Blue Dream CBD: Quadlining & Other Firsts In 2020

Amazing job your doing here! You should post over at the quad journal for more eyes on your questions. Your obviously way better at it than me. I'm gonna up pot soon and really start training. I've been clipping nodes growing out of the bottom of stems and every other node on the first couple so far. I'm also an auto newb but I read you want more light than less. Assuming you only have 1 tent so they're gonna have to be at 12/12. I don't think light cycle effects flowering in autos, meaning you could flip sooner and they will still veg in 12/12 but again, I'm not sure.

What I am sure about is I will never use another grow medium/nutrient system, I'm a Doc Bud "Kit" user for life. It's organic, inexpensive, easy to use and if environment is good and you follow directions you're guaranteed to grow amazing top shelf weed! Some of the smoothest you'll ever smoke. There is unparalleled support right here on the mag from a great group of Brixxers. More info here, DOC BUD's HIGH BRIX BLEND and here, Doc Bud: High Brix Q&A With Pictures
Amazing job your doing here! You should post over at the quad journal for more eyes on your questions. Your obviously way better at it than me. I'm gonna up pot soon and really start training. I've been clipping nodes growing out of the bottom of stems and every other node on the first couple so far. I'm also an auto newb but I read you want more light than less. Assuming you only have 1 tent so they're gonna have to be at 12/12. I don't think light cycle effects flowering in autos, meaning you could flip sooner and they will still veg in 12/12 but again, I'm not sure.

What I am sure about is I will never use another grow medium/nutrient system, I'm a Doc Bud "Kit" user for life. It's organic, inexpensive, easy to use and if environment is good and you follow directions you're guaranteed to grow amazing top shelf weed! Some of the smoothest you'll ever smoke. There is unparalleled support right here on the mag from a great group of Brixxers. More info here, DOC BUD's HIGH BRIX BLEND and here, Doc Bud: High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Thank you weenmeoff, you might be right, I should be asking in the quad journal. I check the High Brix Blend, it's not available in my country right now.. Will check again. Happy day
Hey looks like you are doing a great job, hope you don't mind if I tag along!

And to answer your question - yes those pink sites will produce shoots that will produce bud. Everywhere a fan leaf grows or has grown will produce bud or another branch. If you look closely at the intersection you can see a tiny wisp of hair almost. Those are what flower into buds so be careful when clipping fan leaf stems around them!

Once you get to the edge of your pot or where you want to be horizontally you can start to let everything grow vertically. Once you get to half your desired final height flip and she should at least double in height.

I just finished growing a Blue Dream and her stems were exactly like yours - thick and tough to bend. I snapped a few mains on her while training, all but repairable except one.
Hey looks like you are doing a great job, hope you don't mind if I tag along!

And to answer your question - yes those pink sites will produce shoots that will produce bud. Everywhere a fan leaf grows or has grown will produce bud or another branch. If you look closely at the intersection you can see a tiny wisp of hair almost. Those are what flower into buds so be careful when clipping fan leaf stems around them!

Once you get to the edge of your pot or where you want to be horizontally you can start to let everything grow vertically. Once you get to half your desired final height flip and she should at least double in height.

I just finished growing a Blue Dream and her stems were exactly like yours - thick and tough to bend. I snapped a few mains on her while training, all but repairable except one.
Thank you DeeCee ☀️That's good to know. I'm currently already letting her grow a bit, just little adjusting to become a more even/level canopy. I'm a bit afraid, that she might become too wide, I only have 60cm in width and she is already at 56cm width. So I'm slowing the spread a bit or as far as I can.
Tag along, I'm happy over here documenting and you're welcome to join :hug:
You could let them go vertical now then and then supercrop the secondary shoots that may sprout higher to keep the canopy even if you don't want to go any wider. Check out one of our resident experts link for a tutorial on it:


Also FYI I haven't personally grown autos but I've read that it's best to usually keep them separate from photo periods in flower. Since they flip on their own you can keep them on a 18/6 or 20/4 schedule. When you flip to 12/12 for the Blue dreams the autos MAY not be very productive. But as I said I have no experience with them this is just what I've read in passing.
Here's the first half decent pic I found to help display identifying the bud sites:

You could let them go vertical now then and then supercrop the secondary shoots that may sprout higher to keep the canopy even if you don't want to go any wider. Check out one of our resident experts link for a tutorial on it:


Thank you DeeCee, I just tidied them for the first time in a couple of days, to see how much they would grow without my interference. I did that before reading about your linked post about Supercropping, oh well. I will def. keep that in mind and what a great post and results of InTheShed. After todays defoliation I will now let them go vertical.

Also FYI I haven't personally grown autos but I've read that it's best to usually keep them separate from photo periods in flower. Since they flip on their own you can keep them on a 18/6 or 20/4 schedule. When you flip to 12/12 for the Blue dreams the autos MAY not be very productive. But as I said I have no experience with them this is just what I've read in passing.

That's my worries too, but on the other side I knew that I won't provide ideal conditions for the two of them. Too curious to try them :) So, not looking at yield too much, but rather the plant. Still undecided on training or not. I probably top them, let them grow out a bit and then switch to flower. I will see how they like it.

Here's the first half decent pic I found to help display identifying the bud sites:

Funny enough, I've started drawing the growing along the arms and shutes and nodes and buds etc. a couple of days ago. Now is a good time to learn and understand that pattern. In my previous grows, I never really looked at that with any interest.

Will later post an update. Happy day and thanks ☀️
No problem, I just started up a new grow where I will be quadlining 7 plants, feel free to stop by anytime! Link is in my signature

Keep up the good work!
UPDATE - 3 days of rest & starting freshly defoliated into week 8

I haven't touched her since after my last post, that was 4 days ago. She liked it and showed lots of new growth. Here's a little catch-up from last time:

LEFT: Day 47 - from last post RIGHT: Day 51 (today)

She took well to not being touched :) She is also nicely even/level, still some catching up of inner canopy, but much better.

Today I gave her another defoliation, tidied mostly the underarms, removed lower bud sides and leaves. I plan on letting her grow up a bit now, to have a rough idea, of how tall/wide she might get. Maybe another 2 weeks, I will see :)

Happy with her now, was getting little yellow tips, very tiny, switched to water only for a little, today back on some Biobizz Fish, Heaven and Activera.

Trying to still systematically remove leaf-bud-sections, in threes :)

Out of the tent & freshly tidied.

Found some roots grow out the side of the fabric pot. I guess that is a good sign, Hi Roots :p

Back in the tent again (two little ones are on Day 8/15 from seed)

That's it for now. Happy day ☀️


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UPDATE - DAY 60 Week 9 - 4 days of "just" letting her grow

Here's a little catch-up from 4 days ago on the left. The right photo shows her from this morning on Day 60, mid-week 9.

The inner bits have grown nicely, she got so bushy, I got scared for a second, how she might look when stretching

Also, somehow it was a good thing to lose one of her arms and make her a TRI-line, imagine from the next photo, how huge she would be with a 4th arm??? Hahahaa :D It's gonna be a crowded house, whoohoooo.

This morning on Day 60 I decided to tidy her up a bit. She was too bushy and potential sweating of leaves was about to happen. Mostly removing leaves that are growing inside the inner canopy but leaving alone the outside leaves that are growing and not covering any bud sides. The inside of the canopy is currently filled with small growth. Don't think it will make it to the top, but can decide to remove it after stretching. Until then, I will continue to remove leaves for better airflow and only slightly adjust training.
Hoooray, she's doing well :circle-of-love:


This mornings' view - Day 60 - Week 9


Before and After defoliation - Day 60 - Week 9

Have a good week everyone ☀️


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UPDATE - DAY 66 Week 10 - Another 6 days of "just" letting her grow

Since I didn't have a lot of time to take care of her, I let grow another 6 days with no training.

Quick recap from Day 60 from my last post (left) to Day 66 (right):

I got a bit overwhelmed by the sheer bit of leaves and bottom growth. Thinking about her size gain in flower, I'm a bit scared The side arms in this photo look a bit uneven, but they grow rather long/broad than high.

Looking from the top, I could not see any stems, that photo is from today as well = Day 66

(The bottom two autoflowers have joined the TRI-line club as well, I don't seem to be able to contain a QUAD-line :D)

I started to supercrop the three main arms top bit. I am currently going with gentle bends, since I did a lot of defolitation today. Also removed some bottom growth, the little flumsy growth in the back of the photo on the right. So not too much stress.

After all that readjusting and defoliating, she got a good 3l watering with good nutrients. I use the BioBizz Line and have seen good results with going 1/2 to 1/3 of rec. dose and adding their supplements Activera and Heaven. I also toggle waterings, one with one without food. I noticed some clawing of some leaves though, no yellow tips or anything... Could be too much nitrogen? Not really worrying yet, but I will monitor that.
She started smelling really strong, would love to know if I could use the leaves from defoliation for something.
In regards to flowering, my two Autoflowers will slowly enter pre-flower (one did already) and as soon as they are IN flower, I will switch the lights to 12:12 wohoooo The last photo of this post shows her after Defoliation on Day 66. She still looks super bushy, but I can't harvest all her leaves, at least I'd be afraid of stressing her too much. Another 4 days to go to finish 10 weeks of vegetation, wow.

Exciting times ahead. Everyone stay healthy and go find some peace with your plants
Happy Sunday ☀️
I started to supercrop the three main arms

Wow I can't even count how many tops you have on this plant! lol I can understand why you cropped the 3 mains... you really had only three options... top, crop or train. Training not a very good option because it's already so WIDE. Topping or cropping will work to break their dominance and give the zillion mini-tops more energy.

I wouldn't expect a very tall plant, but very wide and dense. In a couple weeks those skinny secondary branches should fatten up a little and then on to flower. Grats it looks great!
Wow I can't even count how many tops you have on this plant! lol I can understand why you cropped the 3 mains... you really had only three options... top, crop or train. Training not a very good option because it's already so WIDE. Topping or cropping will work to break their dominance and give the zillion mini-tops more energy.

I wouldn't expect a very tall plant, but very wide and dense. In a couple weeks those skinny secondary branches should fatten up a little and then on to flower. Grats it looks great!
That's what 10 weeks of vegetation does to a TRI-line apparently haha I have the worst timing in my tent and feel a little bad about it, but then again, what can I do now, ay :D I hope she doesn't get any wider to be honest, 60cm is the limit. That way I can try cropping, that's good. Have a good Sunday Brian ☀️

PS: Made another batch of creams/salves (added homemade thieves oil, it's amazing) and two tiny oil roll-ons with oils.

Gave all my mom and dad to try :circle-of-love: On her worst arthritis finger (it's not straight anymore) she put on a grapeseed oil with 20mg and a little thieves oil added. After 10 minutes her starting pain was away :love: She will try them now for the next weeks and then provides feedback in everyday use. Happy me and thank you.
Looking good Steff! Now that you made it to flip I would suggest trying to leave her alone for at least 2 weeks to let her stretch. You’ll want some height on her now so you get nice long buds and defoliating can stunt the stretch. She’s gonna be a beauty!
Looking good Steff! Now that you made it to flip I would suggest trying to leave her alone for at least 2 weeks to let her stretch. You’ll want some height on her now so you get nice long buds and defoliating can stunt the stretch. She’s gonna be a beauty!
Thank you DeeCee :) I haven't made the flip yet, probably next week. I'm still waiting for two Autoflowers to catch up. Would you recommend one last defoliation before I make the switch to 12:12 though? Thank you and happy day ☀️
Personally I would leave it alone right now, no tying, no defoliating so that when you flip it is healthy and happy and ready to spring into flower. After 3 weeks when she is no longer growing vertically do another defoliation of any fans blocking bud sites and then no more mass defols until the end, maybe plucking a leaf or two here and there a few days a week if they start shading bud sites.

Some people will supercrop during the stretch of any branches get too carried away as well. I don’t have experience with it though.
Hi Steff, I followed you here from the Quadlining thread. Hope you don't mind if I follow your grow. Looking great so far! I hope to try quadlining on my upcoming indoor grow
Hi McRib and welcome :) Def. try it out, it's fun and the people here are lovely to help. For me, I flipped her today, well it's her last day as a veggie today. Tomorrow she has her first day after the Flip, wohoooo. Happy day ☀️

Day 70 - Last Day of Veg (she is 26cm in height without the pot)

Day 70 - look from below

6 Days after the Flip (Day 76)

First pistols??? 6 Days after the Flip (Day 76)

Good morning everyone ☀️
The first week of flower is over, for both of us :D. The big stretch has not happened yet... But I found a first couple of pistols yeay. I guess she still needs some time adjusting to the Flowering phase. She looks a bit light green, so I gave her a bigger feeding yesterday. Excited to see her form bud sites, it's my first photoperiod plant, so this is all new and exciting.

As you can see on the 3rd photo, my 2 Autoflowers I tried to train and they became a TRI-line as well. I seem to be too rough bending, I don't know, but they always rip. Anyway, they are taking the 12 hours light surprisingly well, they look proper.

Have a happy day ☀️


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