Sorry for the long vacancy on my end you guys!! I don’t have anything growing right now but thinking about dropping a seed sometime in the near future!!
I had to shut my tent down as it was getting to be too much of a chore and didn’t want to ruin a hobby.
I also was focussing on everything I was trying to get done over the summer. I didn’t get everything finished I wanted to, but did get a lot done.
I recently quit smoking cigarettes what is almost a month ago now, and due to some unforeseen circumstances, I’m having a hard time staying focussed on that.
My grandma passed away due to covid last week. It’s very sad and not fair. She was in the hospital for something else and the hospital had an outbreak of covid. She ended up catching it and passing away by her self because no one was able to see her. It’s very sad and not fair. Hug you’re loved ones and hold them close!! You never know when it’s going to be the last time seeing them!!
Take care everyone!!