LED Loft Grow #1 Haze Kush Glue

All uppotted, hopefully not too much stress for em. Potted in biobizz light mix with a half dose of ecothrive charge. Fingers crossed .

Looking good
So... its been a couple of weeks or so. All the ladies have been transplanted. Topped twice and some minor lollipopping. They seem to have bounced back nicely each time. I've put my scrog in place. Although after reading a few threads I think I might push it down so it about 12" above soil level. But so far I'm really happy with how they're looking! Any tips or advice greatly received

So... its been a couple of weeks or so. All the ladies have been transplanted. Topped twice and some minor lollipopping. They seem to have bounced back nicely each time. I've put my scrog in place. Although after reading a few threads I think I might push it down so it about 12" above soil level. But so far I'm really happy with how they're looking! Any tips or advice greatly received

Looks good. Only thing I can see ,are those pots sitting on cold floor?
If so might need to raise them. Otherwise looks like your on track for a fantastic grow. Nice work.
Looks good. Only thing I can see ,are those pots sitting on cold floor?
If so might need to raise them. Otherwise looks like your on track for a fantastic grow. Nice work.
Hi Bill! Ive got them sat on saucers. Do you think that's OK? I did have six plants in there but I was a bit worried about over crowding. So ones come out and I've popped her under some t5s and might take some clones. Thanks man, i feel like its gone well so far and I've enjoyed it so much already! Thanks for ya help man.
Hi Bill! Ive got them sat on saucers. Do you think that's OK? I did have six plants in there but I was a bit worried about over crowding. So ones come out and I've popped her under some t5s and might take some clones. Thanks man, i feel like its gone well so far and I've enjoyed it so much already! Thanks for ya help man.
The floor in my flower room was concrete. I couldn't keep the pots above 18c so I put in a sub floor with an air gap i circulate air under.
If the saucer is on concrete it will bring temp down in the pot.
Roots have a hard time at cooler temps. Styrofoam sm under tent or even just under the pots would help.
So... its been a couple of weeks or so. All the ladies have been transplanted. Topped twice and some minor lollipopping. They seem to have bounced back nicely each time. I've put my scrog in place. Although after reading a few threads I think I might push it down so it about 12" above soil level. But so far I'm really happy with how they're looking! Any tips or advice greatly received

Looking mighty fine
Cheers man! Yeah thats my main concern. Just been fed today. Might make that the last of the grow nutrients and flip in a few days! Exciting stuff man!!
I've never used a net so I wouldn't no how it works I quadaline or just top them with abit of lst my peyote cookies hasn't got no bigger than half a meter but buds look amazing lol
Day 2 of flower.
Really pleased with how its all going atm.Temp and humidity have been great. Still tucking the taller tops under to let some others catch up. Getting rid the ones that won't. Got nice airflow underneath with a fan under the canopy. Gonna put another scrog up soon for extra support. Happy happy days!!

Day 2 of flower.
Really pleased with how its all going atm.Temp and humidity have been great. Still tucking the taller tops under to let some others catch up. Getting rid the ones that won't. Got nice airflow underneath with a fan under the canopy. Gonna put another scrog up soon for extra support. Happy happy days!!

Looking good bro
Week 1 day 6 of flower. All looking happy so far. I'm feeding 1lt water with nutes each, every other day at the moment. . AN bloom a and b with a half dose of calmag once a week. Temp and humidity don't seem to need any help atm. Still taking bit by bit, anything not receiving light or likely to,from the under canopy. Think I'm doing ok for my first. Learning loads thanks to you lot!


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