Blueberry And Harlot

Nine weeks. Still quite a few fresh pistils. I figured she'd be done by now and cut out the nutes already. I may have to give her one more feed....

So she's been 9wks of flowering right? I kinda need a referance for my 3 BB muffins. I thought BB were 55 days on flowering? Hmmm i better recheck my source.
So she's been 9wks of flowering right? I kinda need a referance for my 3 BB muffins. I thought BB were 55 days on flowering? Hmmm i better recheck my source.
I see muffins is more indica-dominant though, so it may finish faster?

Ya, mine is 9 weeks exactly from flip, and she flowered right away. I dropped my lights to 10 1/2 hours today, hoping she'll finish up by next weekend.
Just harvested Blueberry at 10 weeks. 340 grams. I hung the colas up pretty much intact, and I'll use my new Cannabrush to clean them up in a few days when they are dry enough. Thanks @Lady Cannafan as usual for always having the best tips about the best gear!

The sweet scent is gone, replaced by a strong diesel. Hopefully the sweet taste comes out later!

The tops I dried intact are finally ready to trim with my new Cannabrush. Next pic is of the smallest top trimmed. And so on. The buds are very neat, and super-easy to sort. The only resin that came off anywhere was a fine powder on my fingers from breaking off the medium buds and the little bits left on the stem. I just sprinkled it back over the pile of buds.

At the end I was left with about 6 grams of sugar leaf, perfect for cooking, which I normally would either leave on the bud or toss. I put it in a baggie and can't believe the stank that comes off it. Like if diesel was made into a candy. I normally don't care for that diesel scent but it's hard not to like this. It reminded me how in the seventies there was sometimes homegrown that was just leaf. I tried to imagine what we would have thought if we had come across a bag of this homegrown leaf back then, stank and all.

Trimming with the Cannabrush was a lot faster and way less messy than scissors. Plus, I've got to say, it was actually fun. I can't remember thinking that about wet trimming. The results are really nice.

I did sample some of the Blueberry from the smaller bottom branches I had to wet trim when I harvested (since the Cannabrush works best on tops and big buds). Its potent and very motivating, perfect for trimming (lol). The wife sampled it yesterday and spent the afternoon preparing crafts for the kids she's sitting on Tuesday. Not much of a taste yet; I'm hoping it will be as good as the smell.

Nice work Mike! I used a brush last time too and thought it was good and will again next harvest. Yikes that's an outdoor one coming up in October! Hope I have the nerve to hang em wet n wait to see!
It does take quite a while for those whole tops to dry! I do think its overall less work and a bit faster, and definitely more enjoyable and neater than scissors. How big will your outdoor harvest be? @StoneOtter
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