Blue Dream Deficiency: But What?

I have a small Blue Dream seedling that has been a runt and a weird looking plant from very early on. It's sisters (feminized seeds) are about 2-3x taller and look normal. All the same soil and feeding schedule. Growing in organic self made soil with dry amendments. Waterings have included compost teas.

Could this be a weird pheno thing or is it a deficiency of some sort? I had another plant (different genetics) that was looking similar early on but bounced out of that stage and looks normal and healthy in the new growth.

These are outdoors. They are in 3 gallon pots on a table. They get dappled light in the morning for a couple hours then unfiltered sun the rest of the day. They have been cared for exactly the same as the others. The weird blue Dream initially posted is on the middle left and one of its siblings is to its right and the other behind it on the back left. Both of those look great and have been that way from the get go.

beautiful tray, I’m thinking it got stunted or was just a small pheno but that other bottom picture with curled leaves is not good. It could be that pheno is a lot more sensitive, can you give it more shade? I don’t know!
I could definitely move it and see if that helps it turn around for the better. Thanks for chiming in!
I have a small Blue Dream seedling that has been a runt and a weird looking plant from very early on. It's sisters (feminized seeds) are about 2-3x taller and look normal. All the same soil and feeding schedule. Growing in organic self made soil with dry amendments. Waterings have included compost teas.

Could this be a weird pheno thing or is it a deficiency of some sort? I had another plant (different genetics) that was looking similar early on but bounced out of that stage and looks normal and healthy in the new growth.

Perhaps I’m being naive but it doesn’t look like it’s dying or anything — it’s just weird. What if it’s just a mutant or a dwarf or something that will have especially killer bud? You should hang onto it just to see what happens. Could turn out to be like one of the X-men!
Perhaps I’m being naive but it doesn’t look like it’s dying or anything — it’s just weird. What if it’s just a mutant or a dwarf or something that will have especially killer bud? You should hang onto it just to see what happens. Could turn out to be like one of the X-men!
Funny thing is I was thinking something similar! Lol
improper ph, stressed forsure, possibly too high ppm
I was just reading up on TDS & EC readings for organic soil and deficiency issues. My only response to your thoughts are why weren't the other seedlings affected in a similar fashion? I do think it is an environmental problem because I had another plant (different variety) germinated a couple weeks before and one of those plants had similar issues. It has since made a complete turnaround with all new growth looking normal. I will look back in my journal and see if I did anything different with that one in the beginning and to get it to recover to see if I can find similar comparisons with this plant.
I was just reading up on TDS & EC readings for organic soil and deficiency issues. My only response to your thoughts are why weren't the other seedlings affected in a similar fashion? I do think it is an environmental problem because I had another plant (different variety) germinated a couple weeks before and one of those plants had similar issues. It has since made a complete turnaround with all new growth looking normal. I will look back in my journal and see if I did anything different with that one in the beginning and to get it to recover to see if I can find similar comparisons with this plant.
sounds good bro, looking forward to new pics:) bless you and your poseys!!
I haven't posted about that tiny mutant in a while. She's still looking the same...I am intrigued to see how she will turn out. I haven't topped or done any training. I'm tempted to transplant her into a larger pot and then do a bunch of topping. Any thoughts?
Defoliated a bit and gave her a good top dressing and feeding. She already looks different only after a couple days. Should I defoliate more? I was going to tie the lower limbs a little bit today to open her up more. May just leave her this way though.

Defoliated a bit and gave her a good top dressing and feeding. She already looks different only after a couple days. Should I defoliate more? I was going to tie the lower limbs a little bit today to open her up more. May just leave her this way though.

This is interesting.. forsure stunted for whatever reason..
Maybe its possible it was just a weak seed that ran into issues?
I have no idea, either way would love to see an update picture

Will do. I am definitely due for update pics. Also, in case anyone is wondering I REALLY hate caterpillars! :( I also made some watering mistakes during a few hot days. Urgh...very frustrating. I had surgery on one of my hands and it sucked my energy and motivation. My entire garden suffered. I'll get some pics tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder.
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