Blue Plant Nutrients - Nirvana's Snow White - 1000w 5x5

5 of 5 this time so on my first pack of seeds I went 9 of 10. Not bad.


Not a bad way to ring in the new year. At least I'm growing again right?
Hm. dual 400w cool tubes maybe? That's probably overkill but you need to consider wattage because of your height limitation. Leds are ideal for a space like that because you can get them in the right shape and also you don't have the heat and height issue near as bad.

Funny I was just looking into 400's... Thanks for the help Doc. Happy New Year everybody! Can't wait to see this grow take off.
That's not run off in the tray btw, I'm not watering them to the point where they drain. I'd say they're drinking maybe a half cup a day. I just like to pour the left over into the tray and let my seed warming mat cook it off to get the humidity up a little bit in there.

I think I might transplant 4/5 today and give the runt another couple days in the solo cup. I'll start with just a little bit of mycorrhizae after they've had a day to recover and then I think I'll start feeding them some very mild BPN a day or so after that.
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