Blueberry - Organic Soil - 600W LED - First Grow

So i got the container they were in and flipped it around to give them a boost of 2.5 inches

Hey man...noticed the length of the that a concern..I got one right now that long and lanky!! Im new to this and im not sure if this is ok. I was told on transplant to bury them??
Its not to big of a deal i mean its not ideal but its just when the stems are long like that they are alot weaker and not strong and sturdy but its early on and and got plents of time to fix via support for the stem or planting deeper
Seedlings are resilient! You can turn on your 600w led. Just put it up high and lower it gradually. I've started seeds under my two 450w panels. Idk the true draw but they are bright. In my experience the longer you have a seed under a low watt light the longer it takes to acclimate to a larger light so normally I give them full light as soon as they pop, just higher up. Clones are more sensitive to light and humidity. I've never put a humidity dome for seedlings. Good luck.
Yeah hopefully it will. Im just curious how close can u get the plant to those t5's without doing any damage

Pretty close, just move it a little closer each day.
Seedlings are resilient! You can turn on your 600w led. Just put it up high and lower it gradually. I've started seeds under my two 450w panels. Idk the true draw but they are bright. In my experience the longer you have a seed under a low watt light the longer it takes to acclimate to a larger light so normally I give them full light as soon as they pop, just higher up. Clones are more sensitive to light and humidity. I've never put a humidity dome for seedlings. Good luck.
Ok thanks how many inches were u starting off your led from the seelings?
I don't really measure it. For seeds I just put on the higher side of the manufacturer recommendation maybe a little higher then what it says on the website. If your worried about it you can always double the height the manufacturer recommends and lower it as the plant grows. I normally just do a trial and error type thing. If I see stress I back off. I just transferred a girl from under a 25watt t5 to the panel and they didn't like it so much but when I start seeds under the panel I never have any issues.
I don't really measure it. For seeds I just put on the higher side of the manufacturer recommendation maybe a little higher then what it says on the website. If your worried about it you can always double the height the manufacturer recommends and lower it as the plant grows. I normally just do a trial and error type thing. If I see stress I back off. I just transferred a girl from under a 25watt t5 to the panel and they didn't like it so much but when I start seeds under the panel I never have any issues.
Yeah i think im just going to switch on my led and just pay close attention

Ok so temperatures outside my humidity dome but inside the tent are.
60% humidity & 72F

inside the dome is 74f and 66% humidity with both vents fully open.


so yesterday after work when we were talking about using my ped instead of the t5 and i guess i had did it yesterday but didnt remember i did lol but temp was like 80f and like 90% humidity in the dome.

So today i turned on my exhaust fan on the lowest setting

And thats how i got the temp its at now so ive just been monitering it and making adjustments to get it where i want it. I also added this exhaust duct because before i had everything closed up in there.


NOW for the seedlings.
Blueberry #1 is now 3 3/4 in. Tall

Blueberry #2 is now 2.5 inches tall

Blueberry #3 is now 2 in. Tall

The soil temp on all seedlings is 72.5F
And leaf temp is at 74F on all
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