Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

no such thing as a dry heat when your sweating your ass off!! lol i love the cold, but as i grow more and more decrepit the cold is making my arthritic joints like it less and less so i either sweat like a rain bird sprinkler and suffer miserably or hurt and suffer up to the point where i can barly move, catch 22, so i liv where its cheap and i get both situations,, is there a place on earth thats 70f all year???
Yes there is but in different continents bro morocco Marrakech is pretty warm all year long
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

no such thing as a dry heat when your sweating your ass off!! lol i love the cold, but as i grow more and more decrepit the cold is making my arthritic joints like it less and less so i either sweat like a rain bird sprinkler and suffer miserably or hurt and suffer up to the point where i can barly move, catch 22, so i liv where its cheap and i get both situations,, is there a place on earth thats 70f all year???
why yes there is but they wants tons of monies to live there:)
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

no such thing as a dry heat when your sweating your ass off!! lol i love the cold, but as i grow more and more decrepit the cold is making my arthritic joints like it less and less so i either sweat like a rain bird sprinkler and suffer miserably or hurt and suffer up to the point where i can barly move, catch 22, so i liv where its cheap and i get both situations,, is there a place on earth thats 70f all year???

Yes, there is BID. On many a hillside/mountain side in Panama. Just go up until you hit the perfect temperature for you. Have a friend down there that is at 78 degrees year round. :bravo:
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

no such thing as a dry heat when your sweating your ass off!! lol i love the cold, but as i grow more and more decrepit the cold is making my arthritic joints like it less and less so i either sweat like a rain bird sprinkler and suffer miserably or hurt and suffer up to the point where i can barly move, catch 22, so i liv where its cheap and i get both situations,, is there a place on earth thats 70f all year???

San fransisco is a little cooler than that all year.....I love it there.....I love to go to haight and ashbury and watch the freaks...I was at jerry garcias wake/ took hundreds of photos and exposed the film....dumb b--tch!
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Episode...I non responsive to phone calls...had to call police to go by for a welfare check-up...he was drunk..9AM in the morning...they took him to the emergency facility close to his house. I have made the call to petition the courts to declare him a danger to himself and others. (drives while drunk)Waiting for the return call...I hate waiting...

re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Yes, there is BID. On many a hillside/mountain side in Panama. Just go up until you hit the perfect temperature for you. Have a friend down there that is at 78 degrees year round. :bravo:

Nice..........the humidity is probly not as high as usual at that altitude! Probly not so expensive if sort of remote. Panama was a trip, my first international I woulda been on a pleasure trip...rather than the dirty work I was doin!
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Hey hoz, I'm curious as to how many hours a day are under 100 degrees there? I notice that the outdoor plants that are regional do way better than the ones from somewhere else.
I am guess that at the moment it is over 100 for only 5 or 6 hours now, by the end of summer, more like 14! :thedoubletake:

San fransisco is a little cooler than that all year.....I love it there.....I love to go to haight and ashbury and watch the freaks...I was at jerry garcias wake/ took hundreds of photos and exposed the film....dumb b--tch!

Yes, there is BID. On many a hillside/mountain side in Panama. Just go up until you hit the perfect temperature for you. Have a friend down there that is at 78 degrees year round. :bravo:

why yes there is but they wants tons of monies to live there:)
It's ALWAYS about money! :cheesygrinsmiley:

i like that target...eyesight won't let me hitit...:cheesygrinsmiley:
?? Keep reloading!! :rofl: You'll hit it eventually! :cheesygrinsmiley:


Yes there is but in different continents bro morocco Marrakech is pretty warm all year long
True, but who wants to be around people that hate us?

Well said!

Nice..........the humidity is probly not as high as usual at that altitude! Probly not so expensive if sort of remote. Panama was a trip, my first international I woulda been on a pleasure trip...rather than the dirty work I was doin!
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Outdoor Update
As I said yesterday, all the outside girls in flower...
The West Wall



The North Wall




The Corner

All for now. Sorry about the blurry RP! :cheesygrinsmiley:
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Looking very good H. Do you cover or have a cover like green house over your plants? I have my outdoor bed set up and I been shaky about planting some mj out doors with the veggies. Cant no one see them except the eyes of the sky. Thats what im worried about
Thanks WIZ...if I need to cover them or give them more shade, I can build off the front of the boxes to shade the plants. As far as Eye in the Sky check your address with the satellite view on Google for your address. Kinda can tell from those where you will be the most hidden from....
Eye in the Sky

re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

great tune:)
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Worked on the 54 since breakfast. Gonna post the tent shots later tonight when lights go on. Energy usage was up a tiny bit last month with the new AC units and extra light in the tent, but not significantly. I will continue to monitor through the next month to see. It's actually supposed to be cooler next week:yahoo:
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Drive bye. Babies are going to start taking off. Just wanted to see where ya was at with yours. Reps for ya++++ Keepem Green
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Lookin' nice Hoz! As usual. :)
Thanks Kush..the Blue Widow, Jorge's Diamond, and Sour Diesel are all triching up and as usual the MMMF is dragging her ass...BUT she is loaded with buds:cheesygrinsmiley: I think since she was originally born as a strain she has always done better outside, so I may cross her with something that does well inside. The girls outside are sticky, compact tight little buds, so I will harvest them at the end of this month or so, so that at equinox we can begin full veg. :cheesygrinsmiley:
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