)

the kit is friggin amazing..thats not magic when you can control when the plant blooms? I've seen some wild and amazing stuff with this plant and DBHB kit..and I just scratched the surface :)

EDIT: WTFITS = WTF is THIS Sheiiit :)
re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

after growing by the book 2,3x it is boring...the results keep improving, the herb and produce become even more WTFIDS amazing! ...its why I play with it.. :)

the kit is friggin amazing..thats not magic when you can control when the plant blooms? I've seen some wild and amazing stuff with this plant and DBHB kit..and I just scratched the surface :)

Oh you HB growers, maybe you need to keep one plant fed only on miracle grow in vermiculite and perlite to keep you challenged. Honestly I can't wait to be bored! Got roots on clones so will have my first High Brix plants in soil by Friday! And I just want to be bored like you both!
re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

FWIW my shit is not boring at all, and I haven't figured it out yet, but it still turns out good.

It is nice using relatively few ingredients.
re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

Oh you HB growers, maybe you need to keep one plant fed only on miracle grow in vermiculite and perlite to keep you challenged. Honestly I can't wait to be bored! Got roots on clones so will have my first High Brix plants in soil by Friday! And I just want to be bored like you both!

Maybe not bored, but you will be sitting there watching the grass grow.

FWIW my shit is not boring at all, and I haven't figured it out yet, but it still turns out good.

It is nice using relatively few ingredients.

It's pretty easy in my opinion. Pick a day of the week and Brix on that day. Beyond that you water with 1/4 trans and then drench with whatever drench is needed. Stressed plants? De-Stress. They messed up for some reason? Rescue Drench. Once you get the ideology behind it down it's pretty easy.
re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

Well today Mazar and Stacked OG got their second Cat Drench. The leaves are looking a bit ragged, Rescue Drench is in order once they are thirsty again. But the buds continue to soldier on. Very happy with my plants and today I was looking at the trichrome production on buds and just had to get some pictures. They are looking great in my opinion.

Stacked OG




Critical 47

re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

Thanks Dr. Z. Always good to hear it from someone who has walked the path before you. Maybe I can be like you when I grow up!
re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

Hope you dont mind me saying so but you've got some beautiful girls on your hands Brixnewb! really friggin nice! Will definitely be hanging around for the rest of the grow and a smoke report! Already enjoying the ride...cant wait to see whats next! Plus reps! And subbed!

Thanks a lot Big Sparks. I am brand new to this whole thing and I give all credit to Doc Bud's High Brix kit. I have never grown anything before this and this is my absolute first grow. I personally contributed to a few problems and still have a ton to learn, but my plants seem to be doing fine despite my missteps. I look forward to getting better for sure.

Hanging around? Glad to have you man! Everyone is welcome here. I will tell you what's next though, already have it planned out. Up next we will be using the exact same setup to run 4 or 5 autos, the longest of which should finish up within 75 days. Looking to see what kind of weight I can get in 75 days versus about 120 on this grow.

Yesterday I noticed that I had 4 or 5 strands of spider web going from a top to the side of my tallest bud. Did a search and saw no spider mites. Ordered some Neem anyway, looking to do a foliar once it gets here. Today I had two strands. I believe it to be a single spider and not mites, but I rather spray Neem and be cautious. Dicking around in the tent today I took a few pictures. The only ones that came out decent enough to post were Critical 47. She is the dwarf in the tent but I have always been drawn to her for some reason, don't ask me why.




re: BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

Meh, I've had ugly leaves a few times. Nothing to worry about too you can see.


Yeah man, I got some ugly ass leaves but some pretty ass buds on all my plants. I was thinking today that I probably should have used De-Stress, but I hit all three with Rescue Drench and we will see how that goes. Critical 47 seems like it's about done with growing, just waiting on trichromes to get in the zone before I harvest, by the calendar should be around two week. Stacked OG Kush is foxtailing and has plenty of white pistils all over the place, so she has some time. Mazar doesn't appear to be growing too much, pistils still about half white. All of them have some great trichromes all over the place, I am really loving that. I have snipped a few samples for a friend. She tried Critical 47 less than 12 hours after I clipped it off the plant and she said the peppery citrus taste came through unlike anything she had ever smoked. Loved the flavor. She said the high was pretty good on both, so I think I will have some primo bud on my hands with harvesting at the right time and getting a nice dry/cure on them.

In other news I was in the tent procrastinating today and figured out how to get my old ass point and shoot to take decent pictures under the HPS. Here you go:

Critical 47



Stacked OG Kush

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