you have a real loser/psyco on your hands, i see a few options, 1. MOVE ! i like this because it saves you the "fight" with her, expensive but what would a person pay to be free that's in jail for 5-10 on a bullshit cannabis/non victim,non "real" crime, rap, most anything i think, (that would be a death sentence for me,givin my health and prison healthcare system) thats why i stay within my states regulations and still behave as if we had no mmj program, but thats me here, , moving pretty much fixes this with much hassle for you, you need to be in a place where you can be a provider for a bunch of patients and/or a big dispensary or a few! so you can have a high plant count for the breeding program, CA.,or CO., AZ, are good AZ needs growers like you, big time green rush right now, something to think about....
2. pay her, but fukk that,she does not deserve to win,and then theres no reason she would stop there, greed and$$ are all thats in her head,my least favorite option by a mile! ,,
3. stay and fight her and reverse the game and get her locked up,with tactics ,$$, restraining orders, etc, her bluff make her show you her pics like jandre said
5. hire a mob enforcer and go old schoolJUST KIDDING DONT DO THAT ITS A BAD IDEA!! I SAID IT JUST FOR FUN, if it were me i would move if possible, good luck with this nightmare situation,!!
you could get another device to access the internet something cheap you can dispose of quickly then low level format before reinstalling your os on your current machine, and a container full of water to drop it in if leo comes busting in would be handy, keep your pics on a mem card you can flush/dispose fast, or you can also keep pics on cd's you store inside a microwave along with the cards and device for quick destruction, (very dangerous! ) but effective!