Well-Known Member
One of the reason's Oregon totally screwed me over. I had the perfect house set up, but this chick/landlord saw that one photo on facejerk even though my account was blocked to the public. I didn't know that people could still see that stuff. Fine now, but it totally screwed me. I get this message the next day after everything is perfect. I cannot rent to you. I'm like why? Everything was perfect.... that photo of the cat is just too disturbing. I couldn't even explain that it was me crawling in a 12" space under my parents victorian to redo their electrical with 2'' of powdery dirt so every time you move your inhaling it, carry that thing out mumified cuz I felt bad for the thing starving to death and dying cuz it couldn't get out of that space. told everyone to not fuck with my cat. Yes, I did put the spike necklace on it to make it punk rock, but I figured I had more respect for that cat than anyone else. Try explaining that to some 30 year old landlord in Portland
I'm a 30 year old landlord in a liberal area too, but your point is taken. I'm also a hunter, and it's hard for me to explain to people how much love abd respect I have for the animals I hunt and eat. I really do hurt a bit inside every time one goes down--it's a hard thing to explain, but believe me, I have NO doubt you loved that cat more than anyone. I have no disillusions about the circle of life, and our place in the food chain, but I find a LOT of younger folks who have grown up progressively more and more insulated from a 'natural life' sure do.
Appreciate your posts Clobber, cheers amigo.